2023Activity reportProject-TeamCOSMIQ
RNSR: 201923488C- Research center Inria Paris Centre
- Team name: Code-based Cryptology, Symmetric Cryptology and Quantum Information
- Domain:Algorithmics, Programming, Software and Architecture
- Theme:Algorithmics, Computer Algebra and Cryptology
Computer Science and Digital Science
- A1.2.8. Network security
- A3.1.5. Control access, privacy
- A4. Security and privacy
- A4.2. Correcting codes
- A4.3. Cryptography
- A4.3.1. Public key cryptography
- A4.3.2. Secret key cryptography
- A4.3.3. Cryptographic protocols
- A4.3.4. Quantum Cryptography
- A6.2.3. Probabilistic methods
- A7.1. Algorithms
- A7.1.4. Quantum algorithms
- A8.1. Discrete mathematics, combinatorics
- A8.6. Information theory
Other Research Topics and Application Domains
- B6.4. Internet of things
- B6.5. Information systems
- B9.5.1. Computer science
- B9.5.2. Mathematics
- B9.10. Privacy
1 Team members, visitors, external collaborators
Research Scientists
- Jean-Pierre Tillich [Team leader, INRIA, Senior Researcher, HDR]
- Ivan Bardet [INRIA, Starting Research Position, until Jan 2023]
- Anne Canteaut [INRIA, Senior Researcher, HDR]
- Andre Chailloux [INRIA, Researcher]
- Pascale Charpin [INRIA, Emeritus, HDR]
- Nicholas Connolly [INRIA, Starting Research Position, until Aug 2023]
- Gaetan Leurent [INRIA, Researcher, HDR]
- Anthony Leverrier [INRIA, HDR]
- María Naya Plasencia [INRIA, Senior Researcher, HDR]
- Leo Perrin [INRIA, Researcher]
- Nicolas Sendrier [INRIA, Senior Researcher, HDR]
PhD Students
- Augustin Bariant [INRIA, until Nov 2023]
- Jules Baudrin [INRIA]
- Agathe Blanvillain [INRIA, from Oct 2023]
- Aurelien Boeuf [INRIA]
- Clémence Bouvier [SORBONNE UNIVERSITE, until Nov 2023]
- Pierre Briaud [SORBONNE UNIVERSITE, until Sep 2023]
- Nicolas David [INRIA, until Nov 2023]
- Loïc Demange [THALES, until Nov 2023]
- Aurélie Denys [INRIA]
- Simona Etinski [INRIA, until Mar 2023, Phd Student]
- Virgile Guemard [INRIA]
- Axel Lemoine [DGA, from Oct 2023]
- Johanna Loyer [INRIA]
- Dounia M'Foukh [INRIA, from Sep 2023]
- Charles Meyer-Hilfiger [INRIA]
- Rocco Mora [INRIA, until Mar 2023]
- Clara Pernot [INRIA]
- Maxime Remaud [BULL, until Nov 2023]
- Simon Richoux [DGA, from Nov 2023]
Technical Staff
- Rocco Mora [INRIA, Engineer, from Apr 2023 until Oct 2023]
Interns and Apprentices
- Agathe Blanvillain [INRIA, Intern, from Apr 2023 until Sep 2023]
- Axel Lemoine [DGA, Intern, from Mar 2023 until Aug 2023]
- Dounia M'Foukh [INRIA, Intern, from Mar 2023 until Aug 2023]
- Roman Randrianarisoa [INRIA, Intern, from Aug 2023 until Sep 2023]
- Fanny Terrier [INRIA, Intern, from Mar 2023 until Aug 2023]
Administrative Assistants
- Christelle Guiziou [INRIA]
- Christelle Rosello [INRIA, from Apr 2023]
External Collaborators
- Christina Boura [UVSQ, HDR]
- Yann Rotella [UVSQ]
- Valentin Vasseur [THALES]
- Thomas Vidick [CALTECH]
2 Overall objectives
The research within the project-team is related to cryptography and more generally to protection of information, be it classical or quantum. In a nutshell, the overall goal within our project-team is to cover the following classical and quantum aspects of cryptology, together with the specific area of quantum codes:
new cryptanalysis, classical or quantum, in symmetric and asymmetric cryptography,
new designs of classical symmetric and asymmetric primitives or quantum primitives that are resistant against a classical and quantum adversary,
design of quantum codes allowing for efficient fault-tolerant quantum computation.
3 Research program
3.1 Quantum algorithms and cryptanalysis
Well-analyzed mathematical problems such as integer factorization or the discrete logarithm problem, that have been the foundations of asymmetric cryptographic for many years, were found to be easily solved with Shor's algorithm by a quantum computer. This has prompted the community to actively search for alternatives and the NIST to launch in 2017 a still ongoing competition aiming at standardizing the most suitable candidates. Even if the proposed solutions to this competition have good reasons to be believed resistant to a quantum computer, they often have a rich mathematical structure that makes them tantalizing targets for quantum speedups that go beyond the usual Grover/quantum-walk speedups. The recent work of Chen, Liu and Zhandry on solving LWE in superposition (Eurocrypt 2022) is a good illustration of this potential. It gives a quantum polynomial time algorithm of the Short Integer Solution (SIS) problem for some parameters seemingly unreachable for classical computers. The SIS problem appears in lattice-based cryptography and while this does not break current proposals for lattice-based cryptography, it shows that even computational assumptions believed to be secure against quantum computers are at risk with quantum algorithms going way beyond Shor's algorithm.
On the other hand, symmetric cryptography, essential for enabling secure communications, used to seem much less affected at first sight: the biggest known threat was Grover's algorithm, which allows exhaustive key searches in the square root of the normal complexity. Thus, it was believed that doubling key-lengths suffices to maintain an equivalent security in the post-quantum world, but this has changed since our project QUASYModo.
Indeed, our results have shown that both for symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, the impact of quantum computers goes well beyond Grover's and Shor's algorithms and has to be studied carefully in order to understand if a given cryptographic primitive is secure or not in a quantum world. To correctly evaluate the security of cryptographic primitives in the post-quantum world, it is really desirable to elaborate a quantum cryptanalysis toolbox. This whole thread of research, that needs to combine techniques from symmetric or asymmetric cryptanalysis together with quantum algorithmic tools, came naturally in our team which is composed of symmetric and asymmetric cryptologists as well as of experts in quantum computing. We have exploited this unique opportunity to become one of the leading research teams in the field. We have also managed to pass on the interest and the focus in this research direction to other international groups that have recently published some interesting new results on quantum cryptanalysis, like: G. Leander and A. May (U. Bochum), T. Iwata (U. Nagoya), Y. Sasaki and A. Hosoyamada (NTT), Xiaoyun Wang et al. (Tsinghua U, Beijing), Li Yang et al. (Chinese academy of science)...
3.2 Symmetric cryptology
Symmetric techniques are widely used because they are the only ones that can achieve some major features such as high-speed or low-cost encryption, fast authentication, and efficient hashing. It is a very active research area which is stimulated by a pressing industrial demand for low-cost implementations. Even if the block cipher standard AES remains unbroken 20 years after its design, it clearly appears that it cannot serve as a Swiss Army knife in all environments. In particular an important challenge raised by several new applications is the design of symmetric encryption schemes with some additional properties compared to the AES, either in terms of implementation performance (low-cost hardware implementation, low latency, resistance against side-channel attacks...) or in terms of functionalities. The past decade has then been characterized by a multiplicity of new proposals and evaluating their security has become a primordial task which requires the attention of the community.
