2023Activity reportProject-TeamSERENA
RNSR: 201521772E- Research center Inria Paris Centre
- In partnership with:Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
- Team name: Simulation for the Environment: Reliable and Efficient Numerical Algorithms
- In collaboration with:Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Mathématiques et Calcul Scientifique (CERMICS)
- Domain:Digital Health, Biology and Earth
- Theme:Earth, Environmental and Energy Sciences
Computer Science and Digital Science
- A2.1.3. Object-oriented programming
- A2.1.4. Functional programming
- A2.4.3. Proofs
- A6.1.1. Continuous Modeling (PDE, ODE)
- A6.1.4. Multiscale modeling
- A6.1.5. Multiphysics modeling
- A6.2.1. Numerical analysis of PDE and ODE
- A6.2.5. Numerical Linear Algebra
- A6.2.8. Computational geometry and meshes
- A6.3.1. Inverse problems
- A6.3.4. Model reduction
- A6.3.5. Uncertainty Quantification
Other Research Topics and Application Domains
- B3.1. Sustainable development
- B3.3.1. Earth and subsoil
- B3.4.2. Industrial risks and waste
- B3.4.3. Pollution
- B4.1. Fossile energy production (oil, gas)
- B4.2.1. Fission
- B5.5. Materials
1 Team members, visitors, external collaborators
Research Scientists
- Martin Vohralík [Team leader, INRIA, Senior Researcher, HDR]
- François Clement [INRIA, Researcher]
- Zhaonan Dong [INRIA, Researcher]
- Gregor Gantner [INRIA, ISFP, until Oct 2023]
- Jean-Charles Gilbert [INRIA, Emeritus, from Oct 2023]
- Jean-Luc Guermond [Texas A&M University, Chair, Inria International Chair, HDR]
- Michel Kern [INRIA, Researcher]
- Geraldine Pichot [INRIA, Researcher]
Faculty Members
- Alexandre Ern [ENPC, Professor, HDR]
- Pierre Rousselin [UNIV PARIS XIII, Professor Delegation, from Sep 2023]
Post-Doctoral Fellows
- Akram Beni Hamad [INRIA, Post-Doctoral Fellow]
- Andre Harnist [INRIA, Post-Doctoral Fellow, until Aug 2023]
PhD Students
- Nicolas Hugot [CEA, from Nov 2023]
- Abbas Kabalan [Safran Tech]
- Clément Maradei [INRIA, from Oct 2023]
- Romain Mottier [ENPC, CEA]
- Houda Mouhcine [Inria Saclay]
- Stefano Piccardo [UPC Barcelona, until Dec 2023]
- Ari Rappaport [INRIA]
- Morgane Steins [CEA, until Dec 2023]
- Zuodong Wang [INRIA]
- Daniel Zegarra Vasquez [INRIA]
Technical Staff
- Sebastien Furic [INRIA, Engineer, until Oct 2023]
- Simon Legrand [Inria, Engineer]
- Raphaël Zanella [Inria, Engineer]
Interns and Apprentices
- Nicolas Hugot [ENSTA, Intern, from Apr 2023 until Oct 2023]
- Clement Maradei [INRIA, Intern, from Feb 2023 until Sep 2023]
- Alessandra Marelli [INRIA, Intern, from Apr 2023 until Sep 2023]
Administrative Assistant
- Derya Gok [INRIA]
Visiting Scientists
- Stefano Bonetti [ECOLE POLYT. MILAN, from May 2023 until Jul 2023]
- Roland Maier [UNIV JENA, from Feb 2023 until Feb 2023]
- Dirk Praetorius [TU WIEN, from Jun 2023 until Jun 2023]
- Fabio Vicini [ECOLE POLYT. TURIN, until Feb 2023]
- Pietro Zanotti [University of Pavia, from Apr 2023 until Feb 2023]
- Lina Zhao [City University of Hong Kong, from Jun 2023 until Jun 2023]
External Collaborators
- Guy Chavent [retired from Inria]
- François Delebecque [retired from Inria]
- Andre Harnist [UTC, from Sep 2023]
- Jérôme Jaffré [retired from Inria, HDR]
- Caroline Japhet [UNIV PARIS XIII]
- Habib Jreige [SciWorks]
- Vincent Martin [UTC]
- Koondanibha Mitra [UNIV EINDHOVEN]
- Jean Roberts [retired from Inria, HDR]
- Pierre Weiss [retired from Inria]
2 Overall objectives
The project-team SERENA is concerned with numerical methods for environmental problems. The main topics are the conception and analysis of models based on partial differential equations, the study of their precise and efficient numerical approximation, and implementation issues with special concern for reliability and correctness of programs. We are in particular interested in guaranteeing the quality of the overall simulation process.
3 Research program
3.1 PDE level
Within our project, we start from the conception and analysis of models based on partial differential equations (PDEs). We namely address the question of coupling of different models, such as simultaneous fluid flow in a discrete network of two-dimensional fractures and in the surrounding three-dimensional porous medium, or interaction of a (compressible) flow with the surrounding elastic deformable structure. The key physical characteristics need to be captured, whereas existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence on the data are minimal analytic requirements that we seek to satisfy. We are also interested in localization, approximation, and model reduction.
3.2 Advanced numerical discretization methods
We consequently design numerical methods for the devised model, while focusing on enabling general polytopal meshes, in particular in response to a high demand from our industrial partners (namely EDF, CEA, and IFP Energies Nouvelles). We in particular promote structure-preserving approaches that mimic at the discrete level the fundamental properties of the underlying PDEs, such as conservation principles and preservation of invariants. We perform numerical analysis in particular in singularly perturbed, unsteady, and nonlinear cases (reaction–diffusion and wave problems, eigenvalue problems, interface problems, variational inequalities, contact problems, degenerate parabolic equations), we apply these methods to challenging problems from fluid and solid mechanics involving large deformations, plasticity, and phase appearance and disappearance, and we develop a comprehensive software implementing them.
3.3 Iterative linearization, domain decomposition, and multigrid solvers
We next concentrate an intensive effort on the development and analysis of efficient solvers for the systems of nonlinear algebraic equations that result from the above discretizations. We work on iterative linearization schemes and analysis. We place a particular emphasis on parallelization achieved via the domain decomposition method, including the space-time parallelization for time-dependent problems. This allows the use of different time steps in different parts of the computational domain, particularly useful in our applications where evolution speed varies significantly from one part of the computational domain to another. We have also recently devised novel geometric multigrid solvers with the contraction factor independent of the approximation polynomial degree. The solver itself is adaptively steered at each execution step by an a posteriori error estimate giving a two-sided control of the algebraic error.
