Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Intensive parallel computing - High-Performance Computing - Hierarchical architecture - Placement

Scientific Description: TreeMatch embeds a set of algorithms to map processors/cores in order to minimize the communication cost of the application.

Important features are : the number of processors can be greater than the number of applications processes , it assumes that the topology is a tree and does not require valuation of the topology (e.g. communication speeds) , it implements different placement algorithms that are switched according to the input size.

Some core algorithms are parallel to speed-up the execution. Optionally embeds scotch for fix-vertex mapping. enable exhaustive search if required. Several metric mapping are computed. Allow for oversubscribing of ressources. multithreaded.

TreeMatch is integrated into various software such as the Charm++ programming environment as well as in both major open-source MPI implementations: Open MPI and MPICH2.

Functional Description: TreeMatch is a library for performing process placement based on the topology of the machine and the communication pattern of the application.

  • Participants: Adele Villiermet, Emmanuel Jeannot, François Tessier, Guillaume Mercier and Pierre Celor

  • Partners: Université de Bordeaux - CNRS - IPB

  • Contact: Emmanuel Jeannot

  • URL: http://treematch.gforge.inria.fr/