Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Orange Labs, 2019-2021, 30 000 euros. The purpose of this contract is to design application-specific proxies so as to speed up network services. The PhD of Yoann Ghigoff is supported by a CIFRE fellowship as part of this contract.
Thales Research, 2016-2019, 45 000 euros. The purpose of this contract is to enable the usage of multicore architectures in avionics systems. The PhD of Cédric Courtaud is supported by a CIFRE fellowship as part of this contract.
DGA-Inria, 2019-2021, 60 000 euros. The purpose of this PhD grant is to develop a high-performance, certified packet processing system. The PhD of Pierre Nigron is supported by this grant.