Section: New Results
Towards a generic framework for black-box explanation methods
Participants : Daniel Le Métayer, Clément Hénin.
Explainability has generated increased interest during the last decade because the most accurate ML techniques often lead to opaque Algorithmic Decision Systems (ADS) and opacity is a major source of mistrust. Indeed, even if explanations are not a panacea, they can play a key role, not only to enhance trust in the system, but also to allow its users to better understand its outputs and therefore to make a better use of it. In addition, they are necessary to make it possible to challenge the decisions resulting from an ADS. Explanations can take different forms, they can target different types of users and different types of methods can be used to produce them. Our work on this topic [15] focuses on a category of methods, called “black-box”, that do not make any assumption about the availability of the code of the ADS or its implementation techniques. Our first contribution is to bring to light a common structure for Black-box Explanation Methods and to define a generic framework allowing us to compare and classify different approaches. This framework consists of three components, called respectively Sampling, Generation and Interaction. Beyond its interest as a systematic presentation of the state of the art, we believe that this framework can also provide new insights for the design of new explanation systems. For example, it may suggest new combinations of Sampling and Generation components or criteria to choose the most appropriate combination to produce a given type of explanation.