Section: Research Program
Verification of Computer Arithmetic
Permanent researchers: S. Boldo, C. Marché, G. Melquiond
We of course want to keep this axis which is a major originality of Toccata. The main topics of the next 4 years will be:
Fundamental studies concerning formalization of floating-point computations, algorithms, and error analysis. Related to numerical integration, we will develop the relationships between mathematical stability and floating-point stability of numerical schemes.
A significant effort dedicated to verification of numerical programs written in C, Ada, C++. This involves combining specifications in real numbers and computation in floating-point, and underlying automated reasoning techniques with floating-point numbers and real numbers. A new approach we have in mind concerns some variant of symbolic execution of both code and specifications involving real numbers.
We have not yet studied embedded systems. Our approach is first to tackle numerical filters. This requires more results on fixed-point arithmetic and a careful study of overflows.
Also a specific focus on arbitrary precision integer arithmetic, in the continuation of the ongoing PhD thesis of R. Rieu-Helft.