Section: New Results
OwnCare Inria Inovation Lab
Participants : Philippe Pucheral [correspondent] , Nicolas Anciaux, Luc Bouganim, Laurent Schneider.
The OwnCare IILab was created in January 2018 (see section: Bilateral Contracts with Industry) and involves the Hippocad SME and the PETRUS team around the management of medical-social data at patient’s home. The objective is to build a fully decentralized and highly secure personal medical-social folder based on PlugDB, and deploy it at large scale. Besides this industrial objective, the goal is also to leverage and validate the PETRUS research contributions related to secured Personal Cloud architectures. Before the creation of the OwnCare IILab initiative, PlugDB was an advanced research prototype. It is now evolving towards a transferable product. To reach this state, a considerable effort has been made in terms of development, testing platform, validation procedures and documentation. PlugDB engine is regularly registered at APP (Agence de Protection des Programmes), for both the PlugDB hardware datasheets and the code of the PlugDB-engine. The next PlugDB code registration will cover all functionalities added since the beginning of the IILab, notably: dynamic upgrade of the embedded code, TPM-based secure boot, ad-hoc embedded stored procedures, RBAC-style access control model, aggregate computation, SSL certificate management, event/error logging mechanism. Some of these developments are highly challenging considering the embedded context and the energy consumption constraints we have to face (the current device hosting PlugDB is based on two microcontrollers – MCU – powered by small batteries). Typically, we had to implement the first coupling between a TPM and a STM MCU, a lightweight version of SSL that accommodates MCU resources and energy-saving synchronization protocols between 2 MCU.