Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Members from the DOLPHIN project team are involved into the following activities relation to the animation of the scientific community.
Research management
Co-fondator and chair of the group META (Metaheuristics: Theory and Applications, ). This group is associated with the ROADEF (French Operations Research Society), and the CNRS research groups GDR ALP and MACS.
Co-fondator and co-chair of the Euro Working Group en Tarification et Gestion du Revenu. This group is associated with EURO (European Operations Research Society).
Chair of the group PM2O (Multi-objective Mathematical Programming, ). This group is associated with the ROADEF (French Operations Research Society), and the CNRS research group GDR RO (Operations Research).
International correspondant for ROADEF (French Operations research Society)
Secretary and Tresorer of EA (National group on evolutionary computation - ).
Direction of the CIB (Bioinformatics Center) of the Genopole of Lille.
Scientific Committee of the Genopole of Lille.
Steering Committee of the INRIA nation-wide ADT Aladdin-Grid5000.
Co-leader of an ALADDIN working group on scalability of Grid-enabled algorithms and applications.
Member of the Scientific Committee of High-Performance Computing of Université Lille1.
Coordinator of the High Performance Computing collaborative research action at LIFL.
Leader of the PPF "High Performance Computing" at Université Lille1.
Member of the committee of the jury to deliver the TSL best paper award (INFORMS: Transportation Section and Logistics).
Participation to working groups
EURO-PAREO (European working group on Parallel Processing in Operations Research).
EURO-PRM (European working group on Pricing and Revenue Management).
EURO-EU/ME (European working group on Metaheuristics).
EURO-ESICUP (European Working Group on Cutting and Packing).
EURO–MCDA (European Working Group on Multicriteria Decision Aiding).
ECCO (European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization).
ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) working group on Soft Computing.
EA - JET (National Group on Evolutionary Computation).
KSO (National Group on Cutting and Packing).
MCDM (International society on multiple criteria decision making)
META (National Group on Metaheuristics: Theory and Applications).
PM2O (National Group on Multi-objective Mathematical Programming).
Special Issue (Graph and Optimization Meeting 2008) in Networks, volume 58, issue 2, 2011
Special issue (edited by E-G. Talbi and G. Hasle) in JPDC " Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)" on "Metaheuristics on GPUs", Vol.71, No.4, 2011.
Organizations of sessions, workshops and conferences
Organization of the Stream on Pricing and Revenue Management at IFORS 2011 (The International of Operational Research Societies), Melbourne
Publicity chair of international conference EA 2011 (Angers, France)
Co-organization of the 6th summer school of EA 2011 (Calais, France)
Organization of sessions at ROADEF 2011 (St Etienne, France)
Editorial boards
Editorial board of the International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics (IJICC)
Editorial board of the International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications (IJICA)
Editorial board of the International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
Editorial board of the Book Series in Intelligent Systems Engineering, Nova science Publishers, NY, USA
Advisory board of the Book Series on Nature Inspired computing, Wiley & Sons, NY, USA
Honorary Advisory Board of the International Journal on Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Optimization (IJMMNO)
Editorial board of the Mediterranean Journal of Artificial Intelligence (MJAI)
Editorial board of the International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management (IJDMM)
Review of research projects:
Evaluation of a three-year project for the ANR (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche)
Evaluation of an open competition Project Proposal for Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
Evaluation of a JEI (Jeune Entreprise Innovante) and evaluation of a proposal for the CIR (Crédit Impôt recherche).
Evaluation of PEPS - PEPII for CNRS
Evaluation of national project fund by Luxembourg
Review of journal papers:
Journal of Soft Computing
Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics
COR: Computers & Operations Research (Elsevier)
Transportation Science(Informs)
European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier)
Journal of Heuristics (Springer)
KNOSYS: Knowledge-Based Systems (Elsevier)
Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering (Wiley-Blackwell)
GENO: Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)
Journal of Parallel Computing
Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems
Journal of Memetic Computing
International Journal of AI Tools
Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
International Journal of Production Economics
Program committees
EA 2011
GECCO 2011
IFORS 2011, Melbourne, 2011
CPAIOR 2012, Nantes, 2012
ROADEF 2011, "douzième congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide `a la Décision"
"Journée Polyèdre et Optimisation Combinatoire" (JPOC), Valenciennes, 2011
ALEA 2011: Artificial Life and Evolutionary Algorithms, as a part of EPIA 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011
EMO 2011: 6th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, Ouro Preto, Brazil, 2011
El-Ghazali Talbi was member of the program committee of the following conferences
GECCO'2011, Dublin, Ireland.