3.4 Reliability by a posteriori error control
The fourth part of our theoretical efforts goes towards assessing the precision of the results obtained at the end of the numerical simulation. Here a key ingredient is the development of rigorous a posteriori estimates that make it possible to estimate in a fully computable way the error between the unknown exact solution and its numerical approximation. Our estimates also allow to distinguish the different components of the overall error, namely the errors coming from modeling, the discretization scheme, the nonlinear (Picard, Newton) solver, and the linear algebraic (domain decomposition, multigrid) solver. A new concept here is that of local stopping criteria, where all the error components are balanced locally within each computational mesh element. This naturally connects all parts of the numerical simulation process and gives rise to novel fully adaptive algorithms. We derive a guaranteed error reduction factor at each adaptive loop iteration in model cases together with cost-optimality in the sense that, up to a generic constant, the smallest possible computational effort to achieve the given accuracy is needed. With patchwise techniques, we also achieve mass balance at each iteration step, a highly demanded feature in most of the target applications.
3.5 Safe and correct programming
Finally, we concentrate on the issue of computer implementation of scientific computing programs, noting that precise numerical simulation and guaranteed error estimation are impossible without correct computer implementation. With their increasing complexity, it becomes a major challenge to implement up-to-date scientific computing algorithms using traditional methods and languages. Fortunately, the computer science community has already encountered similar issues, and offers theoretically sound tools for safe and correct programming. We use these tools to design generic solutions for the implementation of the class of scientific computing software the project-team is dealing with. Our focus ranges from high-level programming with OCaml for the precious safety guards provided by its type system and for its ability to encourage functional programming, to proofs of correctness of numerical algorithms and programs, including bounds of the round-off errors, via mechanical proofs with Coq.
[colback=black!5!white] The ultimate objective of the SERENA project-team is to design numerical algorithms that enable to certify the reliability of the overall simulation process and its efficiency with respect to computational resources for the targeted environmental applications.
4 Application domains
4.1 Multiphase flows and transport of contaminants in the subsurface
- fractured and porous media
- flow in large-scale discrete fracture networks
- subsurface depollution after chemical leakage
- nuclear waste disposal in deep underground repositories
- geological sequestration of CO2
- production of oil and gas
4.2 Industrial risks in energy production
- structural mechanics (friction, contact, large deformation, plasticity) mainly related to nuclear reactor operation and safety analysis
- Stokes and Navier–Stokes flows related to nuclear reactor operation
- seismic wave propagation for detection and protection
- acoustic wave propagation for non destructive evaluation
- electromagnetism for interfaces between dielectrics and negative metamaterials
5 Social and environmental responsibility
5.1 Impact of research results
Via applications with our industrial and environmental partners EDF, CEA, IFP Energies Nouvelles, ANDRA, ITASCA, and BRGM.
6 Highlights of the year
Mickael Abbas, Jérôme Bonelle, Nicolas Pignet (EDF R&D) and Alexandre Ern organized the 2023 Edition of the CEA-EdF-Inria summer school on Robust Polyhedral Discretizations for Computational Mechanics (June 26-30, 2023).
7 New software, platforms, open data
7.1 New software
7.1.1 DiSk++
Discontinuous Skeletal C++ Library
High order methods, Polyhedral meshes, C++
Scientific Description:
Discontinuous Skeletal methods approximate the solution of boundary-value problems by attaching discrete unknowns to mesh faces (hence the term skeletal) while allowing these discrete unknowns to be chosen independently on each mesh face (hence the term discontinuous). Cell-based unknowns, which can be eliminated locally by a Schur complement technique (also known as static condensation), are also used in the formulation. Salient examples of high-order Discontinuous Skeletal methods are Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin methods and the recently-devised Hybrid High-Order methods. Some major benefits of Discontinuous Skeletal methods are that their construction is dimension-independent and that they offer the possibility to use general meshes with polytopal cells and non-matching interfaces. The mathematical flexibility of Discontinuous Skeletal methods can be efficiently replicated in a numerical software: by using generic programming, the DiSk++ library offers an environment to allow a programmer to code mathematical problems in a way completely decoupled from the mesh dimension and the cell shape.
Functional Description:
The software provides a numerical core to discretize partial differential equations arising from the engineering sciences (mechanical, thermal, diffusion). The discretization is based on the "Hybrid high-order" or "Discontinuous Skeletal" methods, which use as principal unknowns polynomials of arbitrary degree on each face of the mesh. An important feature of these methods is that they make it possible to treat general meshes composed of polyhedral cells. The DiSk ++ library, using generic programming techniques, makes it possible to write a code for a mathematical problem independently of the mesh. When a user writes the code for his problem using the basic operations offered by DiSk ++, that code can be executed without modifications on all types of mesh already supported by the library and those that will be added in the future.
- URL:
- Publication:
Matteo Cicuttin
Matteo Cicuttin
7.1.2 APS-MG
A-Posteriori-Steered MultiGrid
Finite element modelling, Linear system, A posteriori error estimates, Multigrid methods, P-robustness
Scientific Description:
APS-MG (a-posteriori-steered multigrid) is a geometric-type multigrid solver whose execution is steered by the associated a posteriori estimate of the algebraic error. In particular, the descent direction and the level-wise step sizes are adaptively optimized. APS-MG corresponds to a V-cycle geometric multigrid with zero pre- and solely one post-smoothing step, via block-Jacobi (overlapping additive Schwarz/local patchwise problems). Its particularity is that it is robust with respect to the polynomial degree p of the underlying finite element discretization, i.e., APS-MG contracts the error on each iteration by a factor that is independent of p. APS-MG is the implementation of the solver developed in https://hal.science/hal-02070981 and https://hal.science/hal-02494538.
Functional Description:
APS-MG (a-posteriori-steered multigrid) is an iterative linear solver implemented in MATLAB. It can treat systems of linear algebraic equations arising from order p conforming finite element discretization of second-order elliptic diffusion problems. APS-MG is a geometric-type multigrid method and uses a hierarchy of nested meshes. It corresponds to a V-cycle geometric multigrid solver with zero pre- and one post-smoothing step via block-Jacobi (overlapping additive Schwarz/local patchwise problems). A salient feature is the choice of the optimal step size for the descent direction on each mesh level.
- URL:
- Publications:
Jan Papez
7.1.3 FEMLAB
High order finite elements, Discontinuous Galerkin, Hybrid high-order methods, Adaptive algorithms, Finite element modelling
Functional Description:
FEMLAB is a Matlab library for different classes of FEM code. This library is designed to use a parallel computing toolbox in Matlab to accelerate the time for assembling the linear systems. It has been tested on 48 parallel processors of the HPC nodes. Another critical point is that different FEM codes in this library are designed to support arbitrary order of the basis functions and support the adaptive mesh refinement algorithm.
Release Contributions:
FEMLAB is updated in 2023 to support the adaptive algorithm.
