Section: New Results
The Security Properties of a PDMS (Axis 1)
Participants : Nicolas Anciaux [correspondent] , Luc Bouganim, Philippe Pucheral, Iulian Sandu Popa, Guillaume Scerri.
Different Personal Data Management Systems (PDMS) solutions are emerging in both academia and industry. In terms of functionality and security properties, PDMS solutions differ significantly from traditional Data Base Management Systems (DBMS). In a journal article published in Information Systems this year [3], we take stock of the functionality and security of PDMS solutions, propose five very specific security properties to be achieved and provide a preliminary architecture to meet them based on secure hardware [3]. We also presented as a tutorial at VLDB'19 [4] and a keynote at APVP'19 a review of the literature on database and security on data management issues for secure hardware and new research directions for privacy preserving management of personal data.