Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Adrien Taylor, ICCOPT session organizer: Performance Estimation of First-Order Methods (with F. Glineur), Splitting Methods and Applications (Part I) (with P. Giselsson and E. Ryu), Splitting Methods and Applications (Part III) (with P. Giselsson and E. Ryu).
Scientific Events: Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Alexandre d'Aspremont, co-organizer, Les Houches Workshop on Optimization and Machine Learning, March 2019.
Scientific Events: Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Most of the team referees for the major machine learning conferences such as NIPS, AISTATS, ICML.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Alexandre d’Aspremont: SIAM Journal on Optimization, Associate Editor
Alexandre d’Aspremont: SIAM Journal on the Mathematics of Data Science, Associate Editor
Alexandre d’Aspremont: Mathematical Programming B, Associate Editor
Alexandre d’Aspremont: Mathematics of Operations Research, Associate Editor
Francis Bach: Journal of Machine Learning Research, co-editor-in-chief
Francis Bach: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Associate Editor.
Francis Bach: Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Associate Editor
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Adrien Taylor, reviewer for SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (SINUM).
Adrien Taylor, reviewer for SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT).
Adrien Taylor, reviewer for International Conference on Machine Learning 2019 (ICML19).
Invited Talks
Alexandre d'Aspremont, CIMI Workshop, Toulouse, October 2019.
Alexandre d'Aspremont, France-Germany-Swiss Optimization conference, Nice, September 2019.
Francis Bach,Optimization workshop, Les Houches, March 2019.
Francis Bach, AI Global summit, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2019.
Francis Bach, ETH Data science seminar, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2019.
Francis Bach, ETH Imaging workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2019.
Francis BACH, ICIAM invited session, Valencia, Spain, July 2019.
Francis Bach, Workshop on covariance operators, Germany, Berlin, September 2019.
Francis Bach, GAMM Workshop COMinDS2019, Berlin, Germany, October 2019.
Francis Bach, DIMS workshop, Leipzig, Germany, November 2019.
Francis Bach, Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, December 2019.
Adrien Taylor, SPOT optimization seminar, Toulouse, February 2019.
Adrien Taylor, Optimization workshop, Les Houches, March 2019.
Adrien Taylor, CWI Network & Optimization Seminar, Amsterdam, April 2019.
Adrien Taylor, Summer school on Optimization (MIPT & HSE), Moscow, June 2019.
Alessandro Rudi, Recent developments on kernel methods, RKM 2019 (Sept. 2019, London, UK)
Alessandro Rudi, Data, Learning and Inference meeting, DALI 2019 (Sept. 2019, San Sebastian, Spain)
Alessandro Rudi,32nd European Meeting of Statisticians, EMS 2019 (July 2019 , Palermo, Italy)
Alessandro Rudi,Applied Inverse Problems Conference, AIP 2019 (July 2019, Grenoble, France)
Alessandro Rudi, Imaging and Machine Learning Conference (April 2019, Paris, France)
Alessandro Rudi, Seminar on the Mathematics of Imaging (March 2019, Paris, France)