Section: New Results
Reasoning on mutable memory in program verification
- Certified Symbolic Execution Engine using Ghost Code
Symbolic execution amounts to representing sets of concrete program states as a logical formula relating the program variables, and interpreting sets of executions as a transformation of that formula. B. Becker and C. Marché formalised the correctness of a symbolic interpreter engine, expressed by an over-approximation property stating that symbolic execution covers all concrete executions, and an under-approximation property stating that no useless symbolic states are generated. This formalisation is tailored for automated verification, that is the automated discharge of verification conditions to SMT solvers. To achieve this level of automation, they appropriately annotated the code of the symbolic interpreter with an original use of both ghost data and ghost statements [20].
- Ghost Monitors
M. Clochard, C. Marché and A. Paskevich proposed a new approach to deductive program verification based on auxiliary programs called ghost monitors. This technique is useful when the syntactic structure of the target program is not well suited for verification, for example, when an essentially recursive algorithm is implemented in an iterative fashion. This new approach consists in implementing, specifying, and verifying an auxiliary program that monitors the execution of the target program, in such a way that the correctness of the monitor entails the correctness of the target. The ghost monitor maintains the necessary data and invariants to facilitate the proof. It can be implemented and verified in any suitable framework, which does not have to be related to the language of the target programs. This technique is also applicable when one wants to establish relational properties between two target programs written in different languages and having different syntactic structure.
Ghost monitors can be used to specify and prove fine-grained properties about the infinite behaviors of target programs. Since this cannot be easily done using existing verification frameworks, this work introduces a dedicated language for ghost monitors, with an original construction to catch and handle divergent executions. The soundness of the underlying program logic is established using a particular flavor of transfinite games. This language and its soundness are formalized and mechanically checked. [24]