Section: Dissemination
Involvement within the Scientific Community
Programme Committees of Conferences and Workshops
Nelly Bencomo is PC member of the following international conferences: SEAMS '11 & '12, SBES '11, MODELS '12, CIbSE '12, Poster track at RE '11 & '12;
Nelly Bencomo is PC member of the following international workshops: MAPLE '10 at SPLC '10, WCSI '10, SOAR '11, MoDRE '11 at MODELS'11, VAST '11 UsARE '12 at ICSE '12;
Nikolaos Georgantas is PC member of the ICSOFT '11, AmI '11, NAS '11 international conferences, and the CFSE '11 national conference;
Nikolaos Georgantas is PC member of the M-MPAC '11, MW4SOC '11, QASBA '11, MAASC '11 international workshops, and the ICSOC '11 PhD Symposium;
Valérie Issarny is PC member of the following international conferences: COMSWARE '11, ESEC/FSE '11, ESSOS'12, FASE '11 & '13, FMOODS '11, ICDCS '11, ICSE '13, ICSOC '11, IFIPTM '11, ISARCS '11 & 12, Middleware '11, SEAMS '11 ServiceWave '11, Mobile track at ESWC '11, Demonstration track at ICSE '11, NIER Track at ICSE '12;
Valérie Issarny is PC member of the following international workshops: ESWC '11, EternalS '11, MW4SOC '11, Serene '11, SESENA '11;
Animesh Pathak is PC member of ISSNIP '11, S-Cube '11 & '12, and SECON '11 international conferences; and
Animesh Pathak is PC member of SESENA '12 and NPC '12 international workshops.
Leadership Services in Academic Events and Edited Journals
Nelly Bencomo is Student Volunteers Co-Chair at ICSE 2012;
Nikolaos Georgantas is associate editor of the International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI);
Valérie Issarny is member of the Steering Committee of the Middleware and ESEC/FSE conferences;
Valérie Issarny was associate editor the of ACM Computing Surveys till September 2011;
Valérie Issarny is associate editor the Springer JISA Journal of Internet Services and Applications;
Valérie Issarny is co-chair of the Future of Middleware event, co-located with Middleware '11, 13 December 2011 in Lisbon, Portugal;
Valérie Issarny is co-chair of SFM-CONNECT: The 11th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and Software Systems: Connectors for Eternal Networked Software Systems, on 13-18 June, 2011 in Bertinoro; and
Animesh Pathak is the Production Chair of HiPC 2011 & 2012.
Other Academic Services
Nikolaos Georgantas is member of the PhD monitoring committee at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt;
Nikolaos Georgantas is member of the organizing committee of the monthly colloquium at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt;
Valérie Issarny is coordinator of the EC FP7 FET IP Connect ;
Valérie Issarny is scientific leader of the EC FP7 IP CHOReOS;
Valérie Issarny is expert for the EC FP7 ICT work programme, and ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking;
Valérie Issarny is member of the INRETS scientific council (IFSTTAR since 2011) & “Commission d'évaluation des chercheurs”;
Valérie Issary is member of the GDR GPL scientific council; and
Valérie Issarny is member of the evaluation committee of the ANR “Programme Blanc” and “Programme Jeunes Chercheuses et Jeunes Chercheurs” for the 2011 & 2012 call.