Section: Research Program

Multi-Scale Analysis and Visualization

Participants : Vincent Danjean, Guillaume Huard, Arnaud Legrand, Jean-Marc Vincent, Panayotis Mertikopoulos.

As explained in the previous section, the first difficulty encountered when modeling large scale computer systems is to observe these systems and extract information on the behavior of both the architecture, the middleware, the applications, and the users. The second difficulty is to visualize and analyze such multi-level traces to understand how the performance of the application can be improved. While a lot of efforts are put into visualizing scientific data, in comparison little effort have gone into to developing techniques specifically tailored for understanding the behavior of distributed systems. Many visualization tools have been developed by renowned HPC groups since decades (e.g., BSC [91], Jülich and TU Dresden [90], [61], UIUC [79], [94], [82] and ANL [107], Inria Bordeaux [67] and Grenoble [109], ...) but most of these tools build on the classical information visualization mantra [99] that consists in always first presenting an overview of the data, possibly by plotting everything if computing power allows, and then to allow users to zoom and filter, providing details on demand. However in our context, the amount of data comprised in such traces is several orders of magnitude larger than the number of pixels on a screen and displaying even a small fraction of the trace leads to harmful visualization artifacts [86]. Such traces are typically made of events that occur at very different time and space scales, which unfortunately hinders classical approaches. Such visualization tools have focused on easing interaction and navigation in the trace (through gantcharts, intuitive filters, pie charts and kiviats) but they are very difficult to maintain and evolve and they require some significant experience to identify performance bottlenecks.

Therefore many groups have more recently proposed in combination to these tools some techniques to help identifying the structure of the application or regions (applicative, spatial or temporal) of interest. For example, researchers from the SDSC [89] propose some segment matching techniques based on clustering (Euclidean or Manhattan distance) of start and end dates of the segments that enables to reduce the amount of information to display. Researchers from the BSC use clustering, linear regression and Kriging techniques [98], [85], [78] to identify and characterize (in term of performance and resource usage) application phases and present aggregated representations of the trace [97]. Researchers from Jülich and TU Darmstadt have proposed techniques to identify specific communication patterns that incur wait states [104], [54]