This proliferation of symmetric primitives has been amplified by public competitions, including the recent NIST lightweight standardization effort, which have encouraged innovative but unconventional constructions in order to answer the harsh implementation constraints. These promising but new designs need to be carefully analyzed since they may introduce unexpected weaknesses in the ciphers. Our research work captures this conflict for all families of symmetric ciphers. It includes new attacks and the search for new building blocks which ensure both a high resistance to known attacks and a low implementation cost. This work, which combines cryptanalysis and the theoretical study of discrete mathematical objects, is essential to progress in the formal analysis of the security of symmetric systems.
Our specificity, compared to most groups in the area, is that our research work tackles all aspects of the problem, from the practical ones (new attacks, concrete constructions of primitives and low-cost building-blocks) to the most theoretical ones (study of the algebraic structure of underlying mathematical objects, definition of optimal objects). We study these aspects not separately but as several sides of the same domain.
3.3 Post-quantum asymmetric cryptology
Current public-key cryptography is particularly threatened by quantum computers, since almost all cryptosystems used in practice rely on related number-theoretic security problems that can be easily solved on a quantum computer as shown by Shor in 1994. This very worrisome situation has prompted NIST to launch a standardization process in 2017 for quantum-resistant alternatives to those cryptosystems. This concerns all three major asymmetric primitives, namely public-key encryption schemes, key-exchange protocols and digital signatures. The NIST has made it clear that for each primitive there will be several selected candidates relying on different security assumptions. It publicly admits that the evaluation process for these post-quantum cryptosystems is significantly more complex than the evaluation of the SHA-3 and AES candidates for instance.
There were 69 (valid) submissions to this call in November 2017, with numerous lattice-based, code-based and multivariate-cryptography submissions and some submissions based either on hashing or on supersingular elliptic curve isogenies. In January 2019, 26 of these submissions were selected for the second round and 7 of them are code-based submissions. In July 2020, 15 schemes were selected as third round finalists/alternate candidates, 3 of them are code-based. NIST has anounced in 2021 that this call for postquantum primitives would be extended specifically for digital signatures based on techniques other than lattices. This new call should be released in the first quarter of 2022.
The research of the project-team in this field is focused on the design and cryptanalysis of cryptosystems making use of coding theory and we have proposed code-based candidates to the NIST call for the first two types of primitives, namely public-key encryption and key-exchange protocols and have two candidates among the finalists/alternate candidates. We are also preparing to submit Wave to the new code-based signature whose deadline is June 1, 2023.
3.4 Quantum information
The field of quantum information and computation aims at exploiting the laws of quantum physics to manipulate information in radically novel ways. There are two main applications:
quantum computing, that offers the promise of solving some problems that seem to be intractable for classical computers such as for instance factorization or solving the discrete logarithm problem;
quantum cryptography, which provides new ways to exchange data in a provably secure fashion. For instance it allows key distribution by using an authenticated channel and quantum communication over an unreliable channel with information-theoretic security, in the sense that its security can be proven rigorously by using only the laws of quantum physics, even with all-powerful adversaries.
Our team deals with quantum coding theoretic issues related to building a large quantum computer and with quantum cryptography. If these two questions may seem at first sight quite distinct, they are in fact closely related in the sense that they both concern the protection of (quantum) information either against an adversary in the case of quantum cryptography or against the environment in the case of quantum error-correction. This connection is actually quite deep since an adversary in quantum cryptography is typically modeled by a party having access to the entire environment. The goals of both topics are then roughly to be able to measure how much information has leaked to the environment for cryptography and to devise mechanisms that prevent information from leaking to the environment in the context of error correction.
While quantum cryptography is already getting out of the labs, this is not yet the case of quantum computing, with large quantum computers capable of breaking RSA with Shor's algorithms maybe still decades away. The situation is evolving very quickly, however, notably thanks to massive public investments in the past couple of years and all the major software or hardware companies starting to develop their own quantum computers. One of the main obstacles towards building a quantum computer is the fragility of quantum information: any unwanted interaction with the environment gives rise to the phenomenon of decoherence which prevents any quantum speedup from occurring. In practice, all the hardware of the quantum computer is intrinsically faulty: the qubits themselves, the logical gates and the measurement devices. To address this issue, one must resort to quantum fault-tolerance techniques which in turn rely on the existence of good families of quantum error-correcting codes that can be decoded efficiently. Our expertise in this area lies in the study of a particularly important class of quantum codes called quantum low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. The LDPC property, which is well-known in the classical context where it allows for very efficient decoding algorithms, is even more crucial in the quantum case since enforcing interactions between a large number of qubits is very challenging. Quantum LDPC codes solve this issue by requiring each qubit to only interact with a constant number of other qubits.
4 Application domains
4.1 Designing, Analyzing and Choosing Cryptographic Standards
The research community is strongly involved in the development and evolution of cryptographic standards. Many standards are developed through open competitions (e.g. AES, SHA-3) where multiple teams propose new designs, and a joint cryptanalysis effort allows to select the most suitable proposals. The analysis of established standards is also an important work, in order to depreciate weak algorithms before they can be exploited. Several members of the team have been involved in this type of effort and we plan to continue this work to ensure that secure algorithms are widely available. We believe that good cryptographic standards have a large socio-economic impact, and we are active in proposing schemes to future competitions, and in analyzing schemes proposed to current or future competitions, as well as widely-used algorithms and standards.
At the moment, we are involved in the two standardization efforts run by NIST for post-quantum cryptography and lightweight cryptography. We have also uncovered potential backdoors in two algorithms from the Russian Federation (Streebog and Kuznyechik), and successfully presented the standardization of the latter by ISO. We have also implemented practical attacks against SHA-1 to speed-up its deprecation.
NIST post-quantum competition.
The NIST post-quantum competition1 aims at standardizing quantum-safe public-key primitives. It is really about offering a credible quantum-safe alternative for the schemes based on number theory which are severely threatened by the advent of quantum computers. It is expected to have a huge and long-term impact on all public-key cryptography. It has received 69 proposals in November 2017, among which five have been co-designed by the project-team. Four of them have made it to the second round in January 2019. One of them was chosen in July 2020 for the third round and another one was chosen as an alternate third round finalist. We have also broken two first round candidates Edon-K90 and RankSign 89, and have devised a partial break of the RLCE encryption scheme 88. In 2020, we obtained a significant breakthrough in solving more efficiently the MinRank problem and the decoding problem in the rank metric 86, 87 by using algebraic techniques. This had several consequences: all second round rank metric candidates were dismissed from the third round (including our own candidate) and it was later found out that this algebraic algorithm could also be used to attack the third round multivariate finalist, namely Rainbow and the alternate third round finalist GeMSS.
NIST competition on lightweight symmetric encryption.
The NIST lightweight cryptography standardization process2 is an initiative to develop and standardize new authenticated encryption algorithms suitable for constrained devices. As explained in Subsection 3.2, there is a real need for new standards in lightweight cryptography, and the selected algorithms are expected to be widely deployed within the Internet of Things, as well as on more constrained devices such as contactless smart cards, or medical implants. The NIST received 56 submissions in February 2019, three of which have been co-designed by members of the team. Furthermore, one of the 10 finalists was co-designed by a member of the team.
Monitoring Current Standards
While we are very involved in the design phase of new cryptographic standards (see above), we also monitor the algorithms that are already standardized. In practice, this work has two sides.
