Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Nathalie Bertrand, Advanced Algorithms (ALGO2), 20h, L3, Univ Rennes 1, France;

  • Licence: Loïc Hélouët, JAVA and algorithms, L2, 40h, INSA de Rennes, France.

  • Master: Éric Badouel, Logic and argumentation, 32h, Univ Yaoundé I, Cameroon.

  • Master: Nathalie Bertrand, Language Theory; Algorithms, 20h, Agrégation, ENS Rennes, France.

  • Master: Éric Fabre, Models and Algorithms for Distributed Systems (MADS), 10h, M2, Univ Rennes 1, France;

  • Master: Éric Fabre, Information Theory, 15h, M1, ENS Rennes, France.

  • Master: Loïc Hélouët, Algorithms, 4h, Agrégation, ENS Rennes, France;

  • Master: Loïc Hélouët, Algorithms and proof, 12h, Agrégation, ENS Rennes, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Markey, Verification of Complex Systems (CSV), 15h, M2, Univ Rennes 1, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Markey, Algorithms, 12h, Agrégation, ENS Rennes, France;

  • Master: Ocan Sankur, Verification of Complex Systems (CSV), 10h, M2, Univ Rennes 1, France;

  • Master: Ocan Sankur, Travaux pratiques, Analyse et Conception Formelle (ACF), 22h, M1, Univ Rennes 1, France;


PhD Students
  • PhD: Robert Fondze Jr Nsaibirni, A Guarded Attribute Grammar Based Model for User Centered, Distributed, and Collaborative Case Management – Case of the Disease Surveillance Process [3], supervised by Éric Badouel. Defended at the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon in April 2019.

  • PhD: Karim Kecir, Performance Evaluation of Urban Rail Traffic Management Techniques [2], supervised by Loïc Hélouët and Pierre Dersin (Alstom), Université Rennes 1, July 2019.

  • PhD: Samy Jaziri, Automata on Timed Structures, supervised by Nicolas Markey, Université Paris Saclay, September 2019.

  • PhD: Mauricio Gonzalez, Stochastic Games on Graphs with Applications to Smart-Grids Optimization, supervised by Nicolas Markey, Université Paris Saclay, November 2019.

  • PhD: Hugo Bazille, Detection and Quantification of Events in Stochastic Systems [1], supervised by Blaise Genest and Éric Fabre, Université Rennes 1, December 2019.

  • PhD: The Anh Pham, Efficient state-space exploration for asynchronous distributed programs - Adapting unfolding-based dynamic partial order reduction to MPI programs [4], supervised by Thierry Jéron and Martin Quinson (Myriads, Inria Rennes), ENS Rennes, December 2019.

  • PhD in progress: Sihem Cherrared, Diagnosis of multi-tenant programmable networks, started Dec. 2016, Éric Fabre, Gregor Goessler (Inria, Spades) and Sofiane Imadali (Orange).

  • PhD in progress: Emily Clément, Verification and synthesis of control systems: efficiency and robustnes, started Dec. 2018, supervised by Thierry Jéron, Nicolas Markey, and David Mentré (Mitsubishi Electric)

  • PhD in progress: Rodrigue Djeumen Djatcha, Collaborative Model for Urban Crowdsourcing, started in September 2017, University of Douala, Cameroon, supervised by Éric Badouel.

  • PhD in progress: Erij Elmajed, Diagnosis of reconfigurable systems, started March 2017, Éric Fabre and Armen Aghasaryan (Nokia).

  • PhD in progress: Léo Henry, Optimal test-case generation with game theory, started Oct. 2018, supervised by Thierry Jéron and Nicolas Markey.

  • PhD in progress: Abdul Majith, Control of Adaptive Systems, started in Jan. 2019, supervised by Hervé Marchand, Ocan Sankur, and Dinh Thai-Bui (Nokia Bell Labs).

  • PhD in progress: Anirban Majumdar, Games for distributed networks: models and algorithms, ENS Paris Saclay, started Sept 2018, supervised by Nathalie Bertrand and Patricia Bouyer (LSV).

  • PhD in progress: Arthur Queffelec, Tradeoff between Robustness and Optimality in Strategic Reasoning, started Nov. 2018, supervised by Ocan Sankur and François Schwarzentruber (Logica, IRISA).

  • PhD in progress: Victor Roussanaly, Efficient verification of timed systems, started Sep. 2017, supervised by Nicolas Markey and Ocan Sankur.

  • PhD in progress: Suman Sadhukhan, Modelling and parameterized verification of mobile networks, started Oct. 2018, supervised by Nathalie Bertrand, Nicolas Markey and Ocan Sankur.

  • PhD in progress: Rituraj Singh, Data-centric Workflows for Crowdsourcing Applications, started Feb. 2018, supervised by Loïc Hélouët.

  • PhD in progress: Bastien Thomas, Automated verification of randomized distributed algorithms, started in Oct. 2019, supervised by Nathalie Bertrand and Josef Widder (Interchain, Austria).

Master Students
  • Nathalie Bertrand supervised the master's thesis (M2) of Bastien Thomas, feb-june 2019.

  • Blaise Genest and and Léo Henry supervise (2 h/week during 6 months) Alexandre Drewery, a master 1 student. The topic is reinforcement learning of mixed discrete/continuous systems.

Other Internships
  • L3 Internship of Pierre Boudard, ENS ULM, supervised by Éric Fabre.

  • L2 Internship of Kritin Garg, supervised by Éric Fabre and Blaise Genest.

  • L3 Internship of Sharvik Mital, supervised by Blaise Genest and Loïc Hélouët.

  • L3 Internship of Mathieu Poirier, supervised by Éric Badouel and Adrian Puerto Aubel.


PhD Defenses
  • Nathalie Bertrand was an examiner for the PhD thesis of Damien Busatto-Gaston (Université Aix-Marseille, december 2019).

  • Éric Fabre took part to the jury for the PhD in Computer Science of Maha Mdini, Institut Mines Telecom (IMT) Atlantique, Sept. 2019

  • Blaise Genest was a reviewer for the PhD of Sukanya Basu, IIT Bombay, India.

  • Hervé Marchand was an examiner in the PhD defense of Raphael Jakse, Université Grenoble Alpes in December 2019.

  • Nicolas Markey was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Nicola Gigante, Jan 2019, University Udine, Italy.

Other Juries
  • Nathalie Bertrand was in the Moyens incitatifs committee for Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique in 2019.

  • Éric Fabre was in the hiring committee for CRCN positions at Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique in 2019.

  • Ocan Sankur was in the hiring committee for two Maitre de conférences positions at Université de Nantes in 2019.