Section: Dissemination
Internal or external Inria responsibilities
A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia is a member of the bureau du comité des équipes-projets (BCEP)
P. Joly is a member of the commission consultative paritaire scientifique of Inria
M. Kachanovska is a member of the comité scientifique of Inria-Saclay
Permanent members of POEMS are involved in the management of the engineering program at ENSTA Paris, the program in applied mathematics at IP Paris, the master 2 program "Analyse, Modélisation et Simulation" (M1 AMS) and the master 2 program "Modélisation et Simulation en Mécanique des Structures et Systèmes Couplés" (M2 MS2SC) of Université Paris-Saclay:
L. Bourgeois: co-chair 1A ENSTA until August 2019; co-responsible 2A ENSTA since Septembre 2019; co-chair of the M1 in applied mathematics since Septembre 2019;
P. Ciarlet: co-chair 3A ENSTA; deputy head of the M2 AMS until August 2019; coordinator of the master program in applied mathematics at IP Paris;