- URL:
- Publications:
Zhaonan Dong
7.1.4 Skwer
Differential equations, State-oriented simulation
Scientific Description:
Unlike classical approaches which discretize time a priori to determine the state, the State-Oriented Simulation (SOS) method discretizes the state to determine durations, thus following ideas from the Quantized State Systems (QSS) methods. The aim is to give rigorous interpretation of idealized or hybrid physical models, and of cosimulation. The aspect that most distinguishes us from other approaches is that we do not make use of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs). We rather solve more general multiscale numerical stiffness problems based on nonstandard ODE formulations.
Functional Description:
Skwer aims at solving differential equations inherent to 0D physical modeling. This includes in particular standard ODEs but also differential equations with conditionals and "idealized behavior" resulting from passing to the limit over some parameters.
News of the Year:
We have developed the necessary machinery to desynchronize elementary integrators making the approach fully asynchronous event in dense cases (contrary to the QSS approach, which requires synchronization of internal states in case of direct variable-equation dependency between integrators). We have finalized system rewriting aspects (various enhancement of data structures as well as algorithms). We have developed a variable order scheme where each state variable may have its own order (independent of others) thanks to the use of a formula-based technique to produce guaranteed a priori error bounds for the individual approximations. We have finally dropped the Maclaurin series code in favor of a more specialized (and lighter) approach based on direct generation of exponential terms. We have tested the final algorithm over various systems of differential equations to validate the approach.
- URL:
- Publication:
Sebastien Furic
Sebastien Furic, François Clement, Geraldine Pichot
7.1.5 coq-num-analysis
Numerical analysis Coq library
Coq, Numerical analysis, Real analysis
Scientific Description:
These Coq developments are based on the Coquelicot library for real analysis. Version 1.0 includes the formalization and proof of: (1) the Lax-Milgram theorem, including results from linear algebra, geometry, functional analysis and Hilbert spaces, (2) the Lebesgue integral, including large parts of the measure theory,the building of the Lebesgue measure on real numbers, integration of nonnegative measurable functions with the Beppo Levi (monotone convergence) theorem, Fatou's lemma, the Tonelli theorem, and the Bochner integral with the dominated convergence theorem.
Functional Description:
Formal developments and proofs in Coq of numerical analysis problems. The current long-term goal is to formally prove parts of a C++ library implementing the Finite Element Method.
News of the Year:
The formalization in Coq of simplicial Lagrange finite elements is almost complete. This include the formalizations of the definitions and main properties of monomials, their representation using multi-indices, Lagrange polynomials, the vector space of polynomials of given maximum degree (about 6 kloc). This also includes algebraic complements on the formalization of the definitions and main properties of operators on finite families of any type, the specific cases of abelian monoids (sum), vector spaces (linear combination), and affine spaces (affine combination, barycenter, affine mapping), sub-algebraic structures, and basics of finite dimension linear algebra (about 22 kloc). A new version (2.0) of the opam package will be available soon, and a paper will follow.
We have also contributed to the Coquelicot library by adding the algebraic structure of abelian monoid, which is now the base of the hierarchy of canonical structures of the library.
- URL:
- Publications:
Sylvie Boldo
Sylvie Boldo, François Clement, Micaela Mayero, Vincent Martin, Stéphane Aubry, Florian Faissole, Houda Mouhcine, Louise Leclerc
LIPN (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université Paris Nord), LMAC (Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées de Compiègne)
Meshing, Fracture network, Ellipses, Polygons, Mesher, Mesh
Scientific Description:
The meshing methodology is based on a combined frontal-Delaunay approach in a Riemannian context.
Functional Description:
The MODFRAC software automatically builds meshes of fracture networks. As an input, it takes a DFN (Discrete Fracture Network) geometric model consisting of ellipses or polygons that have been randomly generated in the tridimensional space while following experimental statistics. It completes this model by first calculating the intersections between fractures, that are straight segments. On each fracture, it computes in turn the intersections between these straight segments, subdividing them into subsegments. It then creates a conforming set of these subsegments, and selects the necessary fractures using a graph structure. It transmits this information to an “indirect” surface mesher, where the tridimensional mesh results from the construction of planar meshes of the parametric domains.
News of the Year:
APP deposit, january 2023. Addition of OpenMP parallelism.
- Publications:
Geraldine Pichot
Patrick Laug, Houman Borouchaki, Geraldine Pichot
Université de Technologie de Troyes
7.1.7 nef-flow-fpm
2D, 3D, Porous media, Fracture network, Geophysical flows
Scientific Description:
The code is based on the implementation of the mixed hybrid finite element method as detailed in: An efficient numerical model for incompressible two-phase flow in fractured media Hussein Hoteit, Abbas Firoozabadi, Advances in Water Resources 31, 891–905, 2008. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2008.02.004
The model of fractures and the coupling between the porous flow and the flow in the network of fractures is described in: : Modeling Fractures and Barriers as Interfaces for Flow in Porous Media V. Martin, J. Jaffré, J. E. Roberts, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2005. https://doi.org/10.1137/S1064827503429363
Validation benchmark test from the publication: Inga Berre, et al., Verification benchmarks for single-phase flow in three-dimensional fractured porous media, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 147, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2020.103759.
Functional Description:
nef-flow-fpm is a Matlab code to simulate flows in fractured porous media with the mixed-hybrid finite element methods (RT0).
Release Contributions:
Implementation of the mixed hybrid method for 3D porous flows, Discrete fracture Networks (DFN) flows and the coupling between DFN and porous flows.
News of the Year:
Call metis to perform the mesh partitionning. Generate data per subdomain for HPDDM solver (Neumann matrices, local sizes and indices, local second member). Simulations with PETSC/HPDDM, the largest networks contains 378k fractures.
- URL:
Geraldine Pichot
Geraldine Pichot, Daniel Zegarra Vasquez, Michel Kern, Raphael Zanella
7.1.8 nef-transport-fpm
3D, Porous media, Incompressible flows, Transport model
Scientific Description:
The discretization in space is performed with a cell-centered finite volume scheme. The discretization in time can be either explicit or implicit.
Functional Description:
nef-transport-fpm is a Matlab code for simulating transport by advection diffusion in porous-fractured media.
News of the Year:
Add transport in a network of fractures with the proper handling of the coupling conditions at the fractures intersections.
Geraldine Pichot
Geraldine Pichot, Michel Kern, Daniel Zegarra Vasquez, Alessandra Marelli, Dania Khiralla
7.1.9 ParaCirce
Parallel Circulant Embedding
2D, 3D, Hydrogeology, Gaussian random fields, MPI
Scientific Description:
ParaCirce implements the algorithm proposed by [C. R. Dietrich and G. N. Newsam. A fast and exact method for multidimensional gaussian stochastic simulations. Water Resources Research, 29(8):2861-2869, 1993] as well as an algorithm to accelerate the padding estimation [Pichot et al. SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics, 8, pp.21, 2022].
