Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Collective responsibilities within INRIA

Damien Doligez is a member of the CUMIR committee (Commission des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques, section Recherche).

Damien Doligez is a member of the COST/GTAI committee (Comité d'Orientation Stratégique – Groupe de Travail sur les Actions Incitatives).

Xavier Leroy was scientific organizer of the INRIA Evaluation Seminar for the “Programs, Verification and Proofs” theme (Paris, March).

Xavier Leroy is a member of Bureau du Comité des Projets of INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt.

Jonathan Protzenko, along with two other Ph.D. students, organizes the Junior Seminar of INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, where Ph.D. students communicate their research work to a general audience.

Collective responsibilities outside INRIA

Roberto Di Cosmo is member of the Scientific Advisory Board and of the Board of Trustees of the IMDEA Software research institute in Madrid.

Xavier Leroy was a member of the hiring committees for two professor positions, one at ENS Lyon, the other at ENSEEIHT, Toulouse.

Xavier Leroy is INRIA representative on the Comité de Direction of the MPRI Master programme, and a member of the Commission des Études of this Master.

Editorial boards

Xavier Leroy is co-editor in chief of the Journal of Functional Programming. He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Automated Reasoning and the Journal of Formalized Reasoning.

Program committees and steering committees

Roberto Di Cosmo chaired the OSS 2011 workshop. He participated in the program committee of OpenCert 2011 and co-organized the Mancoosi International Solver Competition.

Xavier Leroy was a member of the program committees of the Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages conference (PADL 2011) and the international conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2011).

François Pottier was a member of the program committee for the POPL 2012 symposium. He is a member of the steering commitee for the ACM TLDI workshop.

Didier Rémy co-chairs the Caml Users and Implementors Workshop, affiliated with ICFP 2012, to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark in September 2012.

Na Xu was a member of the program committee of the IFIP working conference on Domain-Specific Languages (IFIP DSL 2011) and the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Languages meets Program Verification (PLPV 2012).

Ph.D. and habilitation juries

Roberto Di Cosmo was president of the jury of Cesara Dragoi (U. Paris Diderot, december); member of the Habilitation jury of Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (U. Paris Sud, december); external reviewer of the thesis of Paulo Trezentos (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbonne, july); president of the jury of Grégoire Henry (U. Paris Diderot, june); president of the jury of Natalya Guts (U. Paris Diderot, january).

Xavier Leroy chaired the Habilitation jury for Xavier Rival (ENS Paris, june). He was a member of the Habilitation jury for Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (U. Paris Sud, december).

François Pottier was an external examiner for the Ph.D. theses of Mathieu Boespflug (École Polytechnique, January 18), Romain Bardou (U. Paris Sud, October 14), and Jules Villard (ENS Cachan, February 18). He was a member of the jury for the Ph.D. defense of Séverine Maingaud (Université Paris 7, December 13).

Learned societies

Xavier Leroy and Didier Rémy are members of IFIP Working Group 2.8 (Functional Programming).