Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Contract with ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency (, within a collaboration with FCBA (, Arvalis (, Terres Univia (, and Terres Inovia ( Design and development of an interactive spreadsheet application for scenarizing non-food biomass flows in France, from production to consumption (energy and non-energy uses). Visualization in the form of Sankey diagrams.
Contract with Aura-EE (Energy and Environment Agency of the Auvergne–Rhône-Alpes Region (, within the Interreg Alpine Region program. Estimation of material flows within the wood supply chain in the Alps European Region.
Contract with Aura-EE within the European project IMEAS. Estimation of wood flows between the Vercors Regional Natural Parc and the Grenoble metropolitan area.