Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Organization of the international conference "Chance at the heart of the cell" (http://cgphimc.univ-lyon1.fr/CGPHIMC/CHC2 ), Lyon, 21-23 november 2011.

  • The co-organization of a monthly seminar (INRIabcd, every last friday), jointly with Inria team BEAGLE, and the organization of a seminar on biomathematics (on thursday, twice a month).

  • Participation to the "Fête de la Science" sur le campus de la Doua.

  • A conference entitled "Quand les cellules tueuses se réveillent..." in the "Université Ouverte" cycle of conferences for a wide audience, organized by the Université Lyon 1 (April 19th, 2011).

  • Associate editor of the volume "Modelling Plant Growth" (volume 6, number 2) of Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., published in 2011.

  • Reviewer for several applied mathematics journal and biomathematics journals (Interntaional journal of biomathematics, Mathematicl Biosciences, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Journal of Mathematical Biology, etc.)