Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
INRIA Associate Teams
Title: Dynamic and multi-criteria combinatorial optimization on Grid computing systems
INRIA principal investigator: Talbi El Ghazali
International Partner:
Duration: 2009 - 2011
International Cooperation
University of Sydney, Australia
University of Montreal, Canada
Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Canada
Visits of International Scientists
The project had visitors during the year 2010:
Prof. Khaled Mellouli, University of Tunis
Prof. Theodore Crainic, University of Montreal
Prof. Pascal Bouvry, University of Luxembourg
Participation In International Programs
INRIA project 3+3 Méditerrannée PERFORM (2006-2012) involving the University of Malaga (Spain), University of Constantine (Algeria), and University of Tunis (Tunisia). This project deals with multi-objective optimization.
Project FCT MST4IROT: New models and solution techniques for integrated and real-time optimization in the supply chains (Project in Portugal, coordinator Claudio Alves). Participants: Universities of Minho (PT), Valenciennes, Compiègne, Lille and Brunel (UK) : Real-Time Optimization in Supply-Chain.
INRIA STIC-Algérie 2011-2012.
INRIA STIC-Tunisie 2011-2012.