First, we work towards the deprecation of algorithms known to be unsage. Unfortunately, even when this fact is known in the academic community, standardizing bodies can be slow to implement the required changes to their standards. This prompted for example G. Leurent to implement even better attacks against SHA-1 to illustrate its very practical weakness, and L. Perrin and X. Bonnetain (then a COSMIQ member) to find simple arguments proving that a subfunction used by the current Russian standards was not generated randomly, despite the claims of its authors.
Second, it also means that we participate to the relevant ISO meetings discussing the standardization of cryptographic primitives (JC27/WG2), and that we follow the discussions of the IETF and IRTF on RFCs. We have also provided technical assistance to members of other standardizing bodies such as the ETSI.
4.2 Large scale deployment of quantum cryptography
Major academic and industrial efforts are currently underway to implement quantum key distribution at large scale by integrating this technology within existing telecommunication networks. Colossal investments have already taken place in China to develop a large network of several thousand kilometers secured by quantum cryptography, and there is little doubt that Europe will follow the same strategy, as testified by the current European projects CiViQ (in which we are involved), OpenQKD and the future initiative Euro-QCI (Quantum Communication Infrastructure). While the main objectives of these actions are to develop better systems at lower cost and are mainly engineering problems, it is crucial to note that the security of the quantum key distribution protocols to be deployed remains far from being completely understood. For instance, while the asymptotic regime of these protocols (where one assumes a perfect knowledge of the quantum channel for instance) has been thoroughly studied in the literature, it is not the case of the much more relevant finite-size regime accounting for various sources of statistical uncertainties for instance. Another issue is that compliance with the standards of the telecommunication industry requires much improved performances compared to the current state-of-the-art, and this can only be achieved by significantly tweaking the original protocols. It is therefore rather urgent to better understand whether these more efficient protocols remain as secure as the previous ones. Our work in this area is to build upon our own expertise in continuous-variable quantum key distribution, for which we have developed the most advanced security proofs, to give security proofs for the protocols used in this kind of quantum networks.
5 Highlights of the year
5.1 Awards
Irène Joliot-Curie Prize 2023
Anne Canteaut was awarded by the French Academy of Sciences the "Female Scientist of the Year" prize. This prize distinguishes one senior woman scientist per year among all disciplines.
- Online-audience award, “My thesis in 180 seconds”, Sorbonne Université
EDITE PhD thesis second prize, 58
Clémence Bouvier, Cryptanalysis and design of symmetric primitives defined over large finite fields, Sorbonne Université, 2023
6 New software, platforms, open data
6.1 New software
6.1.1 Wave
Cryptography, Error Correction Code
Functional Description:
Implementation of the code based signature scheme Wave whose security relies solely on decoding large Hamming weight errors and distinguishing a generalized U,U+V code from a random code.
- URL:
Nicolas Sendrier, Thomas Debris
Nicolas Sendrier
6.1.2 Collision Decoding
Algorithm, Binary linear code
Functional Description:
Collision Decoding implements two variants of information set decoding : Stern-Dumer, and MMT. To our knowledge it is the best full-fledged open-source implementation of generic decoding of binary linear codes. It is the best generic attack against code-based cryptography.
- URL:
Nicolas Sendrier
Grégory Landais, Nicolas Sendrier
7 New results
7.1 Quantum algorithms and cryptanalysis
Participants: Ritam Bhaumik, André Chailloux, Nicolas David, Simona Etinski, Antonio Flórez-Gutiérrez, Paul Frixons, Gaëtan Leurent, Johanna Loyer, María Naya-Plasencia, Maxime Remaud, Jean-Pierre Tillich.
We have kept on working on symmetric quantum cryptanalysis and generic quantum algorithms related to cryptanalysis, and in addition, started looking at some asymmetric cryptanalysis problems in lattice based cryptography or isogeny based cryptography.
7.2 Symmetric cryptology
Participants: Augustin Bariant, Jules Baudrin, Ritam Bhaumik, Aurélien Boeuf, Clémence Bouvier, Anne Canteaut, Pascale Charpin, Daniel Coggia, Nicolas David, Gaëtan Leurent, María Naya-Plasencia, Clara Pernot, Léo Perrin.
Our recent results in symmetric cryptography concern either the security analysis of existing primitives, or the design of new primitives. This second topic includes some work on the construction and properties of suitable building-blocks for these primitives, e.g. on the search of highly nonlinear functions.
7.3 Post-quantum asymmetric cryptology
Participants: Pierre Briaud, André Chailloux, Loïc Demange, Charles Meyer-Hilfiger, Rocco Mora, Maxime Remaud, Nicolas Sendrier, Jean-Pierre Tillich.
Our work in this area is mainly focused on code-based cryptography, but some of our contributions, namely algebraic attacks, have applications in multivariate cryptography or in algebraic coding theory. Many contributions relate to the NIST call for postquantum primitives, either cryptanalysis or design.
We have also been organizing since 2015 a working group held every month or every two months on code-based cryptography that structures the French efforts on this topic: every meeting is attended by most of the groups working in France on this topic (project-team GRACE, University of Bordeaux, University of Limoges, University of Rennes and University of Rouen).
7.4 Quantum information
Participants: Ivan Bardet, André Chailloux, Aurélie Denys, Lucien Grouès, Virgile Guémard, Anthony Leverrier, Andrea Olivo.
Most of our work in quantum information deals with either quantum algorithms, quantum error correction or cryptography.
8 Bilateral contracts and grants with industry
8.1 Bilateral contracts with industry
LOTUS:(01/2021 -> 31/12/2023) Contract with Thales for a survey on the implementation of code-based post-quantum cryptosystems.
45 kEuros.
8.2 Bilateral grants with industry
Bull-ATOS (07/2020 -> 06/2023) Funding for the supervision of Maxime Rémaud's PhD.
60 kEuros.
Thalès (11/2020 -> 10/2023) Funding for the supervision of Loïc Demange's PhD.
45 kEuros.
9 Partnerships and cooperations
9.1 International initiatives
9.1.1 Associate Teams in the framework of an Inria International Lab or in the framework of an Inria International Program
Associate team between COSMIQ and Simula UiB (Bergen, Norway).
The aim of the team is to investigate the design and analysis of symmetric primitives operating over large and/or prime fields.
9.2 International research visitors
9.2.1 Visits of international scientists
Inria International Chair
Participants: Thomas Vidick.
Other international visits to the team
Carlos Cid
Institution of origin:
Simula UIB
November 6- November 9
Context of the visit:
visit in the framework of the associate COSINUS team
Haavard Raddum
Institution of origin:
Simula UIB
November 6- November 10
Context of the visit:
visit in the framework of the associate COSINUS team
Manterola Ayala
Institution of origin:
Simula UIB
November 6- November 10
Context of the visit:
visit in the framework of the associate COSINUS team
Atharva Phanse
Institution of origin:
Simula UIB
November 6- November 10
Context of the visit:
visit in the framework of the associate COSINUS team
9.2.2 Visits to international teams
Research stays abroad
Visit to Simula
Participants: Aurélien Boeuf, Clémence Bouvier, Axel Lemoine, Leo Perrin.
- Visited institution: Simula
- Country: Norway
- Dates: June 13- June 16
Context of the visit:
in the framework of the COSINUS associate team with Simula UIB. Leo Perrin, Aurélien Boeuf, Clémence Bouvier and Axel Lemoine went for one week to work on the design and cryptanalysis of symmetric primitives operating over large and/or prime fields.
