Section: Dissemination
PhD and Habilitation Theses
Arnaud Guyader has defended his habilitation thesis [10] , Contributions to nonparametric estimation and rare event simulation, at université de Rennes 2 in December 2011.
François Le Gland is currently supervising four PhD students
Rudy Pastel, title: Estimation of rare event probabilities and extreme quantiles. Applications in the aerospace domain, started in October 2008, expected defense in February 2012, funding: ONERA grant, co–direction: Jérôme Morio (ONERA, Palaiseau).
Paul Bui–Quang, provisional title: The Laplace method for particle filtering, started in October 2009, funding: ONERA grant, co–direction: Christian Musso (ONERA, Palaiseau).
Alexandre Lepoutre, provisional title: Monte Carlo methods for dim target tracking, started in October 2010, funding: ONERA grant, co–direction: Olivier Rabaste (ONERA, Palaiseau).
Damien Jacquemart, provisional title: Rare event methods for the estimation of collision risk, started in October 2011, funding: DGA / ONERA grant, co–direction: Jérôme Morio (ONERA, Palaiseau).