Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Tau will continue Tao policy about technology transfer, accepting any informal meeting following industrial requests for discussion (and we are happy to be too much solicited), and deciding about the follow-up based upon the originality, feasibility and possible impacts of the foreseen research directions, provided they fit our general canvas. This lead to the following 5 on-going CIFRE PhDs, with the corresponding side-contracts with the industrial supervisor, plus 3 other bilateral contracts. In particular, we now have a first “Affiliate” partner, the SME DMH, and hope to further develop in the future this form of transfer. Note that it can also sometimes lead to collaborative projects, as listed in the following sections.
DMH 2019 (1 an, 45kEuros) related to consulting activities with DMH (Digital for Mental Health)(This “Affiliate” contract has been inspired by the affiliate program of Technion).
CIFRE Renault 2017-2020 (45 kEuros), related to Marc Nabhan's CIFRE PhD Sûreté de fonctionnement d’un véhicule autonome - évaluation des fausses détections au travers d’un profil de mission réduit
BOBCAT The new B-tO-B work intermediaries: comparing business models in the "CollaborATive" digital economy, 2018-2020 (100k euros), funded by DARES (French Ministry of Labor).
Coordinator : Odile Chagny (IRES)
Participants: Paola Tubaro and Antonio A. Casilli (Telecom Paris)
INDL-KW International Network on Digital Labor - Kickoff Workshops, 2019 (10k euros), funded by CNRS and the University of Toronto.
CIFRE Thalès 2018-2021 (45 kEuros), with Thales Teresis, related to Nizam Makdoud's CIFRE PhD
CIFRE RTE 2018-2021 (72 kEuros), with Réseau Transport d'Electricité, related to Balthazar Donon's CIFRE PhD
CIFRE FAIR 2018-2021 (45 kEuros), with Facebook AI Research, related to Leonard Blier's CIFRE PhD
Coordinator: Marc Schoenauer and Yann Olliver (Facebook)
Participants: Guillaume Charpiat, Michèle Sebag, Léonard Blier
IFPEN (Institut Français du Pétrole Energies Nouvelles) 2019-2023 (300 kEuros), to hire an Inria Starting Research Position (PhD + 4-6 years) to work in all topics mentioned in Section 3.2 relevant to IFPEN activity (see also Section 4.2). Started October 2019.