Section: Dissemination


  • Master : Robotique de Comnpagnie, 12 heurs. M2, ENSTA - Paris Tech (Manuel Lopes).

  • Doctorat : Direct and Inverse Reinforcement Learning, 12h, Machine Learning Summer School, Bordeaux, 2011 (Manuel Lopes).

  • Master : Robotique Mobile, 24 heures. M2, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).

  • Master : Vision pour la robotique, 12 heures. M2, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (David Filliat).

  • Master : Localisation et navigation en robotique, 12 heures. M2, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (David Filliat).

  • License : Introduction à Matlab, 21 heures. L3, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).

  • License : Projet informatique, 21 heures. L3, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).

  • License : Mathématiques, 64 heures - Université Bordeaux 1 (Olivier Mangin)

  • Licence 2 : Graphe, Langage, Cryptologie, 21 heures. Pôle Universitaire Francais de HoChiMinh ville (Sao Mai Nguyen).

PhD & HdR:

  • HdR: Pierre-Yves Oudeyer defended his HdR, entitled “Developmental constraints on the evolution and acquisition of sensorimotor and social skills”, at University of Bordeaux, 18 May, 2011.

  • HdR : David Filliat, Navigation, Perception et Apprentissage pour la robotique, University Pierre et Marie Curie, 12 Juillet 2011.

  • PhD: Adrian Baranes defended his PhD thesis, entitled “Motivations Intrinsèques et Contraintes Maturationnelles pour l’Apprentissage Sensorimoteur”, at University of Bordeaux, on 13th december 2011.

  • PhD in progress : Natalia Lyubova, A developmental approach to perception for a humanoid robot, started nov 2010 (superv. David Filliat).

  • PhD in progress : Matthieu Lapeyre, Developmental constraints for biped humanoid walking, started oct. 2010 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer and Olivier Ly).

  • PhD in progress : Pierre Rouanet, Mediator interfaces for language teaching in human-robot interaction, started oct. 2008 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress : Mai Nguyen, Bootstrapping Intrinsically Motivated Learning with Human Demonstration, started oct. 2010 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress : Fabien Bénureau, Cumulative, hierarchical and intrinsically motivated learning of robot skills, started oct. 2010 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress : Jonathan Grizou, Fluid simultaneous learning of task and feedback models, started oct. 2011 (superv. Manuel Lopes and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress : Olivier Mangin, Learning of sensorimotor primitives with Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, started oct. 2010 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).

  • PhD in progress : Thomas Cederborg, A unified view of context-dependant skill learning and language acquisition, started oct. 2009 (superv. Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).