Section: Dissemination
Participation in workshops, seminars, lectures, etc.
In addition to presentations with a publication in the proceedings, and which are listed at the end of the document, members of ASPI have also given the following presentations.
Arnaud Guyader has given a talk on multilevel Monte Carlo for extreme quantiles and probabilities at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, held in Reno in March 2011. He has also been invited by Nicolas Hengartner to visit Los Alamos National Laboratories in April 2011.
Frédéric Cerou has been invited to give a talk on smoothed splitting methods for counting at the 16th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, held in Stockholm in July 2011.
Florient Malrieu has been invited to give seminar talks on non–uniqueness of equilibrium states for McKean–Vlasov equations in Toulouse in March 2011, on long time behavior of McKean–Vlasov equations in Pau in March 2011, on Markov modulated ordinary differential equations in Bordeaux in March 2011, on functional inequalities for mixtures in Grenoble in March 2011, on functional inequalities and concentration inequalities for mixtures in Vannes in June 2011, on ergodicity of piecewise deterministic Markov proceses in Paris in June 2011. He has also been invited to give a three hours lecture on uniform (in time) propagation of chaos for a class of McKean–Vlasov equations, at the workshop on Mean Field Limit, held at IHP (institut Henri Poincaré) Paris in March 2011.
François Le Gland has been invited to give a talk on marginalization for rare event simulation in switching diffusions, at the workshop on Numerical Methods for Filtering and for Parabolic PDE's, held at Imperial College in September 2011. He has also presented a poster on information fusion for indoor navigation, at the DGA seminar on Information Fusion and Planning for Surveillance and Intelligence, held at ENSTA ParisTech in June 2011.
Paul Bui–Quang has been invited to give seminar talks on importance sampling in high–dimension via the Laplace method at the seminar of the BigMC ANR project in April 2011 and on the Laplace method for particle filtering at the ENSAI seminar for PhD students in May 2011.
Rudy Pastel has given talks on splitting methods for the evaluation of satellite vs. debris collision probabilities at the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS), held in Mumbai in January 2011 and at the European Conference for Aero–Space Sciences (EUCASS), held in St. Petersburg in July 2011.