Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Editorial activities, reports written on articles

Gérard Biau serves as an Associate Editor for the journals Annales de l'ISUP, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics and International Statistical Review.

Olivier Catoni is a member of the editorial committee of the joint series of monographies “Mathématiques et Applications” between Springer and SMAI.

All permanent members of the team reviewed several journal papers during the year.

Report written on PhD / habilitation theses, participation to defense committees

We wrote reports on PhD (1 by Gilles Stoltz) and habilitation (1 by Olivier Catoni) theses.

We were examinators for other PhD (4 by Gérard Biau, 1 by Olivier Catoni) and habilitation (1 by Gérard Biau) defenses.

Participation to national or local evaluation or recruitment committees, to scientific societies

Vincent Rivoirard was elected at the Conseil de la SFdS.

Gérard Biau was elected member of the national council of French universities (CNU) within the applied mathematics section (number 26).

Olivier Catoni is a member of the doctoral commission in mathematics of Universities Pierre et Marie Curie and Paris Diderot.

All permanent members of the team participated in several recruitment committees for assistant or full professors in universities.

Conference organization

Gilles Stoltz was a member of the program committee of the 24th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT'11); Vincent Rivoirard was a member of the program committee of the Journées de la SFdS 2011.

Gérard Biau organized with Pierre Alquier in December 2011 an invited session entitled “High-dimensional statistics, sparsity and applications" at the 4th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing & Statistics.

Dissemination of scientific knowledge to the general audience

Gille Stoltz participated in a meeting [Rencontres S'Cube] between a crowd of 4 professional mathematicians and a general audience; the theme was “Perdre ou gagner, peut-on prévoir ?” and the meeting took place in Gif-sur-Yvette, in May 2011.