Mobility program/type of mobility:
Associate team with Simula.
Visit to the University of Rostock
Participants: Clémence Bouvier, Leo Perrin.
- Visited institution: University of Rostock
- Country: Germany
- Dates: June 5- June 9
Context of the visit:
Work with Pr. Gohar Kyureghyan.
Mobility program/type of mobility:
9.3 European initiatives
9.3.1 Horizon Europe
ReSCALE project on cordis.europa.eu
Reinventing Symmetric Cryptography for Arithmetization over Large fiElds
From September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2027
Inria contact:
Léo Perrin
Léo Perrin
"Symmetric cryptography is finding new uses because of the emergence of novel and more complex (e.g. distributed) computing environments.
These are based on sophisticated zero-knowledge and Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols, and they aim to provide strong security guarantees of types that were unthinkable before. In particular, they make it theoretically possible to prove that a computation was done as claimed by those performing it without revealing its inputs or outputs. This would make it possible e.g. for e-governance algorithms to prove that they are run honestly; and overall would increase the trust we can have in various automated processes.
The security techniques providing these guarantees are sequences of operations in a large finite field GF(q), where typically q>24. However, these procedures also rely on hash functions and other ""symmetric"" cryptographic algorithms that are defined over GF(2}={0,1}. But encoding GF(2) operations using GF(q) operations is very costly: relying on standard hash functions leads to significant performance overhead, to the point were the protocols mentioned before are unusable in practice.
In order to alleviate this bottleneck, it is necessary to devise symmetric algorithms that are natively described in GF(q). This change requires great care: some hash functions described in GF(q) have already been presented, and subsequently exhibited significant flaws. The inherent structural differences between GF(2) and GF(q) are the cause behind these problems: our understanding of the construction of symmetric primitives in GF(2) does not carry over to GF(q).
With this project, I will bring symmetric cryptography into GF(q) in a safe and efficient way. To this end, I will rebuild the analysis tools and methods that are used both by designers and attackers. This project will naturally lead to the design of new algorithms whose adoption will be simplified by the efficient and easy-to-use software libraries we will provide."
QUASYModo Symmetric Cryptography in the Post-Quantum World
From September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2023
Inria contact:
María Naya Plasencia
María Naya Plasencia
Total amount:
1.33 MEuros
Correctly evaluating the security of symmetric primitives in the post-quantum world cannot be done without a corresponding cryptanalysis toolbox, which had not been studied prior to our project. This is the big gap we have been filling during the last 6 years thanks to QUASYModo. We have also proposed efficient solutions secure in the post-quantum world with the help of our previously obtained quantum symmetric cryptanalysis toolbox. The main challenge of QUASYModo was to redesign symmetric cryptography for the post-quantum world.
9.3.2 Digital Europe
QUANTAGENOMICS Quantum Enabled Secure Multiparty Computation for Genomic Medicine
QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund
May 2022 - April 2025
Instituto de Telecomunicações (Portagal), Sorbonne Université (France), Inria de Paris, Ophiomics (Portugal), UPM (Spain), ICFO (Spain),
Total amount:
1 MEuros
QuantaGenomics is a QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies project with focus on the development of a quantum-enabled secure multiparty computation service for collaborative genomic medicine. In this project, we are going to replace the classical oblivious transfer(OT) implementation by a quantum-enabled OT in a secure multiparty computation (SMC) protocol, leading to a solution that is both fast and secure, even against quantum computer attacks. On top of the quantum-enabled SMC protocol, we are going to develop a privacy-preserving data mining service involving a particular genomic medicine use case.
9.4 National initiatives
ANR SWAP (02/22→01/26)
Sboxes for Symmetric-Key Primitives
ANR Program: AAP Générique 2021
Partners: UVSQ (coordinateur), Inria COSMIQ, ANSSI, CryptoExperts, Univ. of Rouen, Univ. of Toulon.
172 kEuros
Sboxes are small nonlinear functions that are crucial components of most symmetric-key designs and their properties are highly related to the security of the overall construction. The development of new attacks has given rise to many Sbox design criteria. However, the emerge of new contexts, applications and environments requires the development of new design criteria and strategies. The SWAP project aims first at investigating such criteria for emerging use cases like whitebox cryptography, fully homomorphic encryption and side-channel resistance. Then, we wish for analyzing the impact of these particular designs on cryptanalysis and see how the use of Sboxes with some special mathematical structures can accelerate some known attacks or introduce new ones. Finally, we aim at studying Sboxes from a mathematical point of view and provide new directions to the Big APN problem, an old conjecture on the existence of a particular type of optimal permutations.
09/28)Cryptanalysis of classical cryptographic primitives
ANR Program: AAP PEPR Cybersécurité
Partners: COSMIQ (coordinator), CARAMBA (coordinator), LFANT, LIRMM, IRISA, LMV, MIS, LIP6, LJK
605 kEuros (Total amount: 5 MEuros)
This is one of the ten projects within the Program on Cybersecurity(https://www.pepr-cybersecurite.fr), funded by the French investment plan, France 2030. This project brings together the main French research groups working on cryptanalysis. It will study simultaneously the most widely used cryptographic primitives, the more recent primitives which have been around for a shorter time or which are within the long process of academic approval or standardisation, and finally the project also studies specialized primitives which are designed for some specific application contexts. In all cases, the main goal is to provide accurate hardness estimations for the underlying problems and, ultimately, a good understanding of the security level, both for symmetric and for asymmetric primitives. Software tools, which will be made openly available when appropriate, are bound to play a key role in this work. This project will advance the state of the art in cryptanalysis, and eventually increase the security of primitives used today and in the future.
ANR EPIQ (01/22
12/27)Quantum Software - Study of the quantum stack: Algorithm, models, and simulation for quantum computing
ANR Program: PEPR on Quantum Technologies
Partners: MOCQA(coordinator), COSMIQ, CEA (LIST, IPHT,MEM), Inria (Paris, Bordeaux, Nancy, Lyon, Rennes, Saclay), University of Aix-Marseille (LIS), University of Bordeaux (LABRI), University of Bourgogne and Franche Comté (ICB), University of Grenoble (LPMMC,NEEL), University of Paris (IRIF), Sorbonne University (LIP6),
230 kEuros
The purpose of this project is (i) to understand the advantages and limits of quantum computing via both quantum complexity research and the discovery and enhancement of algorithms, (ii) to define the framework for quantum computation using high-level languages, comparison of computational models as well as using their relations for program optimization, (iii) develop simulation tools to anticipate the performances of algorithms on noisy quantum machines. We are involved in studying the limits of quantum algorithms in cryptanalysis.
12/27)From NISQ to LSQ: Bosonic and LDPC codes
ANR Program: PEPR on Quantum Technologies
Partners: COSMIQ (coordinator), Inria (Paris, Nancy, Lyon, Saclay), SPEC/CEA Saclay, PHELIQS/ CEA Grenoble, LPMMC, ENS Lyon, LPTHE, Alice
Bob, C2N, Majulab, LCF, LIP6, LKB, MPQ, Quandela, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, CEA-LETI, GR2IF, XLIM420 kEuros
This project aims at accelerating the R
D efforts in the theory and conception of hardware-efficient fault- tolerant quantum codes. As far as codes are concerned, the project focuses on two of the most promising solutions, namely bosonic codes and Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes. On the hardware side, the targeted platforms are superconducting qubits and photonic ones. -
ANR TLS-PQ (01/22
12/26)Post-quantum padlock for web browser
ANR Program: PEPR on Quantum Technologies
Partners: CAPSULE(coordinator), COSMIQ, Inria (Paris, Bordeaux, Nancy, Lyon, Rennes, Saclay), CEA-LETI, University of Bordeaux (TDN), University of Caen (AMACC), University of Limoges (Cryptis), University of Rouen (CA), University of Saint-Etienne (SESAM), University of Versailles (Cryptis), ARCAD
430 kEuros
This integrated project aims to develop in 5 years post-quantum primitives in a prototype of « post-quantum lock » that will be implemented in an open-source browser. We are involved in developing code-based solutions and analyzing the security of the proposed algorithms.