Functional Description:
ParaCirce implements a parallel Circulant Embedding method for the generation in parallel of 2D or 3D Gaussian Random Fields (second order stationary).
Release Contributions:
A new GRF type has been introduced to wrap the std::vector initially returned from generate(). It contains all the characteristics of the GRF. Add API for the FFTW to select the planning strategy.
News of the Year:
A new GRF type has been introduced to wrap the std::vector initially returned from generate(). It contains all the characteristics of the GRF. Add API for the FFTW to select the planning strategy.
- URL:
- Publication:
Geraldine Pichot
Geraldine Pichot, Simon Legrand
7.1.10 Pruners
Combinatorics, Parameter studies, Automation
Functional Description:
Pruners is a language aimed at automating parameter studies. It allows the specification of parameter combinations, and make them available via environment variables. Those can then be used by any specified command as input parameters.
Release Contributions:
- Parameter space specification - Launching commands with each combination as parameter - File system interaction with read/write functions and Json format
News of the Year:
Open source licence GPL and opening of the repository. Add skip and keep options to select particular combinations of parameters. Add configure option to replace pruners script variables into a templated file. Add asynchronous execution of combinations.
- URL:
Thierry Martinez, Simon Legrand, Geraldine Pichot
Thierry Martinez
7.2 Open data
The model proposed as part of the "Multiphase reactive transport" (see Section 8.3) has been archived on Zenodo Reactive Multiphase Flow in Porous Media at the Darcy Scale: a Benchmark proposal. The results obtained by the participants have been made available on Github: Reactive-Multiphase-Benchmark to make it possible for future researchers to compare their results.
8 New results
8.1 Research axis 1: Advanced numerical discretizations and solvers
Participants: Zhaonan Dong, Alexandre Ern, Jean-Luc Guermond, Michel Kern, Stefano Piccardo, Morgane Steins, Martin Vohralík, Zuodong Wang.
Invariant-domain time-stepping for compressible flows
Participants: Alexandre Ern, Jean-Luc Guermond, Zuodong Wang.

Compressible Navier–Stokes simulation at
In 2022, the authors laid the foundations of a new paradigm for invariant-domain time-stepping applied to hyperbolic problems using high-order Runge–Kutta methods. The key result achieved this year is the extension to implicit-explicit (IMEX) time-stepping and the application to the compressible Navier–Stokes equations, as described in 26. The decisive step-forward is the satisfaction of physical bounds on the density and energy while allowing for a high-order discretization in space and in time. An example of application to the compressible Navier–Stokes equations at Reynolds
Polytopal discretization methods
Participants: Zhaonan Dong, Alexandre Ern, Jean-Luc Guermond, Stefano Piccardo, Morgane Steins, Zuodong Wang.
Further progress has been accomplished in the development and analysis of hybrid high-order (HHO) methods. Three topics were investigated. First,
8.2 Research axis 2: A posteriori error control, adaptivity, and safe and correct programming
Participants: François Clément, Alexandre Ern, Sébastien Furic, Gregor Gantner, André Harnist, Houda Mouhcine, Ari Rappaport, Martin Vohralík.
Error control with quality uniform in polynomial degree for the curl–curl (simplified Maxwell) problem
Participants: Martin Vohralík.

A posteriori estimates for the curl–curl problem
In 20, we present a local construction of
Error control with quality uniform in spline degree for isogeometric analysis
Participants: Gregor Gantner, Martin Vohralík.
In 29, we consider spline/isogeometric analysis discretizations of the Poisson model problem, focusing on high polynomial degrees and strong hierarchical refinements. We derive a posteriori error estimates by equilibrated fluxes, i.e., vector-valued mapped piecewise polynomials lying in the
Adaptive regularization, discretization, and linearization for nonsmooth problems
Participants: André Harnist, Ari Rappaport, Martin Vohralík.

Adaptive regularization and adaptive mesh refinement for nonsmooth nonlinearity
In 28, we consider nonsmooth partial differential equations associated with a minimization of an energy functional. We adaptively regularize the nonsmooth nonlinearity so as to be able to apply the usual Newton linearization, which is not always possible otherwise. We apply the finite element method as a discretization. We focus on the choice of the regularization parameter and adjust it on the basis of an a posteriori error estimate for the difference of energies of the exact and approximate solutions. We prove guaranteed upper bounds for the energy difference, identify the individual error components, and design an adaptive algorithm with both adaptive regularization and adaptive mesh refinement. Effeciency and robustness of the estimates with respect to the magnitude of the nonlinearity is addressed in 52. Numerical results confirm the theoretical developments, see Figure 3 for an illustration.
Functional software
Participants: Sébastien Furic.
See the "News of the Year" about software Skwer (Section 7.1.4).
Coq formalizations
Participants: François Clément, Houda Mouhcine.
In 36, we describe the formal definition and proof in Coq of product
See also the "News of the Year" about software coq-num-analysis (Section 7.1.5).
8.3 Research axis 3: Applications to environment and energy
Participants: Alexandre Ern, Michel Kern, Simon Legrand, Clément Maradei, Alessandra Marelli, Romain Mottier, Géraldine Pichot, Martin Vohralík, Raphaël Zanella, Daniel Zegarra Vasquez.
Flow through fractured and fractured porous media
Participants: Michel Kern, Simon Legrand, Alessandra Marelli, Géraldine Pichot, Martin Vohralík, Raphaël Zanella, Daniel Zegarra Vasquez.
We have experimented with the domain decomposition preconditioner HPDDM, developped by the Alpines team 55, 56 to solve the linear system obtained from nef-flow-fpm. The improvement over the more classical preconditioners used until then (mainly algebraic multigrid) are significant as can be seen on Figure 4.

Performances of the domain decomposition preconditioner HPDDM
Thanks to the gmres solver and the HPDDM preconditioner, we are now able to solve flow problem in large scale fractured porous media that are out of reach with direct solvers like MUMPS Cholesky or with gmres preconditioned by multigrid like BoomerAMG. As example, solving the linear system of size
Another goal is to simulate the transport by advection of an inert tracer. The transport is described by the conservation of mass and gives rise to an equation with partial derivatives of the first order in which the velocity, computed with the software nef-flow-fpm, is heterogeneous. The discretization in space is performed with a cell-centered finite volume scheme. The discretization in time can be either explicit or implicit.
As part of Alessandra Marelli's internship, we were able to simulate the transport in a network of fractures. The main challenge was the correct handling of the coupling conditions at the fracture intersections. An example is shown in Figure 5. The method is implemented in nef-transport-fpm.

Concentration in a discrete fracture network with 28 fractures
Multiphase reactive flow
Participants: Michel Kern.
