Section: Overall Objectives

Highlights of the Year

  • Renewing of the long-term agreement with Toyota (4 years) for common R&D studies in the field of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. In the scope of this agreement, Toyota has lend an experimental equiped Lexus vehicle. A new phD thesis focusing on this topic was launched.

  • C. Laugier is in charge, since january 2010, of the scientific relations with Asia-Oceania at the INRIA office of International Relations. He is also member of the several commitees at the French Ministry of Research (MESR) and at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAEE).

  • A patent with Toyota signed in 2010 was extended to the USA.

  • C. Laugier has given an invited talk at the conference IV'11 and a workshop at IROS'11.

  • Several Contracts were accepted : ict-asia PAMM, ict-asia PREDIMAP, ANR Blanc International...

  • C. Laugier was Editor at IEEE ICRA conference Editorial Board (CEB).

  • C. Laugier was co-chair for workshop and tutorial at the IEEE/RSJ IROS 2011 conference in San Francisco.

  • C. Laugier will be program co-chair for the IEEE/RSJ IROS 2012 conference.