Section: New Results
Affine Invariant Covariance Estimation for Heavy-Tailed Distributions
In this work we provide an estimator for the covariance matrix of a heavy-tailed multivariate distribution. We prove that the proposed estimator admits an affine-invariant bound of the form
in high probability, where S is the unknown covariance matrix, and is the positive semidefinite order on symmetric matrices. The result only requires the existence of fourth-order moments, and allows for where is a measure of kurtosis of the distribution, d is the dimensionality of the space, n is the sample size, and is the desired confidence level. More generally, we can allow for regularization with level , then d gets replaced with the degrees of freedom number. Denoting the condition number of S, the computational cost of the novel estimator is , which is comparable to the cost of the sample covariance estimator in the statistically interesting regime . We consider applications of our estimator to eigenvalue estimation with relative error, and to ridge regression with heavy-tailed random design.