Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Organization of the international conference "Chance at the heart of the cell" ( ), Lyon, 21-23 november 2011.
The co-organization of a monthly seminar (INRIabcd, every last friday), jointly with Inria team BEAGLE, and the organization of a seminar on biomathematics (on thursday, twice a month).
Participation to the "Fête de la Science" sur le campus de la Doua.
A conference entitled "Quand les cellules tueuses se réveillent..." in the "Université Ouverte" cycle of conferences for a wide audience, organized by the Université Lyon 1 (April 19th, 2011).
Associate editor of the volume "Modelling Plant Growth" (volume 6, number 2) of Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., published in 2011.
Reviewer for several applied mathematics journal and biomathematics journals (Interntaional journal of biomathematics, Mathematicl Biosciences, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Journal of Mathematical Biology, etc.)