EA'2011, Angers, France.
EvoCop'2011, Torino, Italy, Avril 2011.
EvoBio'2011, Torino, Italy, Avril 2011.
MIC'2011, Udine, Italy, July 2011.
BIOMA'2011, Bohinj, Slovenia, Oct 2011.
MCDM'2011, Paris, France, April 2011.
SLS'2011, Sept 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
HAIS'2011 6th Int. Conf. on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems", Wroclaw, Poland, May 2011.
Workshop IEEE PCO'2011, Anchorage, USA, May 2011.
6th Int. Workshop on Intelligent Informatics in Biology and Medecine (IIBM'2011), Seoul, Korea, Feb 2011.
IESM'2011 Int. Conf. on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Metz, France, May 2011.
ISOR'2011 Int. Symposium on Operational Research, Algiers, Algeria, May 2011.
ICPCA'2011 6th Int. Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Applications, Port Elisabeth, South Africa, Oct 2011.
ICSI'2011 Int. Conf. On Swarm Intelligence, Cergy, France, June 2011.
iCAST'2011: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, Dalian, China, Sept 2011.
GreenITEC'11 Workshop on "GreenIT Evolutionary Computation" as part of GECCO' 2011, Dublin, Ireland, July 2011.
Phd and HdR committees
El-ghazali Talbi was a jury member of the following Phd thesis:
Semya Elaoud, "Genetic and exact methods to solve multi-objective optimization problems", University of Mons, Belgium.
Juan Jose Durillo, "Metaheuristics for multi-objective optimization: design, analysis and applications", University of Malaga, Spain.
Elisabeth Montero, "Calibration strategies for bio-inspired population-based algorithms that solve combinatorial optimization problems", University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
Clarisse Dhaenens was a jury member of the following PhD thesis:
Saoud Larabi Marie-Sainte, "Bio-inspired algorithms for exploratory projection pursuit", University of Toulouse, juin 2011. Jury: A. Berro, C. Bertelle, C. Dhaenens (referee), A. Gazen, J. Mothe, P. Winker.
Jérôme Dubois, "Contribution à l'algorithmique et à la programmation efficace des nouvelles architectures parall eles comportant des accélérateurs de calcul dans le domaine de la neutronique et de la radioprotection", Université lille I, octobre 2011. Jury : C. Calvin, M. Daydé, C. Dhaenens (president), A. Drummond, S. Petiton, M. Snir.
Sami Laroum, "Prédiction de la localisation de protéines membranaires : méthodes méta-heuristiques pour la détermination du potentiel d'insertion des acides aminés", Université d'Angers, novembre 2011. Jury: C. Dhaenens (referee), B. Duval, J-K. Hao, F. Jacquenet, D. Lavenier, D. Tessier.
Julien Darlay, "Analyse combinatoire de données: Structure et optimisation", Université de Grenoble, décembre 2011. Jury: C. Artigues, N. Brauner, Y. Crama, C. Dhaenens (referee), S. Gravier, J. Moncel.
Laetitia Jourdan was a jury member of the following Phd thesis:
Mohammed Amir Esseghir, "Metaheuristiques pour le problème de la sélection d'attributs: approches mémétiques, adaptatives et particulaires",
Presidence of the C2D commission of the Lille INRIA center (Commission Détachement Délégation).
Participation to a selection committee (Position McF 484, Université Lille I).
Participation to a selection committee (Position McF, Université de Valenciennes).
Participation to a selection committee (Concours de Chargé de Recherche INRIA (CR1-CR2).
Participation to a selection committe for chaire INRIA-Lille 3 (COS 2011)
Participation to "Comité de Centre INRIA Lille Nord Europe"