Section: Dissemination
Participation to workshops, conferences and invitations
Marc Bocquet:
MCI workshop, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, January 2011.
Invited seminar at NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, January 2011.
Invited seminar at Maryland University, Maryland, USA, January 2011.
Oral presentation at GLOREAM-EURASAP Workshop 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Two oral presentations and three poster presentations at EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.
Invited lecturer at GdR Mascotnum meeting, "Journée Environnement et Exploration Numérique", June 2011.
Invited lecturer at the "2nd Summer School on Data Assimilation and its applications", Iasi, Romania, July 2011.
Invited lecturer at the LMS Durham Research Symposium, "Mathemathics of Data Assimilation", Durham UK, August 2011.
Invited lecturer at the TTM 2011 workshop/summer school, "Tracer and Timescale Methods for Understanding Complex Geophysical and Environmental Processes" Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, August 2011.
Participant at the ECMWF Seminar 2011 on data assimilation, Reading, UK, September 2011.
Invited lecturer at the statistics workshop JSTAR 2011, Rennes, France, October 2011.
Invited lecturer and chairman at the OHOLO Conference, Eilat, Israel, November 2011.
Invited lecturer at Journée "Fouille de données", Jacques-Louis Lions laboratory, Paris, France, November 2011.
Isabelle Herlin and Etienne Huot: invited at the conference "Hydrodynamic modeling of the Black Sea Dynamics" Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 20-24th, 2011.
Vivien Mallet, Damien Garaud, Anne Tilloy: “Estimation des incertitudes, et couplage entre les modèles et les données“; invited at the “1ère Journée Technique autour de la Modélisation de la Qualité de l’Air en milieu Urbain”, Lyon, January 2011.
Vivien Mallet:
Mohammad Reza Koohkan: Oral presentation at the second ADOMOCA-2 workshop, Saint-Cyr Les Lecques, France, November 2011.
Victor Winiarek. Oral presentation at GLOREAM-EURASAP Workshop 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster presentation at EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.
Lin Wu. Oral presentation at MCI workshop, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, January 2011. Poster presentation at EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2011.