Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
- Master MPRI
Michel Habib is in charge of a course entitled “graph algorithms”.
Pierre Fraigniaud (12 hours) is in charge of the course “Algorithmique distribuée pour les réseaux”;
Carole Delporte and Hugues Fauconnier are in charge of “Algorithmique distribuée avec mémoire partagée”;
Laurent Viennot (12 hours) is teaching “Structures de données distribuées et routage”
- D.U.T., University of Paris Diderot
- Computer Science U.F.R., University of Paris Diderot
- Professional Master, Paris Diderot University
Michel Habib (192 hours) is in charge of two courses entitled: Search Engines; Parallelism and mobility, which includes peer-to-peer overlay networks;
Carole Delporte (192 hours) is teaching “Distributed programming”;
Hugues Fauconnier (192 hours) in charge of both courses “Internet Protocols and Distributed algorithms”.
- Master 2 Computer Science, University of Paris 6
PhD : Mauricio Soto, ”Quelques propriétés topologiques des graphes et applications à Internet et aux réseaux”, Paris Diderot University, 2 December 2011, supervisors: Fabien de Montgolfier et Laurent Viennot;
PhD : Thu-Hien To: ”On some graph problems in phylogenetics”, Paris Diderot University, 15 September 2011, supervisor: Michel Habib;
PhD in progress : Hung Tran-The, Failure detection with Byzantine adversary, from 2010, supervisors: Hugues Fauconnier and Carole Delporte,