Section: Overall Objectives


  • ANR has granted the project SONGS (Simulation Of Next Generation Systems) with an attribution of 1.8 million euro. This project follows the project USS-SimGrid (Ultra Scalable Simulation with SimGrid). Martin Quinson is the national coordinator of both project. This acceptation confirms our leading position on the domain of experimental methodologies, and will open the door to future new collaborations. Without being direct members, IBM research and the CERN are associated to this project.

  • Sébastien Badia and Lucas Nussbaum received the Best Poster award at Rencontres France Grilles for their work on the deployment of gLite on Grid'5000 [21] . This work is a demonstration of our mastering and our leadership role on the Grid'5000 testbed. It opens a path for further collaboration with the Production Grids community around experimentation on their software stack.