Michel Kern was part of a group with Etienne Ahusborde, Brahim Amaziane (University of Pau), Stephen de Hoop and Denis Voskov (Delft University of Technology) that proposed a benchmark targeted towards the simulation of reactive two-phase flow. Six teams participated in the benchmark. The results showed good agreements between most groups on the simpler test cases, but also that the interaction between complex chemistry and two-phase flow with phase exchanges still remains a challenge for simulation software. The model is presented in 30, while the results are presented in 14, see Figure 6.

Evolution of the gas saturation
Evolution of the gas saturation
Wave propagation in geophysical media
Participants: Alexandre Ern, Michel Kern, Clément Maradei, Romain Mottier.
As part of the internship of Clément Maradei, we studied a model for the wave equations that includes both a diffusive (first order derivative in time) and a so-called "viscous" term (first order time derivative of the Laplacian). The model has been proposed to represent frequency-dependent attenuation. Thanks to finite element simulations (using FreeFeem++), we were able to compare the respective contributions of the two terms, and use a scaling analysis to better understand the influence of the two parameters. The results have been presented at the 15th FreeFem Days.

Comparison of the wavefield for the diffusive and viscous damping
Comparison of the wavefield for the diffusive and viscous damping
Within the PhD Thesis of Romain Mottier, we developed HHO methods to simulate coupled acoustic-elastodynamic waves in geophysical media. One goal is to highlight the role of sedimentary bassins in energy transfer from the bedrock to the atmosphere.
Data assimilation
Participants: Alexandre Ern.
Our work on data assimilation was pursued this year by addressing the heat equation. Our first contribution is on the theoretical side and concerns a Carleman estimate 17. The second contribution deals with the devising and numerical analysis of a high-order method (based on a dG method in time and a hybrid dG method in space) 18.
8.4 Research axis 4: PDE and numerical analysis foundations
Participants: Zhaonan Dong, Alexandre Ern, Jean-Luc Guermond, Géraldine Pichot, Martin Vohralík.
A stable local commuting projector and optimal approximation estimates in
Participants: Théophile Chaumont-Frelet, Martin Vohralík.
We design an operator from the infinite-dimensional Sobolev space
Some novel results concerning Maxwell's equations
Participants: Alexandre Ern, Jean-Luc Guermond.
In 43, we established the asymptotic optimality of the edge finite element approximation of the time-harmonic Maxwell's equations. This fundamental result, which is the counterpart of a known result concering the Helmholtz equation and conforming finite elements, was still lacking in the litterature. A second novel result, that was also lacking in the literature, concerns the spectral correctness (no spurious eigenvalues) of the dG approximation of Maxwell's equations in first-order form (the result was known for Maxwell's equations in second-order form), thereby confirming numerical observations by various authors made over the last two decades. We proved this result first with constant coefficients 27 and then in the more challenging case of discontinuous coefficients 48.
Solutions to 1D advection-diffusion problems with discontinuous coefficients
Participants: Géraldine Pichot.
Diffusive transport in media with discontinuous properties is a challenging problem that arises in many applications. In 39, wefocus on one-dimensional discontinuous media with generalized permeable boundary conditions at the discontinuity interface. The paper presents novel analytical expressions from the method of images to simulate diffusive processes, such as mass or thermal transport. The analytical expressions are used to formulate a generalization of the existing Skew Brownian Motion, HYMLA and Uffink's method, here named as GSBM, GHYMLA and GUM respectively, to handle generic interface conditions. The algorithms rely upon the random walk method and are tested by simulating transport in a bimaterial and in a multilayered medium with piece-wise constant properties. The results indicate that the GUM algorithm provides the best performance in terms of accuracy and computational cost. The methods proposed can be applied for simulation of a wide range of differential problems, like heat transport problem 40.
Model-order reduction
Participants: Alexandre Ern, Abbas Kabalan.
One important topic has been the development of reduced-order methods to handle variational inequalities such as those encountered when studying contact problems (with friction) in computational mechanics. In 33, we introduce an efficient algorithm to guarantee inf-sup stability for saddle-point problems with parameter-dependent constraints. In 54, we pursued a different, and complementary, approach, where the constraints are taken into account by a nonlinaer Nitsche's method, thereby allowing one to use a primal formulation. Finally, within the PhD Thesis of Abbas Kabalan, we are investigating shape variability within the context of reduced-order models.
Best-approximation errors for fields with low regularity
Participants: Zhaonan Dong, Alexandre Ern, Jean-Luc Guermond.
In 23, we established optimal decay rates on the best-approximation errors using vector-valued finite elements (of Nédélec or Raviart–Thomas type) for fields with low regularity but having an integrable curl or divergence.
-optimal error estimates of dG methods
Participants: Zhaonan Dong.
In 25, we derived
These works were performed in collaboration with L. Mascotto.
9 Bilateral contracts and grants with industry
9.1 Bilateral contracts with industry
Participants: Alexandre Ern, Martin Vohralík.
- Two-part contract with CEA accompanying the PhD thesis of Nicolas Hugot.
- Two-part contract with Safran Tech accompanying the PhD thesis of Abbas Kabalan (co-supervised with V. Ehrlacher).
- Two-part contract with CEA accompanying the PhD thesis of Romain Mottier.
- Two-part contract with ANDRA accompanying the PhD thesis of Ari Rappaport.
- Two-part contract with CEA accompanying the PhD thesis of Morgane Steins.
10 Partnerships and cooperations
10.1 International research visitors
10.1.1 Visits of international scientists
Inria International Chair
Prof. Jean-Luc Guermond (Texas A&M University) visited the SERENA team for a comprehensive duration of 15 weeks in 2023 in the framework of his INRIA International Chair. He mainly interacted with Alexandre Ern on invariant-domain preserving high-order time-stepping and on the spectral correctness of discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Maxwell eigenvalue problem, and also with Zhaonan Dong and Zuodong Wang on transport equations with stiff source terms having multiple stable equilibrium points.
Other international visits to the team
Dirk Praetorius
- Institution of origin:
june 2023
Context of the visit:
Dirk Praetorius visited us in June 2023. He is a world-leading expert on adaptive mesh refinement, adaptive solvers, and proofs of convergence and optimality. He mainly interacted with Martin Vohralík. He has by now also applied for the Inria International Chair.
Mobility program/type of mobility:
research stay
Fabio Vicini
- Institution of origin:
december 2022 - january 2023
Context of the visit:
Fabio works in the GEOSCORE group of Politecnico di Torino. GEOSCORE and SERENA have a common research topic that is the development of efficient and robust numerical methods to solve large-scale subsurface flows. To this end, during the past years, our respective teams have developed different meshing and numerical strategies. During Fabio's stay, he mainly interacted with Géraldine Pichot to compare these different approaches: matching vs non-matching meshes, Virtual Element Method vs Hybrid High Order method, direct vs iterative solvers, adaptive mesh refinement strategies based on a posteriori error estimates.
