Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Bilateral Collaborations
This year, we formalized the collaboration on the modeling of storage elements that we had with the team PH-ADP-DDM lead by V. Garone at CERN and with F. Suter from the Computing Center of IN2P3. This work will now be done in the context of the SONGS project, that got funded by the ANR this year.
We also started working with IBM France and IBM Haifa on the modeling of Cloud jobs and resources, also in the loose context of the SONGS project. This collaboration should take some more momentum in the next few years.
Finally, we are working with the team of Jan Broeckhove (Professor at university of Antwerp, Belgium), in a project funded (2010-2011) by the PHC Tournesol program. This project aims at exploring Large-Scale Discrete-Event Simulation of Distributed Systems.
We collaborate with Henri Casanova of University of Hawai`i at Manoa on the SimGrid framework, as detailed in 5.4 . The result obtained this year on the simulation of MPI applications are detailed in Section 6.2.4 .
We also collaborate with David Elizondo from the University of Leicester in Great Britain on the problem of linear separability determination. Our current work deals with the design and implementation of a fast algorithm to determine whether or not two or more sets of points in are linearly separable. We have already obtained an interesting result in 2D whose publication is in preparation. The next step is the extension to dimensions.