Section: Dissemination


Patrick Loiseau wrote with Oana Goga an article “Publicité en Ligne : reprenons la main !”, that was co-published co-published by the blog Binaire (Le Monde) and The Conversation France, June 3, 2019.

Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • B. Gaujal is a member of the CR2 hiring committee in Grenoble.

  • J.-M. Vincent is in charge of the relation Rectorat / Inria-Grenoble for the organization of scientific events (Festival of Science, Schools Visits, organization of Conference Cycles on research in CS and Applied Mathematics for teachers in Colleges)

  • J.-M. Vincent is

    • Member of the national coordination of the Diplôme Inter-Universitaire “Enseigner l’Informatique au Lycée” (50 universities involved).

    • Local Head of DIU EIL ine Academy of Grenoble

    • Member of the organization of the teaching sessions for all the teachers in CS coming from abroad

    • Member of the national Commission Inter-Irem in Informatics

    • Member of the first national jury for the competitive recruitment of teachers in computer science (Capes NSI 2019-20)

Articles and contents

Arnaud Legrand participated in the writing of a book [39] on Reproducible Research, which aims at helping students and engineers and researchers to find efficient and accessible ways leading them to improve their reproducible research practices.


  • V. Danjean is the head of the DU ISN formation (Diplôme Universitaire Informatique et Sciences du Numérique)

  • V. Danjean co-organized the new DIU EIL formation (Diplôme Inter-Universitaire Enseigner l'Informatique au Lycée). He is involved both at the national level (for the coordination and the definition of the content of this formation provided in more than 30 universities in France), and at the local level (coordination of the local teams, courses scheduling, conference organization, ...)


  • V. Danjean participated in “La Fête de la Science”, animating several sessions of “unplugged computer science”

  • P. Loiseau co-rganized and animated a workshop “IA, éthique et société”, Forum Ecobiz Grenoble, October 2019.

  • P. Loiseau participated in a debate “Ethique et numérique : quels enjeux sociétaux ?”. Festival Transfo, Grenoble, France, January 2019.