Mobility program/type of mobility:
research stay
Lina Zhao
Assistant Professor
Institution of origin:
City University of Hong Kong
June 2023 - June 2023
Context of the visit:
Dr. Lina Zhao (City University of Hong Kong) visited the SERENA team for 4 weeks in June 2023. She mainly interacted with Zhaonan Dong and Alexandre Ern on minimum regularity of Staggered DG methods for the flow problems, and a posteriori error analysis for the coupled problems.
Mobility program/type of mobility:
research stay
10.1.2 Visits to international teams
Research stays abroad
Martin Vohralík
- Visited institution: University of Texas at Austin
- Country: USA
- Dates: 9 - 25 Jan 2023
- Context of the visit: scientific collaboration with Prof. Leszek Demkowicz on commuting projects
Mobility program/type of mobility:
research stay
10.2 European initiatives
10.2.1 H2020 projects
EMC2 project on cordis.europa.eu
Extreme-scale Mathematically-based Computational Chemistry
From September 1, 2019 to February 28, 2026
Inria contact:
Laura GRIGORI (Alpines)
- Coordinator:
Molecular simulation has become an instrumental tool in chemistry, condensed matter physics, molecular biology, materials science, and nanosciences. It will allow to propose de novo design of e.g. new drugs or materials provided that the efficiency of underlying software is accelerated by several orders of magnitude.
The ambition of the EMC2 project is to achieve scientific breakthroughs in this field by gathering the expertise of a multidisciplinary community at the interfaces of four disciplines: mathematics, chemistry, physics, and computer science. It is motivated by the twofold observation that, i) building upon our collaborative work, we have recently been able to gain efficiency factors of up to 3 orders of magnitude for polarizable molecular dynamics in solution of multi-million atom systems, but this is not enough since ii) even larger or more complex systems of major practical interest (such as solvated biosystems or molecules with strongly-correlated electrons) are currently mostly intractable in reasonable clock time. The only way to further improve the efficiency of the solvers, while preserving accuracy, is to develop physically and chemically sound models, mathematically certified and numerically efficient algorithms, and implement them in a robust and scalable way on various architectures (from standard academic or industrial clusters to emerging heterogeneous and exascale architectures).
EMC2 has no equivalent in the world: there is nowhere such a critical number of interdisciplinary researchers already collaborating with the required track records to address this challenge. Under the leadership of the 4 PIs, supported by highly recognized teams from three major institutions in the Paris area, EMC2 will develop disruptive methodological approaches and publicly available simulation tools, and apply them to challenging molecular systems. The project will strongly strengthen the local teams and their synergy enabling decisive progress in the field.
10.3 National initiatives
Participants: Michel Kern.
The team is part of the recently created GDR HydroGEMM("Hydrogène du sous-sol: étude intégrée de la Genèse... à la Modélisation Mathématique"). One of the thematic axes of the GDR is the mathematical analysis and the numerical simulation hydrogen storage in geological reservoirs.
11 Dissemination
Participants: François Clément, Zhaonan Dong, Alexandre Ern, Gregor Gantner, Jean-Luc Guermond, Michel Kern, Martin Vohralík.
11.1 Promoting scientific activities
11.1.1 Scientific events: organisation
Member of the organizing committees
Alexandre Ern is a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Finite Element Fair.
Mickael Abbas, Jérôme Bonelle, Nicolas Pignet (EDF R&D) and Alexandre Ern organized the 2023 Edition of the CEA-EdF-Inria summer school on Robust Polyhedral Discretizations for Computational Mechanics (June 26-30, 2023).
Alexandre Ern co-organized with Samir Adly (SMAI), R. Herbin (Aix-Marseille University), Nina Aguillon, Xavier Claeys, Bruno Després, Yvon Maday, Ayman Moussa (Sorbonne University) the Month of Applied and Inustrial Mathematics (M2AI) held at IHP on November 2023. Four large-audience lectures were given with the goal to show to undergraduate (and college) students how applied mathematics can (and do) shape our world.
Michel Kern was a member of the organizing committee of the annual meeting of GDR HydroGEMM, held at University of Pau in November 2023.
Pierre Rousselin, Sylvie Boldo (Toccata), François Clément and Micaela Mayero (LIPN) organized the kickoff meeting of the task devoted to the creation of content (math library, exercises, interactive classes) within Inria Challenge LiberAbaci for the teaching of mathematics using Coq.
Martin Vohralík (with Guillaume Enchéry and Ibtihel Ben Gharbia, IFP Energies Nouvelles) organized the regular 1-day workshop Journée contrat cadre IFP Energies Nouvelles – Inria.
11.1.2 Scientific events: selection
Member of the conference program committees
Martin Vohralik was a member of the scientific committee of the European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2023.
François Clément served as reviewer for NFM23.
11.1.3 Journal
Member of the editorial boards
Alexandre Ern is a member of the Editorial Board of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, ESAIM Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Journal of Scientific Computing, and Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics.
Martin Vohralík is a member of the editorial boards of Acta Polytechnica, Applications of Mathematics, and Computational Geosciences.
Reviewer - reviewing activities
Zhaonan Dong, Alexandre Ern, Michel Kern, Géraldine Pichot, and Martin Vohralík reviewed numerous papers for leading journals in numerical analysis and computational methods in geosciences.
11.1.4 Invited talks
Zhaonan Dong and Géraldine Pichot were invited to organize a mini-tutorial at the SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences 2023, Bergen, Norway, June 2023.
Alexandre Ern gave a plenary lecture at the ECCOMAS Meeting on Modern Finite Element Technologies, Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Germany, August, 2023.
Alexandre Ern gave an invited lecture within the special activity organized by IIT Roorkee, India on Differential equations: analysis, computation and applications.
Géraldine Pichot gave a plenary lecture at the Large-Scale Scientific Computations international conference LSSC23, Sozopol, Bugaria, June 2023.
Martin Vohralík gave an plenary talk at the SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences Bergen, Norway (June 2023), a plenary talk at Congrès international sur l’analyse numérique des EDP, Meknès, Morocco (October 2023), and an invited talk at HOFEIM 2023, Larnaca, Cyprus (May 2023).
11.1.5 Leadership within the scientific community
Alexandre Ern served within the Administration Board of SMAI and was Vice-President in charge of relations with industry.
Michel Kern is a member of
- the Scientific Board of ORAP, Organisation Associative du Parallélisme;
- the board of École Doctorale Galilée at University Sorbonne Paris-Nord;
- the steering committee of GDR HydroGEMM
- Martin Vohralík served as the president/member of the scientific committee of Summer schools CEA–EDF–INRIA.
