Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Professional Licence: Bertil Folliot, Programmation C, L2, SU, France
Professional Licence: Bertil Folliot, Lab projects, L2, SU, France
Licence: Pierre-Évariste Dagand, INF311: Introduction to Programming (40h), L1, École Polytechnique, France
Licence: Pierre-Évariste Dagand, CSE205: Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (27h), Bachelor, École Polytechnique, France
Master: Pierre-Évariste Dagand, MPRI 2-4.4: Dependently-typed programming (12h), M2, MPRI, France
Master: Pierre-Évariste Dagand, INF559: Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (18h), M1, École Polytechnique, France
PhD in progress : Cédric Courtaud, CIFRE Thalès, 2016-2019 (defense January 28 2020), Gilles Muller, Julien Sopéna (Delys).
PhD in progress : Redha Gouicem, 2016-2020, Gilles Muller, Julien Sopéna (Delys).
PhD in progress : Yoann Ghigoff, 2019-2022, Gilles Muller, Julien Sopéna (Delys), Kahina Lazri (Orange Labs).
PhD in progress : Darius Mercadier, 2017-2020, Pierre-Évariste Dagand, Gilles Muller.
PhD in progress : Pierre Nigron, 2019-2021, Pierre-Évariste Dagand, Julia Lawall.
Julia Lawall: PhD jury of Jesper Öqvists (University of Lund, reporter), January 18, 2019.
Julia Lawall: PhD jury of David Come (Onera, reporter), January 25, 2019.
Julia Lawall: PhD jury of Jason Lecerf (University of Lille, reporter), November 26, 2019.
Julia Lawall: HDR jury of Nic Volanschi (University of Bordeaux, president), November 29, 2019.
Gilles Muller: PhD jury of Damien Carver (Sorbonne University, president), May 17, 2019.
Pierre-Évariste Dagand: PhD jury of Kenji Maillard (University PSL, examiner), November 25, 2019.