10 Dissemination
10.1 Promoting scientific activities
10.1.1 Scientific events: organisation
General chair, scientific chair
- STAP'23: Apr 2023, Lyon, France (workshop co-located with Eurocrypt'23): L. Perrin (general chair)
10.1.2 Scientific events: selection
Chair of conference program committees
- IEEE ITW 2023, Apr. 2023, St-Malo, France: A. Canteaut (co-chair)
- WCC 2024, June 2024, Perugia, Italy: M. Naya Plasencia (co-chair)
- Dagstuhl seminar on Quantum Cryptanalysis, Oct. 2023: M. Naya-Plasencia (co-organizer)
- Dagstuhl seminar on Symmetric Cryptography, Jan. 2024: M. Naya-Plasencia (co-organizer)
Steering Committees.
- Fast Software Encryption (FSE), A. Canteaut (chair, 2014–2023), M. Naya-Plasencia (member 2016–2023), G. Leurent (member since 2019)
- Post-quantum cryptography (PQCrypto), N. Sendrier, J.-P. Tillich
- Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC), P. Charpin, N. Sendrier, J.-P. Tillich
Member of the conference program committees
Anne Canteaut:
- Eurocrypt: 2024
- Crypto: 2024
- FSE: 2024
- ITW: 2023 (co-chair)
Pascale Charpin:
- WCC: 2024
Gaëtan Leurent:
- Eurocrypt: 2023
- Crypto: 2024
Anthony Leverrier:
- QIP: 2023
- AQIS: 2023
María Naya Plasencia:
- Eurocrypt: 2024 (area chair)
- Asiacrypt: 2023
- WCC: 2024 (co-chair)
- CFail: 2021
Léo Perrin:
- Crypto: 2023
- Eurocrypt: 2023
- WCC: 2024
Nicolas Sendrier:
- Indocrypt: 2023
- PQCrypto: 2023, 2024
- SAC: 2023
- WCC: 2024
Jean-Pierre Tillich:
- AAC' 24: 2024
- Asiacrypt: 2023
- ISIT: 2023
- ITW: 2023
- PKC: 2023
- PQCrypto: 2023, 2024
- WCC: 2024
10.1.3 Journal
Editorial boards
- Advances in Mathematics for Communications, associate editors : N. Sendrier (since 2018), J.-P. Tillich (since 2017)
- Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, associate editor: A. Canteaut (since 2016)
- Designs, Codes and Cryptography, associate editors: P. Charpin (since 2003), M. Naya Plasencia (since 2020)
- Finite Fields and Their Applications, associate editors: A. Canteaut, P. Charpin (since 2013)
- IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, co-editor-in-chief: G. Leurent (2019–20); other members of the editorial board: A. Canteaut (2019–20, 2023), G. Leurent (2022), M. Naya-Plasencia (2019–20), L. Perrin (2019–22)
- IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, member of the editorial board: G. Leurent (2019)
- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, A. Canteaut: area editor (since 2021), associate editor (2018–20), A. Leverrier: associate editor (since 2023)
- Journal of Cryptology, A. Canteaut (since 2021)
- Quantum Journal, associate editor: A. Leverrier (2018–22).
10.1.4 Invited talks
- J.-P. Tillich, “Recent algebraic attacks on the McEliece cryptosystem”, invited talk at Finite Fields and Their Applications 2023 (Fq15), Jun 21, 2023
- A. Canteaut, “The Unbearable Lightness of Symmetric Primitives”, Invited talk at Africacrypt 2023, July 18, 2023
- J.-P. Tillich, “Recent algebraic attacks on the McEliece cryptosystem”, invited talk at PQCrypto 2023, August
- G. Leurent, “Cryptanalysis Beyond Primitives”, FSE 2024 keynote talk, Leuven, March 25-29 2024
10.1.5 Scientific expertise
A. Canteaut, G. Leurent, M. Naya Plasencia and L. Perrin have been asked to analyze the security of some primitives to be deployed by some blockchain providers. Back in 2019 A. Canteaut brought together and led a group of several international researchers to compare the security levels offered by some STARK-friendly hash functions, as a consulting activity group for Starkware. A similar study focusing on Rescue was then commissioned by the German compagny cryptosolutions. In 2023, the Ethereum Fondation organized an event with a group of international experts to analyze the candidate sequential function MinRoot; they asked G. Leurent and M. Naya Plasencia to lead one the groups, and also invited A. Canteaut, and L. Perrin to participate 75. In each case, our expertise was needed to choose the appropriate solutions for their products.
10.1.6 Research administration
Committees for the selection of professors, assistant professors and researchers.
- Inria, Senior Research Scientists (DR): A, Canteaut (2019, chair 2020–23), M. Naya Plasencia (2020–23)
- Inria Nancy, Junior Research Scientists (CR/ISFP): M. Naya-Plasencia (2023)
- Inria, Admission Committee, DR and CR: A. Canteaut (2020–23)
- Université de Limoges, Assistant Professor, N. Sendrier (2023)
10.2 Teaching - Supervision - Juries
10.2.1 Teaching
- Master: A. Canteaut, Error-correcting codes and applications to cryptology, 12 hours, M2, University Paris-Diderot (MPRI), France;
- Master: A. Chailloux, Quantum Circuits and Logic Gates, 12 hours, M1, Sorbonne Université
- Master: A. Chailloux, Quantum information, 12 hours, M2, University Paris-Diderot (MPRI), France;
- Master: A. Chailloux, Quantum algorithms, 4 hours, M2, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France;
- Master: A. Leverrier, Quantum information theory, 12 hours, M2, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ICFP), France;
- Master: L. Perrin, Application Web et Sécurité, 24 hours, M1, UVSQ, France;
- Bachelor: L. Perrin, Cryptographie, 29 hours, L3, UVSQ, France;
- Master: J.-P. Tillich, Introduction to Information Theory, 36 hours, M2, Ecole Polytechnique, France;
- Master: J.-P. Tillich, Quantum Information and Applications, 36 hours, M2, Ecole Polytechnique, France.
10.2.2 Supervision
- PhD: S. Etinski, Generalized Syndrome Decoding Problem and its Application to Post-Quantum Cryptography, Université Paris Cité, June 28, 2023, supervior: A. Chailloux.
- PhD: Rocco Mora, Algebraic Techniques for decoding Reed-Solomon codes and cryptanalyzing McEliece cryptosystems, Sorbonne Université, April 7, 2023, supervisor: J.-P. Tillich.
- PhD : Nicolas David, Techniques améliorées en cryptanalyse différentielle, Sorbonne Université, November 8, 2023, supervisor: M. Naya-Plasencia.
- PhD: Maxime Remaud, Applications of Quantum Fourier Sampling and the Dihedral Hidden Subgroup Problem, Sorbonne Université, November 17, 2023, supervisor: J.-P. Tillich.
