Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR Algorithm Design and Analysis for Implicitly and Incompletely Defined Interaction Networks (ALADDIN)
Participants : Cyril Gavoille [CNRS LABRI, University of Bordeaux, France] , Dominique Fortin, Laurent Viennot, Michel Habib, Pierre Charbit, Pierre Fraigniaud.
Pierre Fraigniaud is leading an ANR project “blanc” (i.e. fundamental research) about the fundamental aspects of large interaction networks enabling massive distributed storage, efficient decentralized information retrieval, quick inter-user exchanges, and/or rapid information dissemination. The project is mostly oriented towards the design and analysis of algorithms for these (logical) networks, by taking into account proper ties inherent to the underlying infrastructures upon which they are built. The infrastructures and/or overlays considered in this project are selected from different contexts, including communication networks (from Internet to sensor networks), and societal networks (from the Web to P2P networks). Ending in november 2011, the project is prolonged until end of 2012 for LABRI partner.
Participants : Pierre Fraigniaud, Amos Korman, Laurent Viennot.
Managed by University Paris Diderot, P. Fraigniaud leads this project.
ANR Shaman
Participants : Hugues Fauconnier, Pierre Fraigniaud, Carole Gallet-Delporte, Hung Tran-The, Laurent Viennot.
Managed by University Paris Diderot, H. Fauconnier leads this project that grants Ph. D. H. Tran-The.
ANR Displexity
Participants : Hugues Fauconnier, Pierre Fraigniaud, Carole Gallet-Delporte, Amos Korman, Hung Tran-The, Laurent Viennot.
Managed by University Paris Diderot, C. Delporte and H. Fauconnier lead this project that grants 1 Ph. D. and 2 internships per year.