Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Application Domains
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Statistical Learning for Task and Data Placement in NUMA Architecture

Achieving high performance for multi-threaded application requires both a careful placement of threads on computing units and a thorough allocation of data in memory. Finding such a placement is a hard problem to solve, because performance depends on complex interactions in several layers of the memory hierarchy.

We proposed a black-box approach to decide if an application execution time can be impacted by the placement of its threads and data, and in such a case, to choose the best placement strategy to adopt [18]. We show that it is possible to reach near-optimal placement policy selection by looking at hardware performance counters, and at counters obtained from application instrumentation. Furthermore, solutions work across several recent processor architectures (from Haswell to Skylake), across several applications, and decisions can be taken with a single run of low overhead profiling.

This work has been achieved in collaboration with Thomas Ropars from University of Grenoble.