- PhD: Clémence Bouvier, Cryptanalysis and design of symmetric primitives defined over large finite fields, Sorbonne Université, November 27, 2023, supervisors: A. Canteaut, L. Perrin.
- PhD: Pierre Briaud, Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Post-Quantum Schemes and Related Assumptions, Sorbonne Université, December 11, 2023, supervisour: J.-P. Tillich.
- PhD: Johanna Loyer, Quantum Cryptanalysis on Lattices and Codes, Sorbonne Université, December 18, 2023, supervisors: A. Chailloux, N. Sendrier.
- PhD in progress: Clara Pernot, Cryptanalyse des algorithmes de cryptographie symétrique, since September 2020, supervisors: L. Perrin, M. Naya Plasencia.
- PhD in progress: Aurélie Denys, Security proofs for continuous variable quantum cryptography protocols, since October 2020, supervisor: A. Leverrier.
- PhD in progress: Loïc Demange, Implementation of BIKE, since November 2020, supervisor: N. Sendrier.
- PhD in progress: Augustin Bariant, Sécurité des algorithmes cryptographiques à bas coût, since March 2021, supervisors: A. Canteaut, G. Leurent.
- PhD in progress: Jules Baudrin, Analyse de la sécurité de primitives symétriques légères, since September 2021, supervisors: A. Canteaut, L. Perrin.
- PhD in progress: Charles Meyer-Hilfiger, Cryptographie post-quantique : Conception, analyse et mise œuvre d'algorithmes de décodage générique, since November 2021, supervisor: N. Sendrier.
- PhD in progress: Aurelien Boeuf, Analyse de la sécurité de primitives symétriques “Orientées Arithmétisation”, since October 2022, supervisors: A. Canteaut, L. Perrin.
- PhD in progress: Virgile, Quantum LDPC codes, since November 2022, supervisor: A. Leverrier.
- PhD in progress: Dounia M'Foukh, Symmetric cryptography, since September 2023, supervisor: M. Naya Plasencia.
- PhD in progress: A. Blanvillain, The quantum decoding problem, since October 2023, supervisor: J.-P. Tillich.
- PhD in progress: A. Lemoine, Algebraic attacks on the McEliece cryptosystem, since October 2023, supervisor: J.P. Tillich.
- PhD in progress: Simon Richoux, quantum LDPC codes, since November 2023, supervisor: A. Leverrier.
10.2.3 Juries
- R. Mora, Algebraic Techniques for decoding Reed-Solomon codes and cryptanalyzing McEliece cryptosystems, Sorbonne Université, April 7, 2023, committee: N. Sendrier, J.-P. Tillich (supervisor).
- T. Beyne, A geometric approach to symmetric-key cryptanalysis, KU Leuven, Belgium, April 18, 2023, committee: A. Canteaut
- S. Neves, Security and Simulation in Modern Computer Hardware, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, Mai 22, 2023, committee: M. Naya-Plasencia.
- S. Etinski, Generalized Syndrome Decoding Problem and its Application to Post-Quantum Cryptography, Université Paris Cité, June 28, 2023, committee: A. Chailloux (supervisor), N. Sendrier.
- F. Martinez, Mathematical studies of arithmetical pseudo-random numbers generators, Sorbonne Université, July 4, 2023, committee: M. Naya-Plasencia (chair).
- L. Luzzi [HDR], Lattices and Codes for Wireless Communications and Security, CY Cergy Paris Université, October 12, 2023, committee: J.-P. Tillich (reviewer).
- R. Lüftenegger, Algebraic Analysis of Arithmetization-Friendly Cryptographic Primitives, TU Graz, Austria, October 31, 2023, committee: A. Canteaut (reviewer).
- T. Quan Quan, Cryptanalysis of lightweight symmetric-key cryptographic algorithms, NTU Singapore, Singapore, November 1, 2023, committee: M. Naya-Plasencia (reviewer).
- N. David, Techniques améliorées en cryptanalyse différentielle, Sorbonne Université, November 8, 2023, committee: M. Naya-Plasencia (supervisor).
- T. Feneuil, Post-Quantum Signatures from Secure Multiparty Computation, Sorbonne Université, October 23, 2023, committee: N. Sendrier (chair).
- F. Göloglu [HDR], Projective polynomials over finite fields and their applications in cryptography and combinatorics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, November 15, 2023, committee: A. Canteaut (opponent).
- M. Remaud, Applications of Quantum Fourier Sampling and the Dihedral Hidden Subgroup Problem, Sorbonne Université, November 17, 2023, committee: M. Naya-Plasencia (chair), J.-P. Tillich (supervisor).
- C. Bouvier, Cryptanalysis and design of symmetric primitives defined over large finite fields, Sorbonne Université, November 27, 2023, committee: A. Canteaut (supervisor), L. Perrin (supervisor).
- P. Briaud, Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Post-Quantum Schemes and Related Assumptions, Sorbonne Université, December 11, 2023, commitee: J.-P. Tillich (supervisor).
- J. Loyer, Quantum Cryptanalysis on Lattices and Codes, Sorbonne Université, December 18, 2023, committee: A. Chailloux (supervisor), N. Sendrier (supervisor).
- A. Cheriere, Side-Channel Resistance of Cryptographic Primitives Based on Error-Correcting Codes, Université de Rennes, December 19, 2023, committee: N. Sendrier (reviewer).
- S. Tap, Construction de nouveaux outils de chiffrement homomorphe efficace, Université de Rennes, December 19, 2023, committee: A. Canteaut.
10.3 Popularization
10.3.1 Internal or external Inria responsibilities
Anne Canteaut.
- Head of Inria Evaluation Committee, Sep. 2019-Aug. 2023
- International Scientific Advisory Board of the Flemish Strategic Research Program on Cybersecurity (since 2019)
André Chailloux.
- Member of Inria Paris Scientific Hiring Committee, since 2022
Gaëtan Leurent.
- Member of the PhD Follow-up Committee at Inria Paris (Comité de suivi doctoral), 2019–23.
- (Elected) member of Inria Evaluation Committee, since Sep. 2023
- Member of FSE test-of-time award Committee, 2023
Anthony Leverrier.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the French Quantum Strategy, since Oct 2023
- Coordinator of the Inria challenge EQIP on Quantum Technologies, 2020–24
María Naya Plasencia.
- (Elected) member of Inria Evaluation Committee, Sep. 2019-Aug. 2023
- Co-chair of Inria Paris Scientific Hiring Committee (Assignment of PhD, postdoctoral and delegation Inria fundings), since 2022.
- Member of the Jury of the Inria – Academie des sciences prizes, 2023.
- Member of FSE test-of-time award Committee, 2023
- Elected director of the IACR board, (2024–2027).
Léo Perrin.
- Member of the French delegation at ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27, in particular in the WG 2 (2019–2022)
Jean-Pierre Tillich.
- in charge of “Formation par la recherche” for the Inria Paris research center.
10.3.2 Articles and contents
General-audience papers.
