Section: Dissemination

Participation in conferences and seminars

Participation in international conferences and workshops

POPL: Principles of Programming Languages

(Austin, Texas, USA, January).

Xavier Leroy gave an invited talk [16] . François Pottier presented [26] . Tahina Ramananandro presented [28] . Alexandre Pilkiewicz and Didier Rémy attended.

TLDI: Types in Language Design and Implementation

(Austin, Texas, USA, January).

Alexandre Pilkiewicz presented [25] . François Pottier and Didier Rémy attended.

PPES: Predictability and Performance in Embedded Systems

(Grenoble, France, March).

Xavier Leroy attended.

ETAPS: European Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software

(Saarbrucken, Germany, March).

Na Xu attended.

CGO: Code Generation and Optimization

(Chamonix, France, April).

Xavier Leroy gave an invited talk [15] .

HCSS: High Confidence Software and Systems

(Annapolis, Maryland, USA, April).

Xavier Leroy gave an invited talk.

Microsoft Software Summit

(Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France, April).

Xavier Leroy gave a talk on compiler verification. François Pottier participated in a panel discussion on type systems. Didier Rémy attended.

AIM13: Agda Implementors' Meeting XIII

(Göteborg, Sweden, April).

Nicolas Pouillard attended.

CADE: Conference on Automated Deduction

(Wroclaw, Poland, August).

Xavier Leroy gave an invited talk.

ICFP: International Conference on Functional Programming

(Tokyo, Japan, September).

Nicolas Pouillard presented [27] .

AIM14: Agda Implementors' Meeting XIV

(Shonan, Japan, September).

Nicolas Pouillard attended.

IFIP DSL: IFIP Working Conference on Domain-Specific Languages

(Bordeaux, France, September).

Na Xu attended.

OSSC: OpenSource Software for Scientific Computation

(Beijing, China, October) Roberto Di Cosmo gave a talk entitled Free/Open Source Software: scientific opportunities and challenges for the future.

Participation in national conferences

JFLA: Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs

(La Bresse, France, January).

François Pottier gave an invited talk.

Colloquium in honor of Gérard Berry and Jean-Jacques Lévy

(Gerardmer, France, February).

Damien Doligez and Didier Rémy attended.

Rencontres de la communauté française de compilation

(Dinard, France, April).

Alexandre Pilkiewicz presented his work on validated polyhedral optimizations. Xavier Leroy attended.

GDR GPL: journées du GDR Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel

(Lille, June).

Roberto Di Cosmo gave a keynote address on Research challenges from Free Software distributions

GDR GPL: journées du GDR Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel

(Rennes, October).

Xavier Leroy gave a talk on [24] .

Invitations and participation in seminars

Julien Cretin presented his work on Haskell's kind level at the seminar of Microsoft Research Cambridge.

Roberto Di Cosmo was invited to talk on free software at the Formation des inspecteurs d'académie pour la discipline ISN (Lyon, March), at INRIA Rocquencourt (March), at the Journées nationales de la MIAGE (Orsay, May) and at the LINA laboratory of U. Nantes (June).

Xavier Leroy gave a distinguished lecture at Texas A&M University (January). He gave a tutorial on Caml and Coq to the DO178 standardization committee (Toulouse, France, August).

François Pottier gave a talk at the students' seminar of ENS Lyon (March).

Tahina Ramananandro visited the FLINT laboratory at Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut, USA, November 14th–20th) and gave a seminar talk on a machine-checked formalization of C++ object construction and destruction.

Na Xu visited National University of Singapore and gave a talk on hybrid contract checking.