Section: Research Program
Verified programming for system design
The IoT is a network of devices that sense, actuate and change our immediate environment. Against this fundamental role of sensing and actuation, design of edge devices often considers actions and event timings to be primarily software implementation issues: programming models for IoT abstract even the most rudimentary information regarding timing, sensing and the effects of actuation. As a result, applications programming interfaces (API) for IoT allow wiring systems fast without any meaningful assertions about correctness, reliability or resilience.
We make the case that the "API glue" must give way to a logical interface expressed using contracts or refinement types. Interfaces can be governed by a calculus – a refinement type calculus – to enable reasoning on time, sensing and actuation, in a way that provides both deep specification refinement, for mechanized verification of requirements, and multi-layered abstraction, to support compositionality and scalability, from one end of the system to the other.
Our project seeks to elevate the “function as type” paradigm to that of “system as type”: to define a refinement type calculus based on concepts of contracts for reasoning on networked devices and integrate them as cyber-physical systems (Refinement types for system design. Jean-Pierre Talpin. FDL’18 keynote.). An invited paper (Steps toward verified programming of embedded computing systems. Jean-Pierre Talpin, Jean-Joseph Marty, Deian Stefan, Shravan Nagarayan, Rajesh Gupta, DATE’18.) outlines our progress with respect to this aim and plans towards building a verified programming environment for networked IoT devices: we propose a type-driven approach to verifying and building safe and secure IoT applications.
Accounting for such constrains in a more principled fashion demands reasoning about the composition of all the software and hardware components of the application. Our proposed framework takes a step in this direction by (1) using refinement types to make make physical constraints explicit and (2) imposing an event-driven programming discipline to simplify the reasoning of system-wide properties to that of an event queue. In taking this approach, our approach would make it possible for a developer to build a verified IoT application by ensuring that a well-typed program cannot violate the physical constraints of its architecture and environment.