Section: Overall Objectives


  • We developed a seasonal model of interaction between a consumer population and its resource that takes the consumers' behaviour into account. We showed how the optimal behaviour of the consumer during the season is indeterminate or determinate depending on the season length, but also on the consumer density and how optimality has a stabilizing effect on the multi-season dynamics [12] ; this is a step in the study of how the environment and the evolution influence the individual's behaviour.

  • We have developed a novel method for analysis of high-dimensional networks, based on the interconnection of two (smaller) input/output asynchronous Boolean modules. The asymptotic behaviour (or attractors) of the interconnected system, can be obtained from the analysis of the asymptotic graph, which is constructed from products of the attractors of each individual Boolean module. This is a model reduction method which significantly decreases the computational cost of the analysis of large, complex biological networks [33] .

  • The Algotron process at the LBE, which consists in the coupling of a 56 m2 outdoor microalgal production process together with a 1 m3 anaerobic digester producing methane, is now supervised by the ODIN supervision software developed within BIOCORE (cf. Section 6.3 ). ODIN centralises the information from several online sensors and from off line databases to compute advanced control strategies maximising the process productivity.