DISCO - 2011

Team Disco

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Team Disco

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination



  • Sorin Olaru and Guillaume Sandou are associate Professors at SUPELEC.

  • S.I. Niculescu: differential and integral calculus, 60h, L3, Mines Paris Tech, Paris, France; signals ans dystems, 16h, M2R, ESIEE, Marne-la-vallée, France; Stability and control of time-delay systems, 15h, KU Leuven, Belgium.

  • G. Sandou : identification for control , 21h, M2, ENSTA, Paris, France.; signal analysis, 15h, M1, Ecole Militaire, Paris, France; mu-analysis, nonlinear systems, 22h, M2, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France; Linear Quadratic and H Control, 7h, M2, Université d'Evry, France; Embedded systems and Control, 20h, L3, M1, Ecole Centrale Paris, France.

PhD & HdR :

  • HdR : Sorin Olaru, La commande des systèmes dynamiques sous contrainte. Interaction optimisation-géométrie-commande, University of Paris-Sud, 24 may 2011.

  • PhD : André Fioravanti, H-analysis and control of time-delay systems by methods in frequency domain, University of Paris-Sud, 28 June 2011. Supervisor : C. Bonnet.

    Fernando Francisco Mendez Barrios, Low-order controllers for time-delay systems. An analytical approach, University of Paris-Sud, July 2011. Supervisor : S.I. Niculescu.

    Warody Lombardi, Constrained control for time-delay systems, September 2011. Supervisor : S. Olaru, Co-Supervisor : S.I. Niculescu.

    PhD in progress :

    José Luis Avila Alonso, Mathematical Analysis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia, December 31st 2011. Supervisors : C. Bonnet, J. Clairambault and S.I. Niculescu.

    Mounir Bekaik, Observation and control of time-varying delay systems, octoble 2010,. Supervisors:Frédéric Mazenc, Silviu I. Niculescu.

    Abdelkarim Chakhar, Algebraic Analysis Approach to Nonlinear PD systems, September 1st 2010. Supervisors : M. Barkatou, T. Cluzeau and A. Quadrat.

    Ngoc Thach Dinh, Monotony, Internal Observers and Delay systemsMonotonie, décembre 2011. Supervisors: Frédéric Mazenc, Silvère Bonnabel, Silviu I. Niculescu.

    Le Ha Vy Nguyen, H Stability and control of fractional delay systems, September 15th 2011. Supervisor: C. Bonnet.

    Nikola Stankovic, Fault tolerant control for delay-time systems, Supervisor: S. Olaru, Co-Supervisor: S.I. Niculescu.