Section: Dissemination


Articles and contents

Véronique Cortier. Some interactions (in collaboration with P. Gaudry and S. Glondu) with France Culture to improve an online article on e-voting.

Steve Kremer co-authored (with L. Mé, D. Rémy and V. Roca) Inria's White Book on Cybersecurity [27].

Steve Kremer In Horizon - The EU Research and Innovation Magazine: Online voting isn't ready for high-stakes elections, Avril 2019.

Steve Kremer, Ludovic Mé, Didier Rémy, and Vincent Roca. In Blog Binaire - Le Monde. La cybersécurité aux multiples facettes.

Steve Kremer. Le vote électronique. Chapter of the book “Treize défis pour la Cybersécurité” édited by CNRS. To appear in January 2020.

Interview with Science & Vie Junior about 5G security (J. Dreier, in “Pourquoi la 5G va tout changer”, Science & Vie Junior, Juillet 2019)

Lucca Hirschi, Ralf Sasse, Jannik Dreier in ERCIM News 2019. “Security Issues in the 5G Standard and How Formal Methods Come to the Rescue”.


Invited conference at the Espace des sciences, Rennes (audience of about 300 people, 5K+ views on Youtube), October, 22nd, 2019 (V. Cortier)

“breakfast” in the Senat, on Cybersecurity, organized by OPECST / Académie des sciences / Académie de médecine, June 19th, 2019. (V. Cortier)

How to explain security protocols with Playmobil, group of high school students interns for a week, February 3rd, 2019, (V. Cortier)