Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Vincent Loechner is one of the organizers of the Second International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques, IMPACT 2012 ( ), that will be held in January 2012 in Paris, in conjunction with the international conference HiPEAC. He also participates, with Philippe Clauss, to its program committee.
Alexandra Jimborean presented her work about code tracking and cloning in the LLVM compiler at the First LLVM European User Group Meeting ( ) in London, organized and sponsored by ARM Ltd., Sept. 16 2011.
Philippe Clauss has reviewed papers for the international conference DATE 2012, for the international workshop IMPACT 2011 and the french journal TSI. He has also reviewed projects for the ANR, and the Ile-de-France and Aquitaine Regions.
Philippe Clauss participated to the following PhD jurys in 2011:
Date | Candidate | Place | Role |
Feb. 14 | Khamar SAJJAD | Univ. Versailles | Rewiever |
Jul. 4 | Konrad TRIFUNOVIC | Univ. Paris-Sud | Rewiever |
Sept. 30 | Antoniu POP | ENSM Paris | Rewiever |
Nov. 10 | Khaled HAMIDOUCHE | Univ. Paris-Sud | Rewiever |
Julien Narboux participated to the PhD jury of Tuan Minh Pham (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis) in 2011 as an examiner.