Section: Dissemination


    Guillaume Bonfante is teaching at the Ecole des Mines:

    • “Java”, L3,

    • “Modelling and UML”, M1,

    • "Video-games", M1,

    • "Semantics", M1

    • Safety of software, M2

    Isabelle Gnaedig is teaching at ESIAL (Université Henri Poincaré):

    • Module “Design of Safe Software”, Coordination of the module, M2,

    • “Rule-based Programming”, 20 hours, M2,

    Emmanuel Hainry is teaching courses

    • on operating systems, algorithmics, object programming, functional programming and databases at IUT Nancy-Brabois, Université Henri Poincaré (level L1, L2)

    Romain Péchoux teaches at Université Nancy 2 the following courses:

    • Préparation au c2i, L1, Université Nancy 2, France

    • Langage de programmation orienté objet, L3 MIAGE, UFR MI, Université Nancy 2, France

    • Java avancé, M1 MIAGE, UFR MI, Université Nancy 2, France

    • Base de données, L3 LSG, IAE, Université Nancy 2, France

    • Complexité algorithmique, L3 MIAGE, IGA Casablanca, Maroc

    Romain Péchoux was responsible of "Préparation au c2i" at Nancy 2 University up to june 2011 (approximatively 3500 students) and he is director of licence MIAGE, UFR MI, Nancy 2 University since july 2011.

    • PhD : Philippe Beaucamps, Analyse de Programmes Malveillants par Abstraction de Comportements, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, defended 14th November, 2011, Directors: Jean-Yves Marion, Isabelle Gnaedig.