Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
We have an on-going contract with SNCF on scheduling of rolling-stock. The PhD thesis of Mohamed Benkirane is part of this contract.
Following the PhD thesis of Rodolphe Griset, our collaboration with EDF has continued through a new contract within Inria Tech. Its goal is to investigate the possibility of developing an operational prototype (called Fenix) for strategic planning of nuclear plant outages. Two scientific questions are raised. The first one concerns the new mechanisms of management of the power capacity market on the French power grid. The second one is about a new model of the stock variation during a refueling operation, which requires information of several previous production campaigns.
We also have a contract with RTE to develop strategies inspired from stochastic gradient methods to speed-up Benders' decomposition. The PhD thesis of Xavier Blanchot is part of this contract.
We have a contract with Thales Avionique to study a robust scheduling problem.