Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Participant : Sylvie Boldo [contact] .
ELEFFAN is a Digicosme project funding the PhD of F. Faissole. S. Boldo is the principal investigator. It began in 2016 for three years.
The ELEFFAN project aims at formally proving rounding error bounds of numerical schemes.
Partners: ENSTA Paristech (A. Chapoutot)
Participant : Sylvie Boldo [contact] .
MILC is a DIM-RFSI project. It is a one-year project (2018–2019) that aims at formalizing measure theory and Lebesgue integral in the Coq proof assistant.
Partners: Université Paris 13 (M. Mayero, PI), Inria Paris, Inria Saclay