Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners
Collaboration with David Basin, Ralf Sasse and Lara Schmid (ETH Zurich), Cas Cremers (Helmholtz Center for Information Security (CISPA)), and Sasa Radomirovic (Univ Dundee) on the improvement of the TAMARIN prover
Collaboration with David Basin and Lara Schmid (ETH Zurich) on the study of the security impact of the bulletin board in e-voting protocols
Collaboration with Guillaume Girol (CEA), David Basin, Ralf Sasse (ETH Zurich), Dennis Jackson (Univ Oxford), and Cas Cremers (Helmholtz Center for Information Security (CISPA)) on a new security analysis framework for the Noise language
Collaboration with Ravishankar Borgaonkar (Sintef), Shinjo Park, and Altaf Shaik (TU Berlin) on the study of practical privacy attacks in mobile communication
Collaboration with Matteo Maffei (Univ Wien) on type systems for e-voting systems
Collaboration with Bogdan Warinschi (Univ Bristol) on defining game-based privacy for e-voting protocols
Collaboration with Robert Künnemann (CISPA, Germany) on the development of the SAPIC tool
Collaboration with Gilles Barthe (MPI for Security and Privacy, Germany) on the automation of computer-aided cryptographic proofs
Collaboration with Paliath Narendran's group (SUNY Albany) on automated deduction
Collaboration with Serdar Erbatur (LMU, Germany) and Andrew Marshall (Univ Mary Washington, USA) on decision procedures for combined equational theories
Collaboration with Hanifa Boucheneb's group (Polytechnique Montreal) on model-checking of collaborative systems
Collaboration with John Mullins's group (Polytechnique Montreal) on information hiding