- Martin Vohralík served as a member of the scientific board of the IFP Energies Nouvelles – Inria joint strategic partnership laboratory.
11.1.6 Scientific expertise
Michel Kern is a reviewer for the Allocation of Computing Time located at the Juelich Supercomputing Centre in Germany.
11.1.7 Research administration
François Clément is a member of the Commission des usagers de la rue Barrault (CURB) for the next relocation of the Inria Paris Center.
Michel Kern is the chair of the Comission de Développement Technologique of the Inria Paris Center.
Géraldine Pichot is the president of the Commission des utilisateurs des moyens informatiques de Paris (CUMI Paris).
Géraldine Pichot is a member of the Comité de Suivi Doctoral de Paris (CSD).
Géraldine Pichot is the contact person at Inria Paris for the Agence pour les Mathématiques en Interaction avec l'Entreprise et la Société (AMIES).
11.2 Teaching - Supervision - Juries
11.2.1 Teaching
- Master : Alexandre Ern, Discontinuous Galerkin methods, 20h, M2, Sorbonne University, France.
- Master: Alexandre Ern, Finite Elements, 15h, M1, ENPC, France.
- Master: Alexandre Ern, Hyperbolic equations, 6h, M2, Sorbonne University, France.
- Master: Michel Kern, Models and numerical methods for subsurface flow, 30h, M2, Université Paris Saclay, France.
- Master: Michel Kern, Advanced numerical analysis, 30h, M1, Institut Galilée, Université Paris-Nord, France.
- Master: Martin Vohralík, Advanced finite elements, 21h, M1, ENSTA (Ecole nationale supérieure de techniques avancées), Paris, France.
11.2.2 Supervision
- PhD defended: Stefano Piccardo, Simulation of two-fluid immiscible Stokes flows using hybrid nonconforming methods and geometrically unfitted meshes, 04 December 2023, Alexandre Ern and Antonio Huerta (UPC Barcelone), 37.
- PhD defended: Morgane Steins, An explicit hybrid high-order method for structural dynamics, 05 December 2023, Alexandre Ern and Olivier Jamond (CEA), 38.
- PhD in progress: Nicolas Hugot, A posteriori error estimates for the wave equation, started November 2023, Martin Vohralík.
- PhD in progress: Abbas Kabalan, Model order reduction for nonparametrized geometrical variability, started October 2022, Virginie Ehrlacher (Matherials) and Alexandre Ern.
- PhD in progress: Clément Maradei, Parallel adaptive
-FEM, started October 2023, Zhaonan Dong and Martin Vohralík. - PhD in progress: Romain Mottier, Unfitted hybrid high-order methods for geophysical wave propagation, started October 2021, Alexandre Ern and Laurent Guillot (CEA).
- PhD in progress: Houda Mouhcine, Formal proofs in applied mathematics: verification of a generator for quadrature formulas, started October 2021, Sylvie Boldo (Toccata), François Clément, and Micaela Mayero (LIPN).
- PhD in progress: Ari Rappaport, A posteriori error estimates and adaptivity in numerical approximation of PDEs: regularization, linearization, discretization, and floating point precision, started January 2021, Martin Vohralík.
- PhD in progress: Daniel Zegarra Vasquez, High-performance simulation of single-phase flows in a fractured porous medium, started October 2021, Géraldine Pichot, Michel Kern, and Martin Vohralík.
- PhD in progress: Zuodong Wang, Finite element methods for hyperbolic and degenerate parabolic problems, started October 2021, Zhaonan Dong and Alexandre Ern.
- Internship: Nicolas Hugot (ENSTA), Flux reconstruction for the wave equation, April-September 2023, Martin Vohralík.
- Internship: Clément Maradei (Sup Galilée), Finite element simulation of the viscous wave equation, February-March 2023, Michel Kern.
- Internship: Clément Maradei (Sup Galilée), Parallel adaptive
-FEM, April-September 2023, Zhaonan Dong and Martin Vohralík. - Internship: Alessandra Marelli (Politecnico di Milano), Simulation of advective transport in fracture networks, April-September 2023, Géraldine Pichot and Michel Kern.
11.2.3 Juries
- Alexandre Ern was external reviewer for the PhD of Matthieu Barré (IPP), Simon Le Berre (CEA Cadarache and Mines ParisTech), and Kenneth Assogba (IPP) and committee member for the HDR of Laurent Monasse (Cote d'Azur University) and for the PhD of Julien Moatti (Lille University).
- Martin Vohralík was a referee and committee president for the PhD thesis of Hussein Albazzal (Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté), committee president for the PhD thesis of Georges Seeman (Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth), and committee member for the PhD thesis of Sarah Perez (Université de Pau et des Pays Adour) and Yipeng Wang (Sorbonne Université).
11.3 Popularization
11.3.1 Internal or external Inria responsibilities
Martin Vohralík served in the scientific committee of Summer schools CEA–EDF–INRIA.
11.3.2 Interventions
Michel Kern gave a presentation on "Modeling and simulation: applications to subsurface water" to a "classe de seconde" at Lycée Lucie Aubrac (Courbevoie) as part of the 1 scientifique, 1 classe : chiche ! project.
