Section: Dissemination

Participation to workshops, conferences and invitations

  • Marc Bocquet:

    • MCI workshop, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, January 2011.

    • Invited seminar at NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, January 2011.

    • Invited seminar at Maryland University, Maryland, USA, January 2011.

    • Oral presentation at GLOREAM-EURASAP Workshop 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    • Two oral presentations and three poster presentations at EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.

    • Invited lecturer at GdR Mascotnum meeting, "Journée Environnement et Exploration Numérique", June 2011.

    • Invited lecturer at the "2nd Summer School on Data Assimilation and its applications", Iasi, Romania, July 2011.

    • Invited lecturer at the LMS Durham Research Symposium, "Mathemathics of Data Assimilation", Durham UK, August 2011.

    • Invited lecturer at the TTM 2011 workshop/summer school, "Tracer and Timescale Methods for Understanding Complex Geophysical and Environmental Processes" Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, August 2011.

    • Participant at the ECMWF Seminar 2011 on data assimilation, Reading, UK, September 2011.

    • Invited lecturer at the statistics workshop JSTAR 2011, Rennes, France, October 2011.

    • Invited lecturer and chairman at the OHOLO Conference, Eilat, Israel, November 2011.

    • Invited lecturer at Journée "Fouille de données", Jacques-Louis Lions laboratory, Paris, France, November 2011.

  • Isabelle Herlin and Etienne Huot: invited at the conference "Hydrodynamic modeling of the Black Sea Dynamics" Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 20-24th, 2011.

  • Vivien Mallet, Damien Garaud, Anne Tilloy: “Estimation des incertitudes, et couplage entre les modèles et les données“; invited at the “1ère Journée Technique autour de la Modélisation de la Qualité de l’Air en milieu Urbain”, Lyon, January 2011.

  • Vivien Mallet:

    • “Uncertainty Estimation and Ensemble Forecasting in Air Quality Modeling “; invited at the workshop on data assimilation in air quality models (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, VITO), March 2011.

    • “Uncertainty estimation and data assimilation in air quality modeling”; seminar at CWI, November 2011.

  • Mohammad Reza Koohkan: Oral presentation at the second ADOMOCA-2 workshop, Saint-Cyr Les Lecques, France, November 2011.

  • Victor Winiarek. Oral presentation at GLOREAM-EURASAP Workshop 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster presentation at EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.

  • Lin Wu. Oral presentation at MCI workshop, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, January 2011. Poster presentation at EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.