Project Team Dolphin

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Dolphin

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Members from the DOLPHIN project team are involved into the following activities relation to the animation of the scientific community.

Research management

  • Co-fondator and chair of the group META (Metaheuristics: Theory and Applications, http://www.lifl.fr/~talbi/META ). This group is associated with the ROADEF (French Operations Research Society), and the CNRS research groups GDR ALP and MACS.

  • Co-fondator and co-chair of the Euro Working Group en Tarification et Gestion du Revenu. This group is associated with EURO (European Operations Research Society).

  • Chair of the group PM2O (Multi-objective Mathematical Programming, http://www.lifl.fr/PM2O ). This group is associated with the ROADEF (French Operations Research Society), and the CNRS research group GDR RO (Operations Research).

  • International correspondant for ROADEF (French Operations research Society)

  • Secretary and Tresorer of EA (National group on evolutionary computation - http://www2.lifl.fr/EA ).

  • Direction of the CIB (Bioinformatics Center) of the Genopole of Lille.

  • Scientific Committee of the Genopole of Lille.

  • Steering Committee of the INRIA nation-wide ADT Aladdin-Grid5000.

  • Co-leader of an ALADDIN working group on scalability of Grid-enabled algorithms and applications.

  • Member of the Scientific Committee of High-Performance Computing of Université Lille1.

  • Coordinator of the High Performance Computing collaborative research action at LIFL.

  • Leader of the PPF "High Performance Computing" at Université Lille1.

  • Member of the committee of the jury to deliver the TSL best paper award (INFORMS: Transportation Section and Logistics).

Participation to working groups

  • EURO-PAREO (European working group on Parallel Processing in Operations Research).

  • EURO-PRM (European working group on Pricing and Revenue Management).

  • EURO-EU/ME (European working group on Metaheuristics).

  • EURO-ESICUP (European Working Group on Cutting and Packing).

  • EURO–MCDA (European Working Group on Multicriteria Decision Aiding).

  • ECCO (European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization).

  • ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) working group on Soft Computing.

  • EA - JET (National Group on Evolutionary Computation).

  • KSO (National Group on Cutting and Packing).

  • MCDM (International society on multiple criteria decision making)

  • META (National Group on Metaheuristics: Theory and Applications).

  • PM2O (National Group on Multi-objective Mathematical Programming).


  • Special Issue (Graph and Optimization Meeting 2008) in Networks, volume 58, issue 2, 2011

  • Special issue (edited by E-G. Talbi and G. Hasle) in JPDC " Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)" on "Metaheuristics on GPUs", Vol.71, No.4, 2011.

Organizations of sessions, workshops and conferences

  • Organization of the Stream on Pricing and Revenue Management at IFORS 2011 (The International of Operational Research Societies), Melbourne

  • Publicity chair of international conference EA 2011 (Angers, France)

  • Co-organization of the 6th summer school of EA 2011 (Calais, France)

  • Organization of sessions at ROADEF 2011 (St Etienne, France)

Editorial boards

  • Editorial board of the International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics (IJICC)

  • Editorial board of the International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications (IJICA)

  • Editorial board of the International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications

  • Editorial board of the Book Series in Intelligent Systems Engineering, Nova science Publishers, NY, USA

  • Advisory board of the Book Series on Nature Inspired computing, Wiley & Sons, NY, USA

  • Honorary Advisory Board of the International Journal on Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Optimization (IJMMNO)

  • Editorial board of the Mediterranean Journal of Artificial Intelligence (MJAI)

  • Editorial board of the International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management (IJDMM)


  • Review of research projects:

    • Evaluation of a three-year project for the ANR (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche)

    • Evaluation of an open competition Project Proposal for Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

    • Evaluation of a JEI (Jeune Entreprise Innovante) and evaluation of a proposal for the CIR (Crédit Impôt recherche).

    • Evaluation of PEPS - PEPII for CNRS

    • Evaluation of national project fund by Luxembourg

  • Review of journal papers:

    • Journal of Soft Computing

    • Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics

    • COR: Computers & Operations Research (Elsevier)

    • Transportation Science(Informs)

    • European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier)

    • Journal of Heuristics (Springer)

    • KNOSYS: Knowledge-Based Systems (Elsevier)

    • Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering (Wiley-Blackwell)

    • GENO: Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)

    • Journal of Parallel Computing

    • Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems

    • Journal of Memetic Computing

    • International Journal of AI Tools

    • Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B

    • Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

    • International Journal of Production Economics

Program committees

  • EA 2011

  • LION 6

  • GECCO 2011

  • IFORS 2011, Melbourne, 2011

  • CPAIOR 2012, Nantes, 2012

  • ROADEF 2011, "douzième congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide `a la Décision"

  • "Journée Polyèdre et Optimisation Combinatoire" (JPOC), Valenciennes, 2011

  • ALEA 2011: Artificial Life and Evolutionary Algorithms, as a part of EPIA 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011

  • EMO 2011: 6th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, Ouro Preto, Brazil, 2011

El-Ghazali Talbi was member of the program committee of the following conferences

  • GECCO'2011, Dublin, Ireland.