12 Scientific production
12.1 Major publications
- 1 articleA posteriori error estimates and stopping criteria for space-time domain decomposition for two-phase flow between different rock types.SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics5December 2019, 195-227HALDOI
- 2 articlePreconditioning a coupled model for reactive transport in porous media.International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling1612019, 18-48HAL
- 3 inproceedingsA Coq formal proof of the Lax–Milgram theorem.6th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Certified Programs and ProofsParis, FranceJanuary 2017HALDOI
- 4 articleTrusting computations: A mechanized proof from partial differential equations to actual program.Computers and Mathematics with Applications683August 2014, 325--352HALDOI
- 5 articleGuaranteed and robust a posteriori bounds for Laplace eigenvalues and eigenvectors: conforming approximations.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis555September 2017, 2228-2254HALDOI
-Version discontinuous Galerkin methods on essentially arbitrarily-shaped elements.Mathematics of Computation91333January 2022, 1-35HALDOI - 7 articleA hybrid high-order locking-free method for linear elasticity on general meshes.Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.2832015, 1--21URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2014.09.009DOI
articleEquivalence of local-and global-best approximations, a simple stable local commuting projector, and optimal
approximation estimates in (div).IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis422April 2022, 1023-1049HALDOI - 9 articleFinite element quasi-interpolation and best approximation.ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal.5142017, 1367--1385URL: https://doi.org/10.1051/m2an/2016066
- 10 miscHybrid high-order methods for flow simulations in extremely large discrete fracture networks.November 2022HAL
- 11 articlePolynomial-degree-robust a posteriori estimates in a unified setting for conforming, nonconforming, discontinuous Galerkin, and mixed discretizations.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis532April 2015, 1058-1081HALDOI
- 12 articleStable broken H1 and H(div) polynomial extensions for polynomial-degree-robust potential and flux reconstruction in three space dimensions.Mathematics of Computation89322March 2020, 551-594HALDOI
- 13 articleSpace-time domain decomposition methods for diffusion problems in mixed formulations.SIAM J. Numer. Anal.5162013, 3532--3559URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/130914401DOI
12.2 Publications of the year
International journals
- 14 articleA benchmark study on reactive two-phase flow in porous media: Part II -results and discussion.Computational Geosciences2023HALback to text
- 15 articleAdaptive inexact smoothing Newton method for a nonconforming discretization of a variational inequality.Computers & Mathematics with Applications1332023, 12-29HALDOI
- 16 articleSemismooth and smoothing Newton methods for nonlinear systems with complementarity constraints: Adaptivity and inexact resolution.Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics4202023, 114765HALDOI
- 17 articleA stability estimate for data assimilation subject to the heat equation with initial datum.Comptes Rendus. Mathématique2024HALback to text
- 18 articleThe unique continuation problem for the heat equation discretized with a high-order space-time nonconforming method.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis6152023, 2534-2557HALback to text
- 19 articleA posteriori error estimates for discontinuous Galerkin methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis6152023, 2352--2380HALDOI
- 20 articlep-robust equilibrated flux reconstruction in H(curl) based on local minimizations. Application to a posteriori analysis of the curl-curl problem.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis614July 2023, 1783--1818HALDOIback to textback to text
articleGuaranteed contraction of adaptive inexact
-refinement strategies with realistic stopping criteria.ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis571February 2023, 329 - 366HALDOI -
-hybrid high-order methods for biharmonic problems.IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis441February 2024, 24–57HALDOIback to text - 23 articleLocal decay rates of best-approximation errors using vector-valued finite elements for fields with low regularity and integrable curl or divergence.Comptes Rendus. Mathématique361May 2023, 723-736HALDOIback to text
- 24 articleAn improved high-order method for elliptic multiscale problems.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis6142023, 1918-1937HALDOI
- 25 articlehp-optimal interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods for the biharmonic problem.Journal of Scientific Computing9630May 2023HALDOIback to text
- 26 articleInvariant-domain preserving high-order time stepping: II. IMEX schemes *.SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing4552023, A2511-A2538HALback to textback to text
- 27 articleThe discontinuous Galerkin approximation of the grad-div and curl-curl operators in first-order form is involution-preserving and spectrally correct.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis2024HALback to text
- 28 articleAdaptive regularization, discretization, and linearization for nonsmooth problems based on primal-dual gap estimators.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering418May 2023, 116558HALDOIback to textback to text
- 29 articleInexpensive polynomial-degree-robust equilibrated flux a posteriori estimates for isogeometric analysis.Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences2023, 1-46HALDOIback to text
- 30 articleA benchmark study on reactive two-phase flow in porous media: Part I -model description.Computational Geosciences2023HALback to text
- 31 articleA space-time multiscale mortar mixed finite element method for parabolic equations.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis612April 2023, 675 - 706HALDOI
- 32 articleA posteriori error estimates for the Richards equation.Mathematics of ComputationDecember 2023HAL
- 33 articleStable model reduction for linear variational inequalities with parameter-dependent constraints.ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis5712023, 167--189HALback to text
- 34 articleSurface tension effects between two immiscible Stokes fluids: a computational study using unfitted hybrid high-order methods and a level-set scheme.SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics92023, 257-283HALback to text
- 35 articleTime-explicit Hybrid High-Order method for the nonlinear acoustic wave equation.ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis5752023, 2977-3006HALback to text
International peer-reviewed conferences
- 36 inproceedingsA Coq Formalization of Lebesgue Induction Principle and Tonelli's Theorem.Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Formal Methods25th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2023)14000Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceLübeck, GermanyMarch 2023, 39--55HALDOIback to text
Doctoral dissertations and habilitation theses
- 37 thesisSimulation of two-fluid immiscible Stokes flows using hybrid nonconforming methods and geometrically unfitted meshes.Ecole des Ponts ParisTech; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain)December 2023HALback to textback to text
- 38 thesisAn explicit hybrid high-order method for structural dynamics.ENPC - École des Ponts ParisTechDecember 2023HALback to textback to text
Reports & preprints
- 39 miscModeling diffusion in discontinuous media under generalized interface conditions: theory and algorithms.July 2023HALback to text
- 40 miscRandom walk modeling of conductive heat transport in discontinuous media.July 2023HALback to text
- 41 reportLebesgue Induction and Tonelli's Theorem in Coq.RR-9457Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA)January 2023, 17HAL
- 42 miscAn equilibrated flux a posteriori error estimator for defeaturing problems.December 2023HAL
- 43 miscAsymptotic optimality of the edge finite element approximation of the time-harmonic Maxwell's equations.September 2023HALback to text
- 44 miscA stable local commuting projector and optimal hp approximation estimates in H(curl).December 2023HAL
- 45 miscConstrained and unconstrained stable discrete minimizations for p-robust local reconstructions in vertex patches in the De Rham complex.May 2023HAL
- 46 miscA hypocoercivity-exploiting stabilised finite element method for Kolmogorov equation.January 2024HAL
-optimal convergence of the original DG method for linear hyperbolic problems on special simplicial meshes.November 2023HALback to text - 48 miscSpectral correctness of the discontinuous Galerkin approximation of the first-order form of Maxwell's equations with discontinuous coefficients.June 2023HALback to text
- 49 miscAsymptotic and invariant-domain preserving schemes for scalar conservation equations with stiff source terms and multiple equilibrium points.December 2023HALback to text
- 50 miscConvergence analysis for the wave equation discretized with hybrid methods in space (HHO, HDG and WG) and the leapfrog scheme in time.September 2023HALback to text
- 51 miscAdaptive regularization for the Richards equation.October 2023HAL
- 52 miscRobust energy a posteriori estimates for nonlinear elliptic problems.March 2023HALback to text
- 53 miscGuaranteed, locally efficient, and robust a posteriori estimates for nonlinear elliptic problems in iteration-dependent norms. An orthogonal decomposition result based on iterative linearization.July 2023HAL
- 54 miscA reduced basis method for frictional contact problems formulated with Nitsche's method.July 2023HALback to text
12.3 Cited publications
- 55 inproceedingsScalable Domain Decomposition Preconditioners for Heterogeneous Elliptic Problems.Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and AnalysisSC '13New York, NY, USADenver, ColoradoAssociation for Computing Machinery2013DOIback to text
- 56 articleKSPHPDDM and PCHPDDM: Extending PETSc with advanced Krylov methods and robust multilevel overlapping Schwarz preconditioners.Computers & Mathematics with Applications842021, 277-295DOIback to text