Section: New Results
Manifest-based Framework for Secure Decentralized Queries (Axis 2)
Participants : Riad Ladjel [correspondent] , Nicolas Anciaux, Philippe Pucheral, Guillaume Scerri.
The PDMS context calls for a new decentralized way of handling processing. The challenge is to allow generic treatment of large populations of PDMS, with a double objective: to preserve the mutual trust of individuals in their PDMS, and to guarantee an honest result (calculated on the right data, with the right code). To achieve this goal, our approach introduces a computational 'manifest', stipulating its execution plan and the privacy clauses (e.g., collection rules) to be guaranteed at runtime, based on trusted hardware (e.g., Intel SGX processor). Our contributions consist of (1) a protocol for randomly assigning compute tasks to participants to prevent targeted attacks, (2) a mechanism guaranteeing global compute integrity through local-only checks (without centralized trusted third party) and (3) database countermeasures limiting the impact of hidden channel attacks from corrupted participants. These contributions resulted in articles in TrustCom'19 [7] and ISD'19 [6]. Our approach guarantees confidentiality and processing integrity, it is generic and scalable, and goes far beyond existing approaches (e.g., secure multiparty computing or differential privacy).