Anne Canteaut has written (in French): Peut-on rêver d’une écriture impénétrable ?, in : “Déchiffrement(s) : des hiéroglyphes à l'ADN”, Colloque annuel du Collège de France, Odile Jacob, Sep. 2023 853 The members of the project-team have published several general-audience papers (in French):
Our research activities have received significant media attention, and raised several general-audience papers. A selection is given below:
11 Scientific production
11.1 Major publications
- 1 inproceedingsProving Resistance Against Invariant Attacks: How to Choose the Round Constants..Crypto 2017 - Advances in Cryptology10402LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceSteven MyersSanta Barbara, United StatesSpringerAugust 2017, 647--678HALDOI
- 2 articleOn CCZ-Equivalence, Extended-Affine Equivalence, and Function Twisting.Finite Fields and Their Applications56March 2019, 209-246HALDOI
- 3 inproceedingsAn Efficient Quantum Collision Search Algorithm and Implications on Symmetric Cryptography.Asiacrypt 2017 - Advances in Cryptology10625 LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceHong Kong, ChinaSpringerDecember 2017, 211--240HALDOI
- 4 articleArbitrarily Long Relativistic Bit Commitment.Physical Review Letters115December 2015HALDOI
- 5 articleSparse Permutations with Low Differential Uniformity.Finite Fields and Their Applications28March 2014, 214-243HALDOI
- 6 inproceedingsWave: A New Family of Trapdoor One-Way Preimage Sampleable Functions Based on Codes.ASIACRYPT 2019 - 25th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security11921LNCSKobe, JapanSpringerDecember 2019, 21-51HALDOI
- 7 inproceedingsConstant overhead quantum fault-tolerance with quantum expander codes.FOCS 2018 - 59th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer ScienceParis, FranceOctober 2018, 743-754HALDOI
- 8 inproceedingsNew results on Gimli: full-permutation distinguishers and improved collisions.Asiacrypt 2020 - 26th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information SecurityDaejeon / Virtual, South KoreaDecember 2020HAL
- 9 inproceedingsBreaking Symmetric Cryptosystems Using Quantum Period Finding.Crypto 2016 - 36th Annual International Cryptology Conference9815LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceSanta Barbara, United StatesSpringerAugust 2016, 207-237HALDOI
- 10 inproceedingsSHA-1 is a Shambles.USENIX 2020 - 29th USENIX Security SymposiumBoston / Virtual, United StatesAugust 2020HAL
- 11 articleSecurity of Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution via a Gaussian de Finetti Reduction.Physical Review Letters11820May 2017, 1--24HALDOI
- 12 inproceedingsMDPC-McEliece: New McEliece Variants from Moderate Density Parity-Check Codes.IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT 2013Istanbul, TurkeyJuly 2013, 2069-2073HAL
- 13 articlePartitions in the S-Box of Streebog and Kuznyechik.IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology20191March 2019, 302-329HALDOI
11.2 Publications of the year
International journals
- 14 articleRevisiting Algebraic Attacks on MinRank and on the Rank Decoding Problem.Designs, Codes and CryptographyJuly 2023HALDOI
- 15 articleRapid thermalization of spin chain commuting Hamiltonians.Physical Review Letters1306February 2023, 8HALDOI
- 16 articlePolynomial time key-recovery attack on high rate random alternant codes.IEEE Transactions on Information Theory2023HAL
- 17 articleCommutative Cryptanalysis Made Practical.IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology202342023, 299-329HALDOI
- 18 articleRQC revisited and more cryptanalysis for Rank-based Cryptography.IEEE Transactions on Information Theory2023HAL
- 19 articlePropagation of Subspaces in Primitives with Monomial Sboxes: Applications to Rescue and Variants of the AES.IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology2023HAL
- 20 articlePropagation of Subspaces in Primitives with Monomial Sboxes: Applications to Rescue and Variants of the AES.IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology20234December 2023, 270-298HALDOI
- 21 articleRelated-Key Differential Analysis of the AES.IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology20234December 2023, 215-243HALDOI
- 22 articleOn the algebraic degree of iterated power functions.Designs, Codes and Cryptography913March 2023, 997–1033HALDOI
- 23 articleOn the (In)security of optimized Stern-like signature schemes.Designs, Codes and Cryptography2023HAL
- 24 articleQuantum Impossible Differential Attacks: Applications to AES and SKINNY.Designs, Codes and Cryptography2023, 1-33HALDOI
- 25 articleSmoothing Codes and Lattices: Systematic Study and New Bounds.IEEE Transactions on Information Theory699September 2023, 6006-6027HALDOI
- 26 articleQuantum Reduction of Finding Short Code Vectors to the Decoding Problem.IEEE Transactions on Information Theory2023, 1-1HALDOI
- 27 articleThe 2T -qutrit, a two-mode bosonic qutrit.Quantum7May 2023, 1032HALDOI
Invited conferences
- 28 inproceedingsThe Unbearable Lightness of Symmetric Primitives.Africacrypt 2023 - 14th International Conference on CryptologySousse, TunisiaJuly 2023HAL
- 29 inproceedingsRecent algebraic attacks on the McEliece cryptosystem.Numéro spécial de Finite FieldsInternational Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications 2023 (Fq15)Aubervilliers (espace Condorcet), FranceJune 2023HAL
- 30 inproceedingsRecent algebraic attacks on the McEliece cryptosystem.PQCrypto 2023College Park, United StatesJune 2023HAL
International peer-reviewed conferences
- 31 inproceedingsTruncated Boomerang Attacks and Application to AES-Based Ciphers.LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceEUROCRYPT 2023 - 42nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Technique14007Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceLyon, FranceSpringer Nature SwitzerlandApril 2023, 3-35HALDOI
- 32 inproceedingsFinding many Collisions via Reusable Quantum Walks: Application to Lattice Sieving.Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceEUROCRYPT 2023 - International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques14008Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceLyon, FranceSpringer Nature SwitzerlandApril 2023, 221-251HALDOI
- 33 inproceedingsDifferential Meet-In-The-Middle Cryptanalysis.LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceCRYPTO 2023 - 43rd International Cryptology Conference14083Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceSanta Barabara, United StatesSpringer Nature SwitzerlandAugust 2023, 240-272HALDOI
- 34 inproceedingsBetter Steady than Speedy: Full Break of SPEEDY-7-192.EUROCRYPT 2023 - 42nd Annual International Conference on Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques14007Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceLyon, FranceSpringerApril 2023, 36–66HALDOI
- 35 inproceedingsNew Design Techniques for Efficient Arithmetization-Oriented Hash Functions: Anemoi Permutations and Jive Compression Mode.Crypto 2023 - 43rd International Cryptology Conference14083Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceSanta Barbara (CA), United StatesSpringerAugust 2023HALDOI
- 36 inproceedingsCryptanalysis of rank-metric schemes based on distorted Gabidulin codes.PQCrypto 2023 : The 14th International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography14154Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceCollege Park, MD, United StatesSpringerAugust 2023, 38–56HALDOI
- 37 inproceedingsA New Algebraic Approach to the Regular Syndrome Decoding Problem and Implications for PCG Constructions.Eurocrypt 2023 - 42nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques14008Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceLyon, FranceSpringerFebruary 2023, 391--422HALDOI
