Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Eva Reiner (Germany), intern in the Translational Vaccinology axis (March-July 2019)

  • Aaron Sonabend, PhD student from Harvard University, collaborator in the High-dimensional statistical learning axis (June-August 2019) funded by the Harvard Rose Fellowship.

Visits to International Teams

Research Stays Abroad
  • Boris Hejblum did a research stay at the Biostatistics Unit of The Medical Research Council at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK) for a cumulative period of 1.5 month in 2019. This stay was devoted to collaborative work with Paul DW Kirk on scalalble bayesian computational methods.

  • Boris Hejblum did a research stay at the Rand Corporation (offices in both Santa Monica CA and Boston MA) and at the Harvard Medical School (Boston MA, USA) for a cumulative period of 2 weeks in 2019. This stay was devoted to collaborative work with Denis Agniel in the context of the SWAGR Associate Team and with Tianxi Cai on high-dimensional statistical inference.

  • Mélanie Prague did a research stay abroad in Harvard.