
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1J.-Y. Audibert, O. Catoni.

    Robust linear least squares regression, in: The Annals of Statistics, 2011, in press.

  • 2K. Bertin, E. Le Pennec, V. Rivoirard.

    Adaptive Dantzig density estimation, in: Annales de l'IHP, Probabilités et Statistiques, 2011, vol. 47, no 1, p. 43–74.

  • 3G. Biau, L. Devroye, G. Lugosi.

    Consistency of random forests and other averaging classifiers, in: Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2008, vol. 9, p. 2015–2033.
  • 4G. Biau, L. Devroye, G. Lugosi.

    On the performance of clustering in Hilbert spaces, in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2008, vol. 54, p. 781–790.
  • 5O. Catoni.

    Statistical Learning Theory and Stochastic Optimization — Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics, École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXI – 2001, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer, 2004, vol. 1851, 269 pages.
  • 6O. Catoni.

    PAC-Bayesian Supervised Classification: The Thermodynamics of Statistical Learning, IMS Lecture Notes Monograph Series, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2007, vol. 56, 163 pages.

  • 7G. Lugosi, S. Mannor, G. Stoltz.

    Strategies for prediction under imperfect monitoring, in: Mathematics of Operations Research, 2008, vol. 33, p. 513–528.
  • 8B. Mauricette, V. Mallet, G. Stoltz.

    Ozone ensemble forecast with machine learning algorithms, in: Journal of Geophysical Research, 2009, vol. 114, D05307 p.

  • 9V. Rivoirard, G. Stoltz.

    Statistique en action, Vuibert, 2009, Main volume contains 320 pages, supplementary material of 220 pages is available for free download.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 10S. Gerchinovitz.

    Prédiction de suites individuelles et cadre statistique classique : étude de quelques liens autour de la régression parcimonieuse et des techniques d'agrégation, Université Paris-Sud, December 2011.

  • 11G. Stoltz.

    Contributions à la prévision séquentielle de suites arbitraires : applications à la théorie des jeux répétés et études empiriques des performances de l'agrégation d'experts, Université Paris-Sud, February 2011, Habilitation à diriger des recherches.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • 12J.-Y. Audibert, O. Catoni.

    Robust linear least squares regression, in: The Annals of Statistics, 2011, in press.

  • 13K. Bertin, E. Le Pennec, V. Rivoirard.

    Adaptive Dantzig density estimation, in: Annales de l'IHP, Probabilités et Statistiques, 2011, vol. 47, no 1, p. 43–74.

  • 14G. Biau.

    Analysis of a random forests model, in: Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2011, in press.

  • 15G. Biau, F. Chazal, D. Cohen-Steiner, L. Devroye, C. Rodríguez.

    A weighted k–nearest neighbor density estimate for geometric inference, in: Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2011, vol. 5, p. 204–237.

  • 16G. Biau, A. Fischer.

    Parameter selection for principal curves, in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2011, in press.

  • 17G. Biau, A. Mas.

    PCA–kernel estimation, in: Statistics & Risk Modeling, 2011, in press.

  • 18S. Bubeck, R. Munos, G. Stoltz.

    Pure Exploration in Finitely-Armed and Continuous-Armed Bandit Problems, in: Theoretical Computer Science, 2011, vol. 412, p. 1832–1852.

  • 19S. Bubeck, R. Munos, G. Stoltz, C. Szepesvári.

    X-Armed Bandits, in: Journal of Machine Learning Research, April 2011, vol. 12, p. 1655–1695.

  • 20O. Catoni.

    Challenging the empirical mean and empirical variance: a deviation study, in: Annales de l'IHP, Probabilités et Statistiques, 2011, in press; with an online supplement.

  • 21M. Doumic, M. Hoffmann, P. Reynaud-Bouret, V. Rivoirard.

    Nonparametric estimation of the division rate of a size-structured population, in: SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2011, in press.

  • 22B. Patra, G. Biau.

    Sequential quantile prediction of time series, in: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2011, vol. 57, p. 1664–1674.

  • 23G. Stoltz, T. Michalski.

    Do countries falsify economic data strategically? Some evidence that they might., in: The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2011, in press.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 24S. Bubeck, G. Stoltz, J. Y. Yu.

    Lipschitz Bandits without the Lipschitz Constant, in: ALT 2011 – 22nd International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, Espoo, Finland, J. Kivinen, C. Szepesvári, E. Ukkonen, T. Zeugmann (editors), LNCS / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, October 2011.

  • 25S. Gerchinovitz.

    Sparsity regret bounds for individual sequences in online linear regression, in: COLT 2011 – The 24rd Annual Conference on Learning Theory, Budapest, Hungary, S. Kakade, U. von Luxburg (editors), OmniPress, July 2011.

  • 26S. Gerchinovitz, J. Y. Yu.

    Adaptive and Optimal Online Linear Regression on L 1 –balls, in: ALT 2011 – 22nd International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, Espoo, Finland, J. Kivinen, C. Szepesvári, E. Ukkonen, T. Zeugmann (editors), LNCS / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, October 2011.

  • 27O.-A. Maillard, R. Munos, G. Stoltz.

    A Finite-Time Analysis of Multi-armed Bandits Problems with Kullback-Leibler Divergences, in: COLT 2011 – The 24rd Annual Conference on Learning Theory, Budapest, Hungary, S. Kakade, U. von Luxburg (editors), OmniPress, July 2011.

  • 28S. Mannor, V. Perchet, G. Stoltz.

    Robust approachability and regret minimization in games with partial monitoring, in: COLT 2011 – The 24rd Annual Conference on Learning Theory, Budapest, Hungary, S. Kakade, U. von Luxburg (editors), OmniPress, July 2011.


Books or Proceedings Editing

Other Publications

  • 30P. Alquier, G. Biau.

    Sparse single-index model, 2011, under review by Journal of Machine Learning Research.

  • 31G. Biau, Y. Yatracos.

    On the shrinkage estimation of variance and Pitman closeness criterion, 2011, submitted to Journal de la Société Francaise de Statistiques.

  • 32M. Devaine, Y. Goude, G. Stoltz.

    Forecasting the electricity consumption by aggregating specialized experts; a review of the sequential aggregation of specialized experts, with an application to Slovakian and French country-wide one-day-ahead (half-)hourly predictions, 2011, under review by Machine Learning.
