Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • H. Yahia is now a member of Elsevier's Digital Signal Processing journal editorial board.

  • H. Yahia has been an invited speaker at AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting (San Francisco, December 5-9 2011). Section: Nonlinear Geophysics. Title of presentation: High-resolution ocean dynamics from microcanonical formulations in nonlinear complex signal analysis.

  • H. Yahia has been an invited speaker for the Assyst Workshop on Mathematics in Network Science: Implications to Socially Coupled Systems, organized by ISI foundation at Torino (Italy) on November 23-21 2011. Title: Local Predictability Exponents and universality classes in the framework of reconstructible complex systems(See http://www.isi.it/events/assyst-workshop .).

  • H. Yahia has joined an official visit of INRIA CEO Michel Cosnard in India in September 2011, organized by INRIA Direction of International Relations. The mission in India consisted first in accompanying the Direction of International Relations for official visits to: Chennai Mathematical Institute, Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Chennai), International Institute of Information Technology (Hyderabad), University of Hyderabad (where a plaque has been inaugurated in the presence of M. Cosnard in the Institute of Sanskrit Studies about the collaboration with G. Huet), IIT Mumbai, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (Mumbai), Indian Institute of Science (Bangaluru), and second, to participate to the Indo-French seminar Modelling and analysis of complex systems for communication, health and sustainable development organized by INRIA and CEFIPRA in Bangaluru on September 26-28, 2011. Titles of presentations: Multiscale methods in the analysis of heartbeat data. Application to Atrial Fibrilation and nonlinear signal processing for Earth Observation. A case study for a physical approach to complex signals.

  • H. Yahia has given a presentation at CRTS and FSR, Rabat, during the first PHC Volubilis meeting, June 7, 2011. Title: : Analysis of complex signals: new trends in nonlinear approaches to complexity, and their application to specific classes of signals.

  • H. Yahia has given a presentation during a workshop organized by Meteofrance on October 18, at the Meteofrance centre in Toulouse. Title: Evaluation de la dynamique océanique à haute résolution satellitaire SST par fusion de données à différentes échelles spatiales (joint work with LEGOS partners J. Sudre, V. Garçon, and CNES partner C. Pottier).

  • H. Yahia has been selected to give a presentation of the GEOSTAT research thematics during info days at the European Commission in Brussels, October 12, 2011.

  • O. Pont gave a lecture at a meeting on CARDIOSENSE action, with ANUBIS team, GEOSTAT team, partners involved in CARDIOSENSE, and Prof. M Haissaguerre team. Title: Analyse non-linéaire multiéchelle des signaux cardiaques. January 7, 2011, at Bordeaux University.

  • H. Yahia has given a presentation at CEA on November 15, 2001. Title: Méthodes non-linéaires en analyse des signaux complexes: évaluation de la dynamique océanique à haute résolution spatiale.

  • O. Pont has given a presentation at CEA on November 15, 2001. Title: Nonlinear analysis of heartbeat dynamics.

  • H. Yahia has presented the results of HIRESUBCOLOR contract and the presentation for a MULTICARO proposal at CNES DSP/LEGOS 2011 meeting on November 18 in Toulouse. Title: Méthodes non-linéaires en analyse de la dynamique océanique et interaction océan/atmosphère: résultats de Hiresubcolor, perspectives de Multicaro et Oceanflux

  • O. Pont gave a lecture at INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest Unithé ou Café on January 21, 2011. Title: L'ordre complexe qui émerge du chaos.