Section: New Software and Platforms
Acquisition of multi-view sequences for Free viewpoint Television
Participants : Laurent Guillo, Thomas Maugey.
The scientific and industrial community is nowadays exploring new multimedia applications using 3D data (beyond stereoscopy). In particular, Free Viewpoint Television (FTV) has attracted much attention in the recent years. In those systems, user can choose in real time its view angle from which he wants to observe the scene. Despite the great interest for FTV, the lack of realistic and ambitious datasets penalizes the research effort. The acquisition of such sequences is very costly in terms of hardware and working effort, which explains why no multi-view videos suitable for FTV has been proposed yet.
In the context of the project ADT ATeP 2016-2018 (funded by Inria), such datasets were acquired and some calibration tools have been developed. First 40 omnidirectional cameras and their associated equipments have been acquired by the team (thanks to Rennes Metropole funding). We have first focused on the calibration of this camera, i.e., the development of the relationship between a 3D point and its projection in the omnidirectional image. In particular, we have shown that the unified spherical model fits the acquired omnidirectional cameras. Second, we have developed tools to calibrate the cameras in relation to each other. Finally, we have made a capture of 3 multiview sequences that have been made available to the community via a public web site. In 2019, we have published and presented our dataset at the ACM MMSys conference [28].
CLIM processing toolbox
Participants : Pierre Allain, Christine Guillemot, Laurent Guillo.
As part of the ERC Clim project, the EPI Sirocco is developing a light field processing toolbox. The toolbox and libraries are developed in C++ and the graphical user interface relies on Qt. As input data, this tool accepts both sparse light fields acquired with High Density Camera Arrays (HDCA) and denser light fields captured with plenoptic cameras using microlens arrays (MLA). At the time of writing, in addition to some simple functionalities, such as re-focusing, change of viewpoints, with different forms of visualization, the toolbox integrates more advanced tools for scene depth estimation from sparse and dense light fields, for super-ray segmentation and scene flow estimation, and for light field denoising and angular interpolation using anisotropic diffusion in the 4D ray space. The toolbox is now being interfaced with the C/C++ API of the tensorflow platform, in order to execute deep models developed in the team for scene depth and scene flow estimation, view synthesis, and axial super-resolution.