- 38 inproceedingsClassical and Quantum 3 and 4-Sieves to Solve SVP with Low Memory.LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer SciencePQCrypto 2023 - 14th International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography14154Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceCollege Park, MD, United StatesSpringerAugust 2023, 225-255HALDOI
- 39 inproceedingsA new approach based on quadratic forms to attack the McEliece cryptosystem.ASIACRYPT 2023Guangzhou, ChinaSpringerDecember 2023HAL
- 40 inproceedingsEfficient decoding up to a constant fraction of the code length for asymptotically good quantum codes.SODA 2023 - ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete AlgorithmsFlorence, ItalySociety for Industrial and Applied MathematicsJanuary 2023, 1216-1244HALDOI
- 41 inproceedingsCoefficient Grouping for Complex Affine Layers.LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceCRYPTO 2023 - 43rd Annual International Cryptology Conference14083Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceSanta Barbara, CA, United StatesSpringer Nature SwitzerlandAugust 2023, 540-572HALDOI
- 42 inproceedingsRigorous Foundations for Dual Attacks in Coding Theory.Theory of Cryptography Conference (TCC)14372Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceTaipei, TaiwanSpringerNovember 2023, 3--32HALDOI
- 43 inproceedingsTime and Query Complexity Tradeoffs for the Dihedral Coset Problem.LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer SciencePQCrypto 2023 - 14th International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography14154Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceCollege Park, United StatesSpringer Nature SwitzerlandAugust 2023, 505-532HALDOI
Conferences without proceedings
- 44 inproceedingsIterated Power Functions: from Univariate Polynomial Representation to Multivariate Degree.Fq15 - International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications 2023Aubervilliers, FranceJune 2023HAL
- 45 inproceedingsSecurity Analysis of SDiTH.Workshop on Code-Based CryptographyLyon, FranceNovember 2023HAL
- 46 inproceedingsRobust sparse IQP sampling in constant depth.QIP2024Taipei, TaiwanJuly 2023HAL
Scientific books
Scientific book chapters
- 49 inbookImpossible Differential Cryptanalysis.Symmetric Cryptography 2: Cryptanalysis and Future DirectionsJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdDecember 2023, 47--55HALDOI
- 50 inbookHigher Order Differentials, Integral Attacks and Variants.Symmetric Cryptography 2: Cryptanalysis and Future DirectionsJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdDecember 2023, 123--132HALDOI
- 51 inbookMDS Matrices.Symmetric Cryptography 1: Design and Security ProofsJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdDecember 2023, 99--109HALDOI
- 52 inbookModes of Operation.Symmetric Cryptography 1: Design and Security ProofsJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdDecember 2023, 73--85HALDOI
- 53 inbookPost-Quantum Symmetric Cryptography.Symmetric Cryptography 2: Cryptanalysis and Future DirectionsJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdDecember 2023, 203--213HALDOI
- 54 inbookLinear Cryptanalysis.Symmetric Cryptography 2: Cryptanalysis and Future DirectionsJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdDecember 2023, 29--46HALDOI
- 55 inbookAddition, Rotation, XOR.Symmetric Cryptography 2: Cryptanalysis and Future DirectionsJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdDecember 2023, 155--165HALDOI
- 56 inbookNew Fields in Symmetric Cryptography.Symmetric Cryptography 2: Cryptanalysis and Future DirectionsJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdDecember 2023, 215--225HALDOI
- 57 inbookRationale, Backdoors and Trust.Symmetric Cryptography 1: Design and Security ProofsJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdDecember 2023, 123--134HALDOI
Doctoral dissertations and habilitation theses
- 58 thesisCryptanalysis and design of symmetric primitives defined over large finite fields.Sorbonne UniversitéNovember 2023HALback to text
- 59 thesisAlgebraic Cryptanalysis of Post-Quantum Schemes and Related Assumptions.Sorbone UniversitéDecember 2023HAL
- 60 thesisImproved Techniques in Differential Cryptanalysis.Sorbonne UniversitéNovember 2023HAL
- 61 thesisQuantum Cryptanalysis on Lattices and Codes.Sorbonne UniversitéDecember 2023HAL
- 62 thesisAlgebraic techniques for decoding Reed-Solomon codes and cryptanalyzing McEliece-like cryptosystems.Sorbonne UniversitéApril 2023HAL
- 63 thesisApplications of Quantum Fourier Sampling and the Dihedral Hidden Subgroup Problem.Sorbonne UniversitéNovember 2023HAL
Reports & preprints
- 64 miscEntropy decay for Davies semigroups of a one dimensional quantum lattice.2021HALDOI
- 65 miscAlgebraic Cryptanalysis of Full Ciminion.August 2023HAL
- 66 miscCompressing integer lists with Contextual Arithmetic Trits.September 2022HAL
- 67 reportRecommandations sur les « éditeurs de la zone grise ».InriaJanuary 2023, 1-3HAL
- 68 reportRecommendations on "Grey-Zone Publishers": Recommendations from the Inria Evaluation Committee, translated from https://hal.inria.fr/hal-04001505.InriaJanuary 2023, 1-3HAL
- 69 reportBilan de la mandature 2019-2023 de la Commission d'Évaluation Inria.InriaAugust 2023HAL
- 70 miscReduction from Sparse LPN to LPN, Dual Attack 3.0.December 2023HAL
- 71 miscRelativistic zero-knowledge protocol for NP over the internet unconditionally secure against quantum adversaries.December 2023HAL
- 72 miscThe Quantum Decoding Problem.November 2023HAL
- 73 miscQuantum Security of the UMTS-AKA Protocol and its Primitives, Milenage and TUAK.December 2023HAL
- 74 miscAsymmetric Quantum Secure Multi-Party Computation With Weak Clients Against Dishonest Majority.March 2023HAL
- 75 reportAnalysis of MinRoot: Public report.Ethereum FoundationSeptember 2023HALback to text
- 76 miscQuantum security analysis of Wave.August 2023HAL
- 77 miscBlock Cipher Doubling for a Post-Quantum World.December 2023HAL
Other scientific publications
- 78 miscPERK.May 2023HAL
- 79 miscRYDE specifications.June 2023HAL
- 80 miscMIRA Specifications.June 2023HAL
- 81 miscWAVE: Round 1 Submission.June 2023HAL
- 82 thesisImprovements of the differential meet-in-the-middle attack.Université de versailles Saint-Quentin-en-YvelinesSeptember 2023HAL
- 83 misc How can we ensure that (symmetric) cryptographic primitives are trustworthy? Rostock, Germany June 2023 HAL
- 84 thesisGood quantum low-density parity-check codes.Sorbonne UniversiteSeptember 2023HAL
11.3 Other
Scientific popularization
- 85 inbook Peut-on rêver d'une écriture impénétrable ? Déchiffrement(s) : des hiéroglyphes à l'ADN Colloque annuel du Collège de France Odile Jacob September 2023 HAL back to text
11.4 Cited publications
- 86 inproceedingsAn Algebraic Attack on Rank Metric Code-Based Cryptosystems.EUROCRYPT 2020 - 39th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques12107Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceZagreb / Virtual, CroatiaSpringerMay 2020, 64--93HALDOIback to text
- 87 inproceedingsImprovements of Algebraic Attacks for Solving the Rank Decoding and MinRank Problems.ASIACRYPT 2020 - 26th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security12491Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceDaejeon / Virtual, South KoreaSpringerDecember 2020, 507--536HALDOIback to text
- 88 inproceedingsRecovering short secret keys of RLCE encryption scheme in polynomial time.PQCrypto 2019 - International Conference on Post-Quantum CryptographyChongqing, ChinaMay 2019HALDOIback to text
- 89 inproceedingsTwo attacks on rank metric code-based schemes: RankSign and an IBE scheme.ASIACRYPT 2018 - 24th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security11272LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceBrisbane, AustraliaSpringerDecember 2018, 62-92HALDOIback to text
- 90 inproceedingsAttack on the Edon-K Key Encapsulation Mechanism.ISIT 2018 - IEEE International Symposium on Information TheoryVail, United StatesJune 2018, 981-985HALDOIback to text