  • EA'2011, Angers, France.

  • EvoCop'2011, Torino, Italy, Avril 2011.

  • EvoBio'2011, Torino, Italy, Avril 2011.

  • MIC'2011, Udine, Italy, July 2011.

  • BIOMA'2011, Bohinj, Slovenia, Oct 2011.

  • MCDM'2011, Paris, France, April 2011.

  • SLS'2011, Sept 2011, Brussels, Belgium.

  • HAIS'2011 6th Int. Conf. on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems", Wroclaw, Poland, May 2011.

  • Workshop IEEE PCO'2011, Anchorage, USA, May 2011.

  • 6th Int. Workshop on Intelligent Informatics in Biology and Medecine (IIBM'2011), Seoul, Korea, Feb 2011.

  • IESM'2011 Int. Conf. on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Metz, France, May 2011.

  • ISOR'2011 Int. Symposium on Operational Research, Algiers, Algeria, May 2011.

  • ICPCA'2011 6th Int. Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Applications, Port Elisabeth, South Africa, Oct 2011.

  • ICSI'2011 Int. Conf. On Swarm Intelligence, Cergy, France, June 2011.

  • iCAST'2011: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, Dalian, China, Sept 2011.

  • GreenITEC'11 Workshop on "GreenIT Evolutionary Computation" as part of GECCO' 2011, Dublin, Ireland, July 2011.

Phd and HdR committees

El-ghazali Talbi was a jury member of the following Phd thesis:

  • Semya Elaoud, "Genetic and exact methods to solve multi-objective optimization problems", University of Mons, Belgium.

  • Juan Jose Durillo, "Metaheuristics for multi-objective optimization: design, analysis and applications", University of Malaga, Spain.

  • Elisabeth Montero, "Calibration strategies for bio-inspired population-based algorithms that solve combinatorial optimization problems", University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Clarisse Dhaenens was a jury member of the following PhD thesis:

  • Saoud Larabi Marie-Sainte, "Bio-inspired algorithms for exploratory projection pursuit", University of Toulouse, juin 2011. Jury: A. Berro, C. Bertelle, C. Dhaenens (referee), A. Gazen, J. Mothe, P. Winker.

  • Jérôme Dubois, "Contribution à l'algorithmique et à la programmation efficace des nouvelles architectures parall eles comportant des accélérateurs de calcul dans le domaine de la neutronique et de la radioprotection", Université lille I, octobre 2011. Jury : C. Calvin, M. Daydé, C. Dhaenens (president), A. Drummond, S. Petiton, M. Snir.

  • Sami Laroum, "Prédiction de la localisation de protéines membranaires : méthodes méta-heuristiques pour la détermination du potentiel d'insertion des acides aminés", Université d'Angers, novembre 2011. Jury: C. Dhaenens (referee), B. Duval, J-K. Hao, F. Jacquenet, D. Lavenier, D. Tessier.

  • Julien Darlay, "Analyse combinatoire de données: Structure et optimisation", Université de Grenoble, décembre 2011. Jury: C. Artigues, N. Brauner, Y. Crama, C. Dhaenens (referee), S. Gravier, J. Moncel.

Laetitia Jourdan was a jury member of the following Phd thesis:

  • Mohammed Amir Esseghir, "Metaheuristiques pour le problème de la sélection d'attributs: approches mémétiques, adaptatives et particulaires",


  • Presidence of the C2D commission of the Lille INRIA center (Commission Détachement Délégation).

  • Participation to a selection committee (Position McF 484, Université Lille I).

  • Participation to a selection committee (Position McF, Université de Valenciennes).

  • Participation to a selection committee (Concours de Chargé de Recherche INRIA (CR1-CR2).

  • Participation to a selection committe for chaire INRIA-Lille 3 (COS 2011)

  • Participation to "Comité de Centre INRIA Lille Nord Europe"