Project Team Alpage

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Alpage

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

INRIA Evaluation

Alpage was evaluated during the evaluation seminar of the INRIA team “Audio, Speech and Language Processing” which took place at the Mercure Hotel in Rungis, on October 13-14, 2011.

In the “Overall Theme Evaluation” section, that precedes a more detailed analysis of Alpage's achievements, the evaluators consider that Alpage has continued to publish theoretical contributions in parsing and formal language theory, using statistical and machine learning methods with particular attention to robustness issues in processing unrestricted texts. Alpage is also acting as a developer/providing of open-source NLP resources (lexicons, grammars, etc) for French. These resources are important both for the academic community and for the industrial sector. As a result, ALPAGE enjoys a prominent